Megjelenés | 2022. December 24. |
Felvételek | 2012-2014 |
Műfaj | electropop, trip-hop, art pop |
Hossz | 50:41 |
Kiadó | Self-released |
Producerek | Mitch Allan - Booga Bear - Jim Eliot - Jason Evigan - Dev Hynes - MNEK - Mojam - Naughty Boy - Biff Stannard |
Tagok | Siobhan Donaghy - Mutya Buena - Keisha Buchanan |
Kislemezek | > Flatline /// 2013. Szeptember 6. - 2022. Június 9. |
<<<<<< | Sweet 7 (2010) |
Sugababes brit lánycsapat nyolcadik stúdióalbuma. Míg az albummal kapcsolatos munka 2012-ig nyúlik vissza, amikor az eredeti felállás újra egyesült és 2014-ben befejeződött, az albumot 2022. december 24-ig nem adták ki. A The Lost Tapes a második Sugababes-album, amelyen az eredeti felállás szerepel a 2000-es One Touch után. A banda a meglepetés megjelenését a közösségi médiában jelentette be, mondván: „Ezt az albumot majdnem 8 éve írtuk, és különböző okok miatt nem jelent meg hivatalosan, ezért nagy büszkeséggel tölt el, hogy a The Lost Tapes már mindenhol elérhető. streaming platformok”.
Az album gyártása 2011-ben kezdődött, amikor pletykák kezdtek keringeni a csoport alapító tagjainak, Mutya Buenának, Keisha Buchanannak és Siobhán Donaghynak a megreformálásáról. 2012 januárjában további találgatások keringtek arról, hogy a csoport újraegyesül, miután Buena és Buchanan is tweetelt, hogy "két másik nővel" és a brit rapper Green professzorral vannak a stúdióban. Buena azonban később ezt tagadta a Twitteren, mondván: "Nincs olyan szám, ahol Keisha vagy G professzor lenne, a tha stúdió körül volt. im jus dolgozom a dolgaimon @ tha pillanat.
Ennek ellenére Emeli Sandé skót énekes-dalszerző megerősítette az MTV UK-nak, hogy új dalokat írt Buenának, Buchanannak és Donaghynak, mondván: "Igen, ez igaz. Írtam a Sugababes eredeti felállásához, aminek nagyon örülök, mert egyszerűen imádtam őket, amikor először kijöttek. Imádtam a hangzásukat, annyira jó volt. Nagyon más volt, ezért örülök, hogy részt vehetek abban, ami elindította az egész Sugababes utazást. Elképesztően hangzik."
2012 áprilisában arról számoltak be, hogy a felállás 1 millió fontos lemezszerződést írt alá a Polydor Records-szal. 2012 júliusában hivatalosan is megerősítették, hogy az együttes Mutya Keisha Siobhan néven újjáalakult, és a Polydor gondozása alatt új albumra írnak dalokat. Az elnevezést hivatalosan 2012. június 27-én jegyezték be az Európai Unióban. A csoport 2012. július 27-én részt vett a 2012. évi nyári olimpiai játékok megnyitó ünnepségén, és képeket tettek közzé hivatalos Instagram-oldalukon, ami a trió tizenegy év óta első közös nyilvános szereplését jelzi.
Az együttes Naughty Boyt, MNEK-t, Siát és Shaznay Lewist kérte fel az album közreműködőinek. Az album eredeti címe állítólag The Sacred Three volt, a zenekar visszatérő koncertturnéja után. 2012. augusztus 7-én Donaghy a Twitteren ezt írta: "A lányokkal a stúdióban. Azt hiszem, az album elkészült!!!"
Az album tervezett tracklistjének demói 2016-ban jelentek meg az interneten. Ez volt az első eset a sok közül, amikor a csoport zenéje kiszivárgott. A The Lost Tapes felülvizsgált tracklistet lát a "Too in Love" eltávolításával, mivel a szám instrumentális részét az X-Faktor győztesének, James Arthurnak ajánlották fel a "Get Down" című kislemezéhez, valamint a "Love in Stereo" -hoz, amelyet végül a Bananarama rögzített és kiadott az In Stereo albumukon.
A kiszivárogtatásokat követően Buchanan egy interjúban elmondta, hogy a csoport új anyagon dolgozik, miután korábbi munkájuk kiszivárgott az interneten.
2018 júniusában Donaghy utalt néhány jogi nehézségre, amelyet a zenekar tapasztalt, amikor megpróbálta visszaszerezni a Sugababes nevet, és elárulta: "Még mindig együtt dolgozunk. Ezt nagyon könnyű [mondani] és megnyugtatni a rajongókat. Erősebbek vagyunk, mint valaha. A dolgok nagyon nehézek voltak, amikor tinédzserek voltunk. A keselyűk kint voltak, új volt számunkra, és a kapcsolatok feszültek voltak, vagy bármi más. Aztán újra összejöttünk, és végig kell menned azon a teljes körön, szinte olyan, mint a terápia, hogy kidolgozd, ki vagy most, és mi történt akkoriban. Most mindezt megtettük." Hozzátette, hogy fogalma sincs, mikor, sőt egyáltalán megjelenik-e egy album.
Az album tartalmazza a '80-as évek ihlette popot, amely leginkább a "Flatline" című kislemezen van jelen, amely eredetileg 2013 júniusában jelent meg, a pop rock hatásokat, amint az a "Summer of '99" -en látható, és a breakbeat elemeit, amelyek figyelemre méltóak a "Today" -en.
A "Boys" című dal szerepel az albumon, amelyről 2013 januárjában egy rövid a cappella klipet töltöttek fel Buchanan YouTube-fiókjába. A klip gyorsan felkeltette a figyelmet, meghaladta a több mint 100,000 XNUMX megtekintést. Ugyanezen a napon a Popjustice kiadott egy három másodperces klipet a kislemez stúdióverziójáról, "egyszerűen elképesztőnek" nevezve. A csoport a Storm Model Managementtel is aláírt.
Az albumon szereplő dalok közül néhányat, nevezetesen az "I'm Alright", a "Love Me Hard", a "Today" és a No Regrets" dalokat korábban a trió adta elő első hivatalos főcímkoncertjükön a Scalában 2013. augusztus 1-jén.
Az album megjelenését követően a ' 'The Lost Tapes' ' a The Daily Mirror beszámolója szerint a második helyre ugrott az Egyesült Királyság iTunes albumlistáján, valamint Svédországban, a Fülöp-szigeteken, Hollandiában, Spanyolországban és Ausztráliában az iTunes első tíz helyezettje közé került. Az album az Egyesült Államokban a 37. helyig jutott az iTunes-on, Kanadában pedig a 17. helyig - ez volt a csoport első erőfeszítése.
01 | DRUM | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Uzoechi Emenike |
3:34 |
02 | FLATLINE | Sugababes Devonte Hynes |
Dev Hynes | 3:53 |
03 | LOVE ME HARD | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Iain James Richard Stannard |
Richard Stannard | 3:42 |
04 | SUMMER OF '99' | Siobhán Donaghy Shaznay Lewis Jim Eliot |
* | 3:58 |
05 | BOYS | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Shaznay Lewis Uzoechi Emenike Ash Howes Richard Stannard |
* |
3:05 |
06 | METAL HEART | Sugababes Paul Simm Cameron McVey |
* | 4:25 |
Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Wayne Hector Ash Howes Richard Stannard |
* | 4:29 |
08 | NO REGRETS | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Iain James Luke Juby Ben Harrison Felix Howard Harry Craze Hugo Chegwin |
* | 4:01 |
09 | TODAY | Sugababes Gifty Dankwah Uzoechi Emenike |
MNEK | 3:42 |
10 | VICTORY | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Sia Furler Jason Evigan Mitch Allan |
* |
3:12 |
11 | I'M ALRIGHT | Siobhán Donaghy Iain James Seton Daunt Ash Howes Richard Stannard Bradford Ellis |
* |
4:04 |
12 | I LAY DOWN | Keisha Buchanan Siobhán Donaghy Paul Simm Cameron McVey |
* |
4:08 |
13 | BACK IN THE DAY | Sugababes James Murray Mustafa Omer |
* | 4:23 |
14 | BACK TO LIFE | Sugababes Darren Lewis Ed Drewett Tunde Babalola |
* | 3:64 |
15 | BREATHE ME | Sia Furler Dan Carey Mikkel Eriksen Tor Erik Hermansen |
* | 4:17 |
16 | ONLY YOU | Sugababes Ash Howes Richard Stannard |
* | 4:11 |
FLATLINE Mutya Keisha Siobhan angol lánycsoport dal, amely a Sugababes csoport eredeti felállásából áll. A trió írta Dev Hynes brit művész mellett, aki szintén előállította. A digitális kiskereskedőkön keresztül szeptember 6-án adta ki a Polydor Records, aki 2012-ben írta alá a zenekart. Ez egy synth-pop dal, amelyben a dobok és a férfiak a hátsó ének fokozatosan erősebbé válik, amíg az éghajlati rész nem lesz. Lírai módon a kapcsolat romlásával foglalkozik.
Mutya Keisha Siobhan angol lánycsoport dal, amely a Sugababes csoport eredeti felállásából áll. A trió írta Dev Hynes brit művész mellett, aki szintén előállította. A digitális kiskereskedőkön keresztül szeptember 6-án adta ki a Polydor Records, aki 2012-ben írta alá a zenekart. Ez egy synth-pop dal, amelyben a dobok és a férfiak a hátsó ének fokozatosan erősebbé válik, amíg az éghajlati rész nem lesz. Lírai módon a kapcsolat romlásával foglalkozik.
2012 áprilisában arról számoltak be, hogy a Sugababes eredeti felállása 1 millió font értékű lemezszerződést írt alá a Polydor Records -szal. 012 júliusában hivatalosan is megerősítették, hogy a csapat Mutya Keisha Siobhan néven átalakult, és dalokat írt egy új albumhoz a Polydor néven. A nevet 2012. június 27-én jegyezték be hivatalosan az Európai Unióban.
A Flatline-t Keisha Buchanan , Mutya Buena és Siobhán Donaghy írta Dev Hynes brit zenész mellett. Teljes egészében Los Angelesben fejlesztették ki és vették fel 2013 februárjában, miután Mutya Keisha Siobhanként debütálták az anyag nagy részét. A csoport kifejezetten a városba ment, hogy felvegyenek egy "Killer" kislemezt az albumukhoz. Los Angelesbe utazva a trió teljes egészében a dalt komponálta a városban töltött első napon. Hynes véletlenszerűen kezdett billentyűzni és basszusgitározni, és meghívta a triót, hogy „vibe vele”. A csoport aA Coldplay által befolyásolt hangzás a dal refrénjében, azonban miután rájött, hogy a hangjuk nem "elég férfias", Hynes felvette a kapcsolatot a Spector zenekar tagjával, Fred Macphersonnal, hogy énekeljen háttéréneket a számhoz.
2013. június 4-én Mutya Keisha Siobhan bejelentette a dal címét. Később június 13-án feltöltötték a szám egyperces, tizenegy másodperces előzetesét a hivatalos SoundCloud oldalukra . A szám megjelenését az Egyesült Királyságban és Írországban eredetileg 2013. szeptember 1-re tervezték, de aztán ismeretlen okok miatt szeptember 15-re halasztották. A megjelenés dátumát ezután másodszor is megváltoztatták, előrehozva szeptember 6-ára. Az aktuális dal megjelenését megelőzte, hogy a Polydor egy EP-t küldött a digitális kiskereskedőknek, benne a dal 4 remixével.
TODAY Sugababes nyolcadik stúdióalbumának, a The Lost Tapesnek a kilencedik száma. Gifty Dankwah, Keisha Buchanan, MNEK, Mutya Buena és Siobhán Donaghy írta. Bár hivatalosan nem jelentették be kislemezként, ez az első dal, amelyet az album 2022. december 24-i megjelenése után reklámoztak.
A "Today" volt az első dal, amelyet az MNEK Mutya Buenával, Keisha Buchanannal és Siobhán Donaghyval vett fel, mielőtt hivatalosan visszatértek Mutya Keisha Siobhan néven 2013-ban. A meghívást a lányok akkori menedzsere és régóta munkatársa, a 17 éves Felix Howard kapta. -a régi MNEK társszerzője és producere volt a dalnak a csoporttal az első találkozásuk után "valami sós görög ételt evett Shoreditchben".
Az MNEK szerint a "Today" volt Mutya Keisha Siobhan első kislemeze. A Popjustice 2013-as interjújában Donaghy utalt rá, hogy a dal lesz a második kislemezük a Flatline után. Egy hirtelen kihagyás óta azonban az album – beleértve a „Today”-t is – 2013-ban és a következő években csak 2022-ben jelent meg.
THREE SACRED THREE TOUR (2013. November 8-15.) Mutya Keisha Siobhan első és egyetlen koncertturnéja, amely november 8-án kezdődött és november 15-én ért véget. A csapat egy válogatást adott elő új dalokból az akkor hamarosan megjelenő debütáló albumukról, valamint régi számokból, amikor a csoport a Sugababes együttes tagja volt.
uk TOUR 2022 (2022. oKTÓBER 17. - November 7.) A UK Tour 2022 egy főkoncert turné, amelynek a Sugababes brit lánycsapat ad otthont. A turné 2022. október 17-én kezdődött és 2022. november 7-én ért véget.
Bár hivatalosan nem jelentették be a The Lost Tapes népszerűsítését, a Sugababes 2022 októberében és novemberében turnéra indult az Egyesült Királyságban. A csoport az összes felállást felölelő dalokat adott elő, és Kara Marni londoni énekesnő támogatta őket. A setlist tartalmazta a "Today" és a "Love Me Hard" dalokat is a The Lost Tapes-tól, amelyeket a turné idején hivatalosan nem adtak ki. Buchanan szerint a korábbi Sugababes-tagok, Heidi Range és Amelle Berrabah messziről támogatják a csoportot.
AUSTRALIAN TOUR (2023. Február 23-27.) Sugababes brit lányegyüttes 3 napos mini koncertturnéja. 2023. február 23-án, 24-én és 27-én rendezték meg. A turné egyben Sugababes első ausztrál fellépése is 2002 óta.
SAME OLD STORY (Blood Orange Remix) (contains elements of "I Lay Down")
ABOUT YOU NOW (shortened)
ONE NIGHT ONLY (2023. Szeptember 15.) a Sugababes első főcímes arénakoncertje 2023. szeptember 15-én a londoni The O2 Arénában. Eredeti tagként támogatta a banda ünnepi örökségét, és a One Touch, az Angels with Dirty Faces, a Three, a Taller in More Ways, az Angels with Dirty Faces, a Change és a The Lost Tapes dalait adta elő. A koncertet teltházas előadásnak minősítették.
Háttér 2022. november 29-én a Sugababes bejelentette, hogy 2023 szeptemberében egyszeri show-t fognak játszani az O2 Arénában, ami valaha volt legnagyobb főszereplős műsoruk. Shygirl brit zenész és DJ volt a támogató.
A csoport a One Touch, a "Lush Life" és a "One Foot In" One Touch egyvelegét adta elő. Karrierjük korai klipjei játszották a hátterüket a show során, beleértve a bandával készített egyik első interjút a műsor egyik közjátékaként. A megjelenés napjával egy időben a csoport élőben debütált a "When The Rain Comes" című kislemezzel.
RUN FOR COVER (Original into the MNEK Remix)
OVERLOAD (Original into the Majestic Remix)
GARAGE MEDLEY ("Imagine" (Shola Ama), "Booo!" (Sticky feat. Ms. Dynamite), "Battle" (Wookie), "Sorry" (Monsta Boy))
That I love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum, love it when you b—
Baby, baby, you do me wrong, turned away so I move on
You called me things that hurt me, so, quit the big stuff, cut enough
'Cause I love it when you beat my
That I love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you bеat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum, lovе it when you, love it when you
Love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum
I take the punches, watch me fall
Hurt me, baby, I play dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
That I love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum, love it when you, love it when you
Love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum
Beat it like you mean to take control, let's burn this night up, I'm on overload
There's no limits to where we can go, feel the rhythm of your soul, Oh
Love you when you beat that drum, love you when you beat that drum
Love you when, love you when, I love you when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum ('Cause I love it when you beat my)
Love you when you beat that drum, love you when you beat that drum
Love you when, love you when, I love you when you beat that drum
Love you when you beat that drum (Cuz' I love it- b-b-beat my, t-t-b-beat my)
That I love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you beat that drum ('Cause I love it when you beat my)
Love it when you beat that drum, love it when you beat that drum
Love it when you, love it when you, love it when you beat that drum
'Cause I love it when you beat my drum (Drum)
Painting me without any warning, barely even notice all of my needs
What I want, I need, yeah, yeah, give me all your lovin', come give me
What I want (What I want) what I need (What I need)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Yeah) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I love it when you beat that drum
I love you when you beat that drum (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I love it when, I love it when
I love it when you beat that drum (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I love it when you beat that drum
Don't say it, no, please wait till we're sober
Don't play a sad song, put your guitar back down
The change was obvious, so miscellaneous, we used to live it up
Remember baby, but like a pack of cards, the king and queen of hearts all fall down
Stay gone, darling I won't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
Oh no, darling I can't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
(Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh)
I know what I face, this silence is deafening
I know crying through pain won't make it right, right, yeah
The change was obvious, so miscellaneous, we used to live it up
Remember baby, but like a pack of cards, the king and queen of hearts all fall down
Stay gone, darling I won't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
Oh no, darling I can't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
Oh baby, I'm running every red light
Look at me, holding on to me too tight
Evidently, we're never gonna make it home
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh (Don't want to be in love)
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh no, darling I can't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
Stay gone, darling I won't hang on, I can feel a flatline, that ought to be a wave
That ought to be a wave (Stay gone, hang on, there ought to be)
Lay on my pillow, tell me anything
'Cause I will believe it, more than I'll admit
No more lonely, now you're here hold me
Don't wait, cover me, cover me
With arms unfolding, I'll throw these shields away
And you let me know you won't let me go, I know it though I'm not afraid to fall
'Cause you love me so, so physical, oh, Don't have to speak at all
Follow my shadow, make the pieces fit
'Cause I won't deceive you, I'll take the force of it
No start, no ending
No language gеtting in the way, cover me, covеr me
With arms unfolded, I'll throw these shields away
And you let me know you won't let me go, I know it cause I'm not afraid to fall
Cause you love me so, so physical, oh, don't have to speak at all
Open up to me, give me intimacy, turn into lovers, completely, oh
Hurting my heart, 'cause you love me hard
All of these burns cease to matter, these scars are getting better
Maybe 'cause you love me to the bone
Put on a stage so dramatic, it's yours, you can have it all
And you let me know you won't let me go, I know it cause I'm not afraid to fall
(Cause you love me so, so physical, oh (Harmony))
(Don't have to speak at all (Harmony))
Open up to me, give me intimacy, turn into lovers, completely, oh
Hurting my heart, 'cause you love me hard
You love me hard, you love me hard, hurting my heart, cause you love me hard
Got your photo by my tear-stained pillow, reminding me of good times
I keep the letter you wrote and posted, running over my mind
Miss the feeling of the warm sun, shining bright like the good memories
When it leaves me in the morning
What we were, what we stood for, forever will stay with me
We were young and living it crazy, burning the candle bright, all night
Just dancing, baby no sleeping, summer of '99
We lived the story from our hearts, we were the movement of our race
All this well-meaning, suddenly leaving, summer of 1999
I saw you by the old park entrance, thought we could turn back time
When we believed that we were going places, having the time of our lives
Miss the feeling of the warm sun, shining bright like the good memories
When it leaves me in the morning
What we were, what we stood for, forever will stay with me
We were young and living it crazy, burning the candle bright, all night
Just dancing, baby no sleeping, summer of '99
We lived the story from our hearts, we were the movement of our race
All this well-meaning, suddenly leaving, summer of 1999
Summer (Summertime) summer (Summer) summer of '99
Summer (Summertime) summer (Summer) summer of 1999
The past, hold fast, memories, same time, same place, you and me
No matter how longer, it'll never be over
I'll always wonder if we could have lived forever
We were young and living it crazy, burning the candle bright, all night
Just dancing, baby no sleeping, summer of '99
We lived the story from our hearts, we were the movement of our race
All this well-meaning, suddenly leaving, summer of 1999
Summer (Summertime) summer (Summer) summer of '99
Summer (Summertime) summer (Summer) summer of 1999
We lived the story from our hearts, we were the movement of our race
All this well-meaning, suddenly leaving, summer of 1999
Summer (Summertime) summer (Summer) summer of '99
(E-e-ey) (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey) (E-e-ey)
Never love anyone, that will make you feel, ordinary, oh, baby (He-e-ey)
I'm observing, that I'm not the only one, that's getting hurt in love, there's other ladies
Boy, stop, step away, I've got no time for Mr. Messy Heartbreak
So stop, not today, think you can break me, but just watch me get away
Found out you took a dinner, on my credit card receipt, the other week, why, baby?
Call it women's intuition, or maybe telepathy, either way, I'm not crazy
Boy, stop, step away (Boy, stop, step away)
I've got no time for Mr. Messy Heartbreak
So stop, not today (Not today)
Think you can break me, nut just watch me get away
We're over, so over, thought you could diss me, then come kiss me, I told ya (E-e-ey)
We're over, so over
I'm little missy, sitting pretty tonight (E-e-ey) (Yea-a-ah) (Sitting pretty tonight)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) B-Bo-Boy, stop!
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh, o-o-oh, oooh) (Sitting pretty to-...)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) (Yea-a-ah) B-Bo-Boy, stop!
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh, o-o-oh, oooh) (Sitting pretty tonight)
(E-e-ey, e-e-ey, e-e-ey) (Ove-e-er) (Sitting pretty tonight)
(Stop, -top, -top, -top, -top-top, -top, -top, -top, -top)
Boy, stop, step awa-, step away-way-way! (Step awa-a-ay!)
Boy, stop, step away
I've got no time for Mr. Messy Heartbreak (Just a messy heartbreak)
So stop, not today (O-o-oh, o-o-oh)
Think you can break me, but just watch me get away (O-o-oh, o-o-oh)
We're over, so over, thought you could diss me, then come kiss me, I told ya (E-e-ey)
We're over, so over (We're ove-e-er)
I'm little missy, sitting pretty tonight (Sitting pretty tonight)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) (Sitting pretty tonight)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) (Boys will be boys for life) (Yea-a-ah)
B-Bo-Boy, stop! (Sitting pretty tonight)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh, o-o-oh, oooh) (Boys will be boys, ove-e-er)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) (Sitting pretty tonight, boys will be boys for life)
B-Bo-Boy, stop! (Boys will be boys for life)
(O-o-oh, o-o-oh) (Life, life, life) (O-o-oh, oh) (Yea-a-ay) B-Bo-Boy, stop!
I don't wanna feel this down, but I feel blue
I don't like to scream and shout, but the hate's on you
(I feel like some kind of slave, chained to this pain in my heart
You treat me just like your maid, or one of your spare car parts (Harmony))
You've got a medal, it's made of metal, you've got a metal heart
No flower petal, foot to the pedal, been killing me from the start
I've taken this way too long, couldn't pull away
Feelings may run too strong, resistance at play
(I'm gonna hit the road, old innocence
No pain and no more load, cCause we're past tense (Harmony))
You've got a medal, it's made of metal, you've got a metal heart
No flower petal, foot to the pedal, been killing me from the start
You don't know what feelings are, cause you've got a metal heart
You don't know what compassion is, but my feelings are off the chart
When there's lying, things get so confused
I'm not trying to dispute, it's a crying shame
(The way that you played me, so I'm using my parachute (Harmony))
You've got a medal, it's made of metal, you've got a metal heart
No flower petal, foot to the pedal, been killing me from the start
You've got a medal, it's made of metal, you've got a metal heart
No flower petal, foot to the pedal, been killing me from the start
You don't know what feelings are, cause you've got a metal heart
You don't know what compassion is, but my feelings are off the chart
You don't know what love is, you don't know what love is, my feelings are off the chart
Can't be on my own, the only thing I feel is numb
Giving you my all, but you’ve been loving me wrong
Guess it's the truth that hurts this time, more than lies
You've already let me down, I’m not that tough
I was addicted to the rush, that something in your touch
Now I can't even dance alone, cause the beat is gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
Eventually too little, just became too much
You left me with a heart of stone, now the beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
Build another home, trying not to self-destruct
Who wants to be alone, I'll try to keep the music going
Did you read my mind, cause you played out all my fears
You already let me down, wasted tears
I was addicted to the rush, that something in your touch
Now I can't even dance alone, cause the beat is gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
Eventually too little, just became too much
You left me with a heart of stone, now the beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
Now the world is out of time
I can't feel this heart of mine, whenever you're near it feels wrong
Thought that when I saw your face
I'd remember all, but the beat is gone
I was addicted to the rush, that something in your touch
Now I can't even dance alone, cause the beat is gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
Eventually too little, just became too much
You left me with a heart of stone, now the beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
The beat is gone, gone, gone, gone
You are my eyes when I can't see
I'm hopeful about tomorrow, 'cause you're with me
When I lose strength you're my IV, yeah you keep me going
No regrets just honesty
Who knew moving on could feel so free, no matter what, we have it all
I don't wanna feel like I'm hiding
Don't wanna listen to silence, no I, I choose life
It's okay, it's alright I'm on fire
'Cause now I have everything I desire, yeah I, I choose life, I choose life
I was falling, you caught me, now I'm not alone
In your arms, I feel so safe from harm, never wanted this to change
Where you go, I follow, I hope you feel the same, yeah
When we breathe I think we feel the same, yeah
Enemies, I hope we clear the air yeah
No heart is hollow, what's past is intro, and everything else follows
I don't wanna feel like I'm hiding
Don't wanna listen to silence, no I, I choose life
It's okay, it's alright I'm on fire
'Cause now I have everything I desire, yeah I, I choose life, I choose life
I don't wanna feel like I'm hiding
Don't wanna listen to silence, no I, I choose life
It's okay, it's alright I'm on fire
'Cause now I have everything I desire, yeah I, I choose life, I choose life
Here we go again in our darkest hour
Feeling hopeless and alone but we'll try
(I feel it) Somethings taken over me like I lost the power
Searching for a remedy I can't find
When it's life with no light, icy pain, all ashamed, no love
Where there's hate, you're afraid, are we going to waste?
So if we take the lead and achieve, what we dare to dream
Not a want, but a need, of a place to be
Feelings of yеsterday, I can see them floating away
I don't wanna hurt no more, and I don't feel likе running away
And now I'm living for, I'm living for, I'm living for today
I am living for, I'm living for today
Feelings of yesterday, I can see them floating away away, today
Here I go again in my darkest hour
Feeling hopeless and, alone but I won't cry
And if we take the lead and achieve, what we dare to dream
Not a want, but a need, of a place to be
Feelings of yеsterday, I can see them floating away
I don't wanna hurt no more, and I don't feel likе running away
And now I'm living for, I'm living for, I'm living for today
I am living for, I'm living for today
Feelings of yesterday, I can see them floating away away, today
Thoughts try to destroy you
And deafen so you can't hear me (Oh yeah)
Things taken for granted
But now I know that we were meant to be
Feelings of yеsterday, I can see them floating away (Oh no and I)
I don't wanna hurt no more, and I don't feel likе running away (feel like running away, yeah)
And now I'm living for, I'm living for, I'm living for today
I am living for, I'm living for today (Today)
Feelings of yesterday, I can see them floating away away, today
Feelings of yesterday, we living for, I'm living for today
Feelings of yesterday, we living for, I'm living for today
Feelings of yesterday, we living for, I'm living for today
Mhm, mhm
You took it to the edge and peer, over and you're wondering
If you've got the guts to jump, wonder, have you had enough?
Well, baby, you've been sitting up bad, don't you feel this too shall pass?
I ain't giving up on us, if you're falling down I'll pick you up
I went to war for you, I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you
I could see through, I could see through
You could slip and back on down, I pray to God you wouldn't drown
Now look at you, you've woken up, and everything is new, love
I can never have regrets, I see into your future
I know you ain't finished yet, cause I reach in and lift you up
I went to war for you, I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you
I could see through, I could see through
I went to war for you, I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you
I could see through, I could see through
I walked through fire and back again
I dragged myself through heaven and hell
It was the longest fight, but now, I'm standing in victory
I risked it all and I'd do it again
From the flames watch a phoenix rise
Baby, I'm here for you tonight, it's our victory, it's our victory
It's our victory, it's our victory
I went to war for you, I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you
I could see through, I could see through
I went to war for you, I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you
I could see through, I could see through
(I could see through
The dark into your heart, I went to war for you (Harmony))
I walked through fire and back again
I dragged myself through heaven and hell
It was the longest fight, but now, I'm standing in victory
I risked it all and I'd do it again
From the flames watch a phoenix rise
Baby, I'm here for you tonight, it's our victory, it's our victory
It's our victory, it's our victory
I pack my bag, take my key from off the chain
Far from sad, you know I won't see you again
Or feel any pain, 'cause you're the only one that gets in my way (hmm)
I look around, tryna find the memories
No room for doubt, there's nothing inside of me now
Cause you took it out, and now you wanna know how I feel
You wanna know if I'm lonely
Well I've been alone now for years, I've cried all my tears
I'm alright, you can say that I'm crazy
But I've never felt so assured, won't hurt anymore
I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, alright, alright
Funny, I didn't think that I would
I've made a mess, I'm smiling around broken glass
Now I confess, it kinda makes me feel a little better
I left you a letter saying I know what you did
Who you've been sleeping with
Oh, what a weight lifted off my shoulder
Mama used to say "You'll understand
When you get a little older"
Now that I can show her that I'm good, so good
You wanna know if I'm lonely
Well I've been alone now for years, I've cried all my tears
I'm alright, You can say that I'm crazy, but I've never felt so assured
Won't hurt anymore
I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, alright, alright
(Yeah I've never felt so good)
I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright
Alright, alright (Funny, I didn't think that I would)
I'm moving on, I'm in a better place, the only thing I see is the light
I'm moving, I'm in a better place, the only thing I see is the light
I'm moving on, I'm in a better place, no more darkness in my life, I'm alright (In my life)
You wanna know if I'm lonely
Well I've been alone now for years, I've cried all my tears
I'm alright, you can say that I'm crazy, but I've never felt so assured
Won't hurt anymore
I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, alright, alright (Yeah, I never felt so good)
I'm alright, I'm alright, I'm alright, alright, alright (Funny, I didn't think that I would)
I wanna stay, I wanna go 'round again
Already been here many times before
And I wanna play, please let me stay, power's a game
Don't wanna bend fear, it defies the law
And I want a place where I can go now and again
Already been here too many times before
And I'm gonna pay, please let me stay, power's the shame
Gotta hold and mend it, it decries the fault
When I lay down you can bet, I have found where I wanna be
And all around where I tread, are all the sounds that I found full of love for me
This backward of ways, bad for the place, powers the flame
Don't wanna waste tears, they are tiresome bore
And I got a face that I could show now and again
You 'ready seen far too many times for sure
Now I got a space that I can lay low now and again
Already laid there too many times, oh Lord
And I got a place, follow the race, power's the blame
Gotta hold and mend it, it defies the law
When I lay down you can bet, I have found where I wanna be
And all around where I tread, are all the sounds that I found full of love for me
It's so profound and you can bet, that I have found where I wanna be
And all the love in every breath, all around, in my back, right in front of me
Too much, too many, too little time
No search, no bad pennies, no crime
I wanna play, please let me stay, power's a game
Don't wanna bend fear, it defies the law (When I lay down)
When I lay down you can bet, I have found where I wanna be
And all around where I tread, are all the sounds that I found full of love for me
It's so profound and you can bet, that I have found where I wanna be
And all the love in every breath, all around, in my back, right in front of me
Let's take a Kodak moment, like the ones I saved way back then
Many tears on tissues, now I laugh, cause that was then, now we're here
Back in the days, we took numbers by the dozen
When we showed up, they had left us in the rain, oh, the shame
As time bleeds away, never waits for me, oh
Memories overlook what we tried to forget
I'm lost in the outer edge
Rivers deep, now shallow, as it flows we let go
And where we've been nobody knows
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish, I was a kid again
Another seven AM finish in the studio, then back to school, no time to chill
That was normal, getting changed in the back seat
Falling asleep, forgot our books, and that was real, nothing for free
But I don't think that I've ever missed out
On all the things that I thought were happening, around me
A stone's throw away, yesterday, for me, oh
Memories overlook what we tried to forget
I'm lost in the outer edge
Rivers deep, now shallow, as it flows we let go
And where we've been nobody knows
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish, I was a kid again
Just being honest, no broken promise, cause you get back what you give
Keep on learning, 360 turning, watch it fall in place with ease
As time bleeds away, never waits for me, oh
Memories overlook what we tried to forget
I'm lost in the outer edge
Rivers deep, now shallow, as it flows we let go
And where we've been nobody knows
Memories overlook what we tried to forget
I'm lost in the outer edge
Rivers deep, now shallow, as it flows we let go
And where we've been nobody knows
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, back in the day
Back in the day when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish, I was a kid again
(Ah, ah, uh, uh, uh-oh, ah, ah, uh, uh, uh-oh, ah, ah, uh, uh, uh-oh)
They don't wanna know what's up, they ignore me
The whole town passes me by
I may not be original, but I'm all me
Can you see through my disguise?
Had enough indulging, show a little courage
Had to break down to re-learn
Can't put my finger on it, but I heard your voice calling
I'll hold on if you can stop the rain
Sick of the hard times baby, sick to the heart of aching
But you lift me up, leaving the ground behind
There will be dark times ahead, but as long as you love me
You lift me up, you bring me back to life
Searching for sympathy, I believеd I could never get anything right
I may not bе the perfect girl, but I owe me, to move this mountain aside
Sick of the hard times baby, sick to the heart of aching
But you lift me up, leaving the ground behind
There will be dark times ahead, but as long as you love me
You lift me up, you bring me back to life
Further down the line, I'll show you sacrifice
'Cause you lift me, you brought me back to life
I never had a schoolgirl crush, oh
I never been kissed that much (You're never too old to meet somebody)
Never too tough for a tender touch (Sick to the heart)
Sick of the hard times baby, sick to the heart of aching
But you lift me up, leaving the ground behind
There will be dark times ahead, but as long as you love me
You lift me up, you bring me back to life
Sick of the hard times baby, sick to the heart of aching
But you lift me up, leaving the ground behind
There will be dark times ahead, but as long as you love me
You lift me up, you bring me back to life
Help, I have done it again, I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today, and, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame
Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me
I am small, I'm needy, warm me up and breathe me
Ouch, I have lost myself again, lost myself and I am nowhere to be found
Yeah I think that I might break, I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe
Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me
I am small, I'm needy, warm mе up and breathe me
And brеathe me, and breathe me, and breathe me
Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me
I am small, I'm needy, warm me up and breathe me
Day by day, am I slowly losing my mind
Thinking of ways, I'm not wrestling with the time
My vital signs are fading, right now I'm dancing on the line
So tell me where I'm going wrong and I'll make it right
My head can lead the heart of yours, tethers me to the floor
My heart can lead the head of yours, breaking up our civil war
Don't leave me brokenhearted, don't walk away from me
Don't finish what we started, I still believe
When you love somebody, boy, I don't want nobody new, only you, only you
Seasons change, somehow I find it hard for me to let it die
Can't bring this body to life
Like a drug, I'm needing, woah, I'm dancing on the line
So tell me where I'm going wrong and I'll make it right
My heart can lead the head of yours, breaking up our civil war
Don't leave me brokenhearted, don't walk away from me
Don't finish what we started, I still believe
When you love somebody, boy, I don't want nobody new, only you, only you
(Touch me) If you want me to beg
(Honestly) Anything you want to
(Ask me) Tenderly, you can hold me
(Anything) You want, your heart desires baby, please
(Touch me, touch me) Don't leave
Don't leave me brokenhearted, don't walk away from me
Don't finish what we started, I still believe
When you love somebody, boy, I don't want nobody new
Only you, only you (Only you, only you, yeah)