Megjelenés 2008. Október 17.
Felvételek 2008 Június - Augusztus
Műfaj Pop soul - Funk - R&B
Hossz 49:10
Kiadó Island Records
Producerek Klas Åhlund, Steve Booker, Si Hulbert, The Invisible Men, Melvin Kuiters, Taio Cruz
Tagok Keisha Buchanan - Heidi Range - Amelle Berrabah
Kislemezek > Girls /// 2007. Szeptember 24.
> No Can Do /// 2007. December 10.
<<<<<< Change (2007)
>>>>>> Sweet 7 (2010)

A brit Sugababes popzenekar hatodik stúdióalbuma, amelyet a Island Records adott ki 2008. október 17-én. Elsősorban Klas Åhlund, Steve Booker és Orson gyártotta. Az album Si Hulbert, The Invisible Men, Melvin Kuiters és Max további közreműködését is tartalmazza. Márton. A csoport utolsó albuma a fennmaradó alapító tag, Keisha Buchanan.
Az album általában pozitív fogadtatásban részesült a média és a zenekritikusok részéről, de a csoport harmadik legalacsonyabb és második legkevésbé eladott albuma lett, az Egyesült Királyságban és az Irish Albums-on elérte a nyolcadik és a húsz legjobb helyet. Ábra, ill. A Catfights and Spotlights csak két kislemezt születtek, a "Girls" című nemzetközi tíz legjobb bejegyzéssel. A második és utolsó kislemez, a "No Can Do" 2008. december 22-én jelent meg.


Miután 2008 májusában befejezték Change turnéjukat, a Sugababes bejelentette, hogy csak 2008 szeptemberében mennek vissza a stúdióba, hogy dolgozzanak a következő albumukon, és ragaszkodtak ahhoz, hogy több időre van szükségük egy új anyag elkészítéséhez egy 2009-es kiadáshoz. 2008 júniusában azonban a zenekar tagja, Keisha Buchanan azt mondta egy kérdezőnek, hogy a csoport az új producerekkel való felvételi lehetőségek miatt azonnal megkezdi az új album létrehozását, és június 17-ig a trió elkezdte a felvételt. Gyorsan nyomon követték a produkciót, miután Melvin Kuiters és Si Hulbert olasz zenészek hozták el az Island Records új dalát, amely Ernie K. Doe klasszikus soul-funk dalának "Here Come the Girls" mintájára épült, amelyet a Sugababes hatodikának "tökéletes járműnek" tekintettek. stúdióalbum. Kevesebb, mint egy hónappal később az éves liverpooli Liverpool Summer Pops-on bejelentették, hogy elkészült a vezető kislemez, és ezt "elképesztőnek" minősítették. A kislemez címe, a "Girls", 2008. augusztus 11-én jelent meg.
Az albumot "funkier" hangzással jellemezte Orson énekese, Jason Pebworth, aki a felvételi stúdióban dolgozik a csoporttal. Egy interjúban a Sugababes leírta, hogy a Catfights és a Spotlight lágyabb és érettebb hangzású, főleg az énekükre összpontosít. Az albumot Range is sötétebbnek minősítette.


Matthew Chisling, az Allmusic szerkesztője a Catfights and Spotlights nevezte a csoport eddigi legerősebb show-jának. Úgy érezte, hogy az album a zenekart "a művészi érdemek új dimenziójába emelte, kifogástalan dalszerzési készségeket és virágzó elrendezéseket villant fel a makulátlan produkciónak köszönhetően, amely a lányt egy retro testbe dobja, de soha nem érzi magát elavultnak [...] és a Spotlámpák a lánycsoportnak a sekély popsztárságból a teljes értékű lemezjátszásba való átmenetének valódi tükröződése. ”Lucy Davies, a BBC Music munkatársa úgy találta, hogy az album„ Kate Moss Rimmel reklámjaként korlátozódik, minden fémes, éles biztos és hozzáértő ", és hozzátette:" A Sugababes hangzásának problémája mindig az egyensúly megőrzése volt a keverés és az egyéniség megőrzése között, és itt egészükben sikerült nekik.  A Digital Spy Nick Levine megjegyezte, hogy" A Catfights and Spotlights lágyabb és klasszikusabb hangzású, mint a korábbi Sugababes-lemezek, rengeteg húrral és a szintetizátorok feltűnő hiányával, de nem kevésbé csiszolt és kereskedelmi szempontból gondolkodó." Catfights and Spotlights nevű népi igazság. hts "a legteljesebb" Sugababes album az első óta."
A The Guardian című cikkében Dorian Lynskey megjegyezte, hogy "átmenet az éles modernségről az öntudatosan felnőtt, duffyesque lélek felé". Valójában fele olyan színtelen, mint ígérték, de a fele, amelyet Klas Ahlund svéd dalszerzőnek / producernek tulajdonítottak, hihetetlenül fantasztikus [...] Sugababes-ból mindig hiányzott egy megbízhatóan szimpatikus szövetséges, aki a legjobbat tudná kihozni belőlük: Xenomania Lányok hangosan. Ahlundban talán csak találtak egyet. A Times recenzense, Priya megállapította, hogy" Sugababes megpróbálja visszavezetni a villamos energiát a hangzásukba "az albummal. Míg úgy érezte, hogy a zenekar" az 1960-as éveket hangoztatja saját [és] felidézni azt a városi dühöt, amely beleszeretett bennünket [...] a torokhangú Amelle Berrabah nem helyettesíti a volt tag Mutya Buena lélekzavaros, fülledt pipáit. " A Planet Sound érezte hogy "elsősorban az új producerekkel való együttműködés vegyes sikert hozott a lánybandának". A Teletext zenei oldala "túl sok balladát" jegyzett meg az albumon, "de itt csak annyi kislemez van, hogy ne zavarja a lendületet". Elan Mark Edwards a The Sunday-ból A Times azt írta, hogy "a Catfights and Spotlights 14 pálya van, és nincs közöttük egyetlen pulyka".


A Catfights and Spotlight a nyolcadik helyen debütált az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, az első héten elért árbevétele meghaladta a 23 000 példányt, ezzel az ötödik stúdióalbum lett az első tíz helyezett az Egyesült Királyságban. Ugyanakkor a One Touch (2000) bemutatkozása óta ez volt az első albumuk, amely nem érte el a csúcsot az országos első három helyen. Az album negyedik kiadási hetében kiesett az első ötvenből.
 Január 19-i héten az album 22-zel ugrott 96-ról 74-re, 2000 eladással. A Catfights and Spotlights végül a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) által 2008. november 7-én ezüst minősítést kapott.
 Írországban az album a 18. helyen debütált, majd a következő héten a 42. helyre került. Akárcsak az Egyesült Királyságban, ez is a csoport legalacsonyabb listájú albuma lett, és az első album, amely a One Touch óta elmaradt a legjobb tízből. Görögországban az album a 33. helyre került, mielőtt a következő héten a 37. helyre került volna. Harmadik hetében azonban az album feljutott a 22. helyre.
A Sugababes tag Range a Daily Star Sunday-nak adott interjújában zenei kiadójukat, az Island Records-ot hibáztatta a Catfights and Spotlight értékesítéseiért. Range szerint: "Az eladások csalódást okoztak, de nem hiszem, hogy ez tükrözné az album minőségét, és a probléma a promóció, nem igazán gondolom, hogy rajongóink tudják, hogy még albumot is kiadtunk." A The Guardian 2009-es interjújában Buchanan tovább részletezte:" Még mindig nagyon büszkék vagyunk a [Catfights and Spotlight], annak ellenére, hogy nem ez volt a legsikeresebb albumunk [...] Meglepődtem - én Szerintem a Change-nek meg kellett volna kapnia azokat a rossz kritikákat, mert ez nagyon pompás volt. A Catfights-szal úgy döntöttünk, hogy egy kicsit régi iskolába járunk és visszavonulunk. De ha abban a helyen maradunk, ahol voltunk, soha nem mozdultunk volna tovább."


01 GIRLS Keisha Buchanan
Allen Toussaint
Anna McDonald
Nicole Jenkinson
Melvin Kuiters
Si Hulbert
02 YOU ON A GOOD DAY Keisha Buchanan
Klas Åhlund
Klas Åhlund 3:27
03 NO CAN DO Jason Pebworth
Jon Shave
George Astasio
The Invisible Men
Si Hulbert
04 HANGING ON A STAR Keisha Buchanan
Jon Shave
George Astasio
The Invisible Men
Si Hulbert
05 SIDE CHICK Keisha Buchanan
Klas Åhlund
Alex Purple
Klas Åhlund
Max Martin
Klas Åhlund 3:52
Steve Booker
Karen Poole
Steve Booker 4:01
08 EVERY HEART BROKEN Klas Åhlund Klas Åhlund 4:09
09 BEWARE Amelle Berrabah
Klas Åhlund
Klas Åhlund 2:56
10 NOTHING'S AS GOOD AS YOU Jason Pebworth
Jon Shave
George Astasio
The Invisible Men
Si Hulbert
11 SOUND OF GOODBYE Keisha Buchanan
Steve Booker
Karen Poole
Steve Booker
12 CAN WE CALL A TRUCE Keisha Buchanan
Klas Åhlund
Alex Purple
Klas Åhlund
> DON'T LOOK BACK Kislemez: Girls [2008]
> SPIRALLING Kislemez: No Can Do [2008]


GIRLS Sugababes, első kislemeze, a hatodik albumjáról, a Catfights and Spotlight-ról, amit 2008. október 6-án adták ki. Anna McDonald és Nicole Jenkinson írta, és Si Hulbert és Melvin Kuiters készítette. Fred Falke, Dennis Christopher és Funkerman remixeit tartalmazzák. Mérsékelt sikert aratott Európa szerte az előző kislemezhez viszonyítva, a dal a csúcspontja volt Észtország és az Egyesült Királyság hármasának, és elérte a húsz legjobbat Írországban és Törökországban, valamint az ország ötvenének több országban, köztük Szlovákiában. , Ukrajna és a Cseh Köztársaság. A "Girls" a Dagens Mand, a Taken Out dán verziójának két témája.

NO CAN DO Sugababes, második, és egyben az utolsó kislemeze, a hatodik albumjáról, a Catfights and Spotlight-ról, amit 2008. december 22-én adták ki. Jason Pebworth és George Astasio írta a The Invisible Men, Jon Shave és VV Brown részéről, a The Invisible Men pedig Si Hulberttel együttműködve készítette. A dal 2008. december 19-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban és Írországban. A "No Can Do" egy pop dal, amely befolyásolja az R&B-t és a lélek. Ez a minta tartalmazza Sweet Charles Sherrell "Yes It's You" című művének mintáját, valamint a Motown zene és a The Jackson 5 által előadott dalok befolyásait. A dal vegyes értékelést kapott a kritikusoktól, akik ambivalensek voltak a Motown befolyása felé. A "No Can Do" a UK Singles Chart 23. pontján érte el a csúcspontot, és a csoport egyik legalacsonyabb listájú kislemeze az Egyesült Királyságban. A kislemez a dán és a szlovák légitársaságok listáján is szerepelt. A "No Can Do" zenei videót Marco Puig rendezte, és Allen Jones által az 1960-as években készített popdarab ihlette. A csoport húsz félig meztelen embert használ, mint tárgyak, például autók, motorkerékpárok és hidak.

EVERY BROKEN HEART Eredetileg megjelent volna, mint harmadik kislemez 2009. márciusában, a hatodik albumról, Catfights and Spotlights-ról. De az album és az album eddigi kislemezei nem voltak eléggé sikeresek, hogy megjelenjen a dal.




Here come the girls, mmm, oh yeah (Whoa, water, I don't need no lemonade)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)

Slippin' on my little black dress 5 inches I'm bound to impress
Turn it up, I'm a little temptress Monroe's got nothin' on me
Read my curves like poetry
(Here come the girls) Tonight we rule the world, beware cos here come the girls

Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)

Here the whistle as I walk by shine like a crystal all through the night
One look will make a grown man cry step aside I got a starring role
Camera, Action, Here we go
Tonight we rule the world, beware cos here come the girls

Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)

I'm filled with sexuality with or without a man I feel complete
Stop speculating, I'm a regular girl all independant women know
We got the guts to run the show don't let no boy tell you nothing
You're in control

Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)
Here come the girls (girls, girls, girls, girls)


Are you ready, Heidi? (Uh hum)
Keisha? (Yeah, Amelle?) oh yeah, Let's go!

You messed up from your chromosomes to your enzymes
Remember the time when you took my ride
I had to get it from the impound my favorite revision
And later when I asked you bout it you just said yeah
But then at least you didn't crash if you had some cash
Left from selling my rims on the car parked behind the bar

And baby that's you on a good day and baby that's you on a good day
Disaster is always just a beat away but baby I'm sticking with you anyway

You messed up like when I went to Tokyo
Ffor promotion and got back had a bill for two G's
From when you fell asleep calling me overseas
Asking bout my goal for the cash machine and you just said yeah
But you tried to keep the house key but then your new party friends
Went and called for some stripper and then I just said (fine)

And baby that's you on a good day and baby that's you on a good day
Disaster is always just a beat away but baby I'm sticking with you anyway

And baby that's you on a good day and baby that's you on a good day
Disaster is always just a beat away but baby I'm sticking with you anyway

I want it, I hate it, I need it, I want it, want it, want it, I hate it, I want it, I need it
I want it, I hate it, I need it, I want it, want it, want it, I hate it, I want it, I need it
But you tried to keep the house key but then your new party friends
Went and called for some stripper and then I just said
(you're gonna make it up to me you know you are)

And baby that's you on a good day and baby that's you on a good day
Disaster is always just a beat away but baby I'm sticking with you anyway

And baby that's you on a good day and baby that's you on a good day
Disaster is always just a beat away but baby I'm sticking with you anyway


I've been thinking about, how you've been messing around
Why do you get your kicks from hurting me?
I've tried on giving you up, but now it's time to stop
'Cause boy I see that you're no good for me
If you really wanted my love so desperately (oh-oh)
Then you should have taken time and try to rescue me (oh-oh)

Sorry, no can do cause you're never really gonna make it better
So forget forever now it's time to face it boy we're through
'Cause I ain't got time for your conversations so sorry, no can do
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry

Don't try to sweet talk me no more, cause I've heard it all before
What makes you think I'd want you back again?
And now my mind has been made out, and I have had enough
You've had your chance and now this is the end
You could've handled things a little differently (oh-oh)
But now you're on your own and you'll be missing me (oh-oh)

Sorry, no can do cause you're never really gonna make it better
So forget forever now it's time to face it boy we're through
'Cause I ain't got time for your conversations so sorry, no can do

It don't matter what you say, cause I've gone my separate way
There is nothing you can do to make me change my mind
It don't matter what you do, cause I'm done with loving you
Don't you bother turning back the hands of time

Sorry, no can do cause you're never really gonna make it better
So forget forever now it's time to face it boy we're through
'Cause I ain't got time for your conversations so sorry, no can do

Don't try and even call me on the telephone
It don't mean a thing 'cause I'm on my own
Don't try and even call me on the telephone
It don't mean a thing 'cause I'm on my own
Don't try and even call me on the telephone
It don't mean a thing 'cause I'm on my own
Don't try and even call me on the telephone (sorry no can do)
It don't mean a thing 'cause I'm on my own
Don't try and even call me on the telephone
It don't mean a thing 'cause I'm on my own
Don't try and even call me on the telephone (sorry no can do)


(Tell me baby, baby (Harmony)) (tell me baby (Harmony))
(Tell me what you want (Harmony)) (tell me what you want (Harmony))

(You know you drive me crazy (Harmony)) (drive me crazy (Harmony))
(I've been waiting all day long (Harmony)) (waiting all day long (Harmony))
Ive got a little crush your body's such a rush
So won't you hurry up cause I want to get right up and own you
Its getting hot and now why dont you cool me down
Then I can show you how to make a little babe on your own girl

Hanging on a star
I was waiting round to fall in love and now I know im ready

Cause, no matter where you are
It was you that I was thinking of and now that star has fallen for you

(Listen to me baby (Harmony)) (listen baby (Harmony))
(Your always on my mind (Harmony)) (always on my mind (Harmony))

(I know you wanna kiss me (Harmony)) (wanna kiss me (Harmony))
(Your running out of time (Harmony)) (running out of time (Harmony))

I dont know what you've heard mabey a little bird
Gave you the wrong idea your not gonna get my number
But they dont have a clue how much I feel for you
So what you wanna do cause im not gonna wait much longer

Hanging on a star
I was waiting round to fall in love and now I know im ready

Cause, no matter where you are
It was you that I was thinking of and now that star has fallen for you

Hanging on a star
I was waiting round to fall in love and now I know im ready

Cause, no matter where you are
It was you that I was thinking of and now that star has fallen for you

Ive been dreaming all day and all night hoping that I will one day have you
I dont care if its wrong or right will my fantasy ever come true
Cause im hanging hanging hanging hanging
Cause im hanging hanging I'm hanging hanging

Hanging on a star
I was waiting round to fall in love and now I know im ready

Cause, no matter where you are
It was you that I was thinking of and now that star has fallen for you

Hanging on a star
I was waiting round to fall in love and now I know im ready

Cause, no matter where you are
It was you that I was thinking of and now that star has fallen for you


(If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

(We could just be friends, you know how that ends (Harmony))

If you wanna call it love or call it lust baby when it's just us
We'll be testing like there ain't no stopping us official is my definition
If you don't agree then that's your grief the fun will seize boy
(It's not attraction that is missing (Harmony)) (the intensity is there)
(And the kissing is amazing (Harmony) (I just wish we would beware)
We're fine to show our feelings babe, no games, I'm done with playing those
We should just be friends

(If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

(We could just be friends, you know how that ends (Harmony))

If you wanna call it fun, or call it tease I'll just separate degrees
And really do it in my head
Now trust me I really feel more ready to commit to this, please

If that can't be then let me breathe boy
(It's not attraction that is missing (Harmony)) (the intensity is there)
(And the kissing is amazing (Harmony)) (I just wish we would beware)
We're fine to show our feelings babe, no games, I'm done with playing those
We should just be friends

If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

(If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

(We could just be friends, you know how that ends (Harmony))

Let me tell you 'bout a boy, he's going la-la
Try'na get my ya-ya but he's not commited, so i'ma tell him baby bye-bye
Treat me like a yo-yo papa that's a no-no
If we're not official i'm so much better off solo
Boys are going crazy on a day to day basis (and it don't stop)
I just click and erase
Until they not try to trigger try'na get in my knickers (and you don't stop)

This shit is getting ridicilous iIf a boy's ridicilous
He won't pass my test now
Put me on your speed dial and erase the rest (if you thought)

(We should just be friends (Harmony))

(If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

If you want a sly chick, on the side chick
It's not you and I boy you better get your head checked
But if your mind's right then we just might
Spend some time and we call it what we want

(We could just be friends, you know how that ends (Harmony))


You might think I would know better than this by now
That I should be strong enough to resist somehow
Even letting myself wish is a risk, I know
To let go and to kiss is just asking for the blow
You might think I would see clearer this time around
Now i'm done doing payments for your crimes, i'm done
Then again how can something this sublime be wrong
If you can't stand the fall then you better hold on
This is how it begins with a smile with an inch
Take a mile then again what's another little sin?

(If I walk through my whole life
Choosing the safe side, and staying smart (don't you know)
I'll miss out on the real thing
It's all or it's nothing, that's why it hurts (they go)
What good is an unbreakable heart? (Harmony))

I'm not try'nna tell you nothing 'bout right and wrong
It's a whisper and it's growing into a song
Are you looking for somewhere where you can belong
Won't you come on over here, we got something going on
This is how it begins with a smile with an inch
Take a mile then again what's another little sin?

(If I walk through my whole life
Choosing the safe side, and staying smart (don't you know)
I'll miss out on the real thing
It's all or it's nothing, that's why it hurts (they go)
What good is an unbreakable heart? (Harmony))

(If I walk through my whole life, choosing the safe side
Then what do you know? (Harmony)) (what good is an unbreakable heart?)
(I'll miss out on the real thing, it's all or it's nothing
There you go (Harmony)) (what good is an unbreakable heart?)
(If I walk through my whole life, choosing the safe side
Then what do you know? (Harmony)) (what good is an unbreakable heart?)
(I'll miss out on the real thing, it's all or it's nothing (Harmony))
Then again what's another little sin?

(If I walk through my whole life
Choosing the safe side, and staying smart (don't you know)
I'll miss out on the real thing
It's all or it's nothing, that's why it hurts (they go)
What good is an unbreakable heart? (Harmony))


Standing on the platform waiting for the train
Watching the weather change I'm seeing shades of gray
They say love's a many splendid thing
We've made a mess of everything it's left me wondering
(If it's just a picture, postcard made to teach ya
Some place that you're never gonna go never gonna know
You give all your heart and got nothing to show (Harmony))

Days turn to nights and the nights never end
You break my heart and i'll break
Yours that's how it goes it goes over and over and

And all that we are is just playing a part in the game
You know what they say this ain't a day sun oh it's called Sunday rain

Another tear drop falling down my face you stand there at the gate
But I know I can not stay the part I hate
Is standing here in the ashes of the fire watching me pay the price of my desire
You know i'm gonna go you're never gonna know
I've givin' all and got nothing to show

Days turn to nights and the nights never end
You break my heart and i'll break
Yours that's how it goes it goes over and over and

And all that we are is just playing a part in the game
You know what they say this ain't a day sun oh it's called Sunday rain

Days turn to nights and the nights never end
You break my heart and i'll break
Yours that's how it goes it goes over and over and

And all that we are is just playing a part in the game
You know what they say this ain't a day sun oh it's called Sunday rain


Boy 1 was famous from TV he carved my name into a tree
First cut's the deepest and I left him bleeding
Boy 2 had earned a law degree
He charged me with a felony I stole his heart and pled insanity

I know nothing lasts eternal in life but love hurts forever
Boy 3 worked at the cemetery his crooked smile was kinda sweet
All things must end now he is 6 feet deep
Boy 4 was filthy rich indeed he flew a private jet, but see
He crashed and burned there's just no buying me
I know nothing lasts eternal in life but love hurts forever

Every heart that's broken is a murder one
Looking down the barrel of a smoking gun
Have mercy on me, now the deed is done
Cause every heart that's broken is a murder one

Boy 5 composed a symphony strings and choir just for me
Then he turned deaf it was a tragedy 

Boy 6 lived in a monastery he chose a life of poverty
I chose Channel so much for chastity

I know nothing lasts eternal in life but love hurts forever

Every heart that's broken is a murder one
Looking down the barrel of a smoking gun
Have mercy on me, now the deed is done
Cause every heart that's broken is a murder one

Every heart that's broken is a murder one
Looking down the barrel of a smoking gun
Have mercy on me, now the deed is done
Cause every heart that's broken is a murder one

Boy 7 was a Don of all Sicily
He tried to kiss and tell on me so now he
Sleeps with the fishes, arrivederci baby

Last boy was a director on a silver screen
He went and wrote a slasher flick just for me
When he said cut I took it literally

Every heart that's broken is a murder one
Looking down the barrel of a smoking gun
Have mercy on me, now the deed is done
Cause every heart that's broken is a murder one

Every heart that's broken is a murder one
Looking down the barrel of a smoking gun
Have mercy on me, now the deed is done
Cause every heart that's broken is a murder one


Talk to strangers wonder the woods in the light
Walk the wire and let it so right

Live in the face clef better damager stake your life
Push your luck or let you lie

You be beware (beware) you be beware now (beware)
May you feel the you need, I recommend that you cross the street
I there will be fire everywhere (beware) you don't want mess with me

Roman darkness don't waited your brawl wasting with us
And come winter go on and trappable with lights
Live in the face clef better damager stake your life
Push your luck or let you lie

You be beware (beware) you be beware now (beware)
May you feel the you need, I recommend that you cross the street
I there will be fire everywhere (beware) you don't want mess with me

That spark is in your I am it can't deny it
It on your face the burn the love the danger no one where to save you

You be beware (beware) you be beware now (beware)
May you feel the you need, I recommend that you cross the street
I there will be fire everywhere (beware) you don't want mess with me


I can tell you all the things you ever want to know
I'm just waiting on a chance that you might say hello
People always telling me to take my time
But I can't help that you're on my mind

Never thought that I would one day find, somebody like you

I just can't help the way that I'm feeling nothing's as good as you
What is it that you make me so crazy I'm so in love with you
Baby it's alright if you take me out tonight

Ain't it funny, all the money never seems enough
Don't need no perfume or fancy dresses, I only want your love
So don't you ever listen to a word they say
As long as were together we will be ok
Never thought that I would one day find, somebody like you

I just can't help the way that I'm feeling nothing's as good as you
What is it that you make me so crazy I'm so in love with you
Baby it's alright if you take me out tonight

The way the you're making me feel so alive, so good, so real
And I know at the end of the day I will never be the same

Baby it's alright if you take me out tonight
I just can't help the way that I'm feeling nothing's as good as you
What is it that you make me so crazy I'm so in love with you
Baby it's alright if you take me out tonight


There is no easy way to break somebody's heart
When you know what you're gonna say will leave a mark
But I've tried, and i've tried, and i've tried, to no end
This is the moment that you smile before you cry
Feels like I'm aiming for your heart, ready to fire
Oh I wish it could be different
Wish it could be different, but it'll only hurt you more

If I say that things can change, I'd be leading you astray-yeah-yeah

The stars in the sky are all burned out nothing to guide us back home now
These are the words I've kept inside now this is the sound of goodbye
Lost in the darkness, can't turn back everything starts to fade to black
How can the silence seem so loud and all you can hear is the sound, of goodbye

I know I said that I would love you 'till I die (I die)
That was then and this is now, that ain't no lie (no lie)
But I can't keep on faking I'm constantly making you wait
I don't wanna fight with you but I don't wanna fight for you
Cause things just don't feel the same
Oh I wish it could be different
Wish it could be different, but it'll only hurt you more

If I say that things can change I'd be leading you astray-yeah-yeah

The stars in the sky are all burned out nothing to guide us back home now
These are the words I've kept inside now this is the sound of goodbye
Lost in the darkness, can't turn back everything starts to fade to black
How can the silence seem so loud and all you can hear is the sound
Of goodbye, of goodbye

These words fall out my mouth and nothing feels the same, hey

The stars in the sky are all burned out nothing to guide us back home now
These are the words I've kept inside now this is the sound of goodbye
Lost in the darkness, can't turn back everything starts to fade to black
How can the silence seem so loud and all you can hear is the sound, of goodbye


Can we call a truce
We both have our truths and I just wish this god damn mess

We could try and play it cool when it's going down, I don't wanna fight
Can we call a truce
We both have our truths, and I just wish this God damn mess

We could try and play it cool, I don't wanna fight, to lose you

I wrote a list of my demands, but I left it at a friend's
I rehearsed a little speech, but the whole thing got too preechy
So it seems like I'm back on scratch again
I read a magazine last night, all our issues came to light
I memorised it piece by piece, but I guess it's not that easy
Now it seems like I'm back on scratch again
And it seems like in all the fighting we're losing sight
And it feels like all this time we once were tight
And it seems like we're supposed to be side by side
(All I wanna do is set things right)

Can we call a truce
We both have our truths and I just wish this god damn mess
We could try and play it cool when it's going down, I don't wanna fight
Can we call a truce
We both have our truths, and I just wish this God damn mess
We could try and play it cool, I don't wanna fight, to lose you

I met you never asking sheer advice, to wise up and to make nice
I always thought she was a bore, but then that's another story
And I feel like I'm back on scratch again
And at this show the other night I met your friend the skinny guy
I swear he tried to make a pass, I guess he never was too classy
And I feel like I'm back on scratch again
And it seems like in all the fighting we're losing sight
And it feels like all this time we once were tight
And it seems like we're supposed to be side by side
(All I wanna do is set things right)

Can we call a truce
We both have our truths and I just wish this god damn mess
We could try and play it cool when it's going down, I don't wanna fight
Can we call a truce
We both have our truths, and I just wish this God damn mess
We could try and play it cool, I don't wanna fight, to lose you

(If we can't reconcile then can we just not fight? (Harmony))
(Every second that you're gone I want you (Harmony)) (by my side)
(Another minute with you not around, I just might lose my mind (Harmony)) (oh)
(Was I wrong all the while or were you just not right?
We're supposed to be side by side (Harmony)) (all I wanna do is set things right)

Can we call a truce
We both have our truths and I just wish this god damn mess
We could try and play it cool when it's going down, I don't wanna fight
Can we call a truce
We both have our truths, and I just wish this God damn mess
We could try and play it cool, I don't wanna fight, to lose you


Now if it's love that your running from
Theres no hiding place, no love has problems I no
But there problems everybody has to face
But if you just put your hand in mine
We're gonna leave all our troubles behind
Keep on walking don't look back, we wont look back baby
Don't look back, don't look back

Now if your first love had broke your heart
There is something you can do (oh oh oh)
Don't bring your faith in love because she hurt you (oh oh oh)
All you got to do is put your hand in mine
We're gonna leave all our troubles behind
Keep on walking don't look back, don't look back baby, don't look back

Love can be such a beautiful thing
Though your first love will put you down

And I no I can make your love grow, if you just give me the time
If you just put your hand in mine
We're gonna leave all our troubles behind
Keep on walking don't look back, don't look back baby, don't look back
Forget about the past it wont last the past
Is behind you it can only remind you, so don't look back
So keep on walking, so we wont look back


I'm waiting for my moment to come, I'm waiting for the movie to begin
I'm waiting for a revelation, I'm waiting for someone to count me in
Cos now I only see my dreams in everything I touch
Feel their cold hands on everything that I love
Cold like some magnificant skyline
Out of my reach but always in my eyeline now
We're tumbling down we're spiralling, tied up to the ground we're spiralling

I fashioned you from jewels and stone, I made you in the image of myself
I gave you everything you wanted, so you would never know anything else
But everytime I reach for you, you slip through my fingers
Into cold sunlight laughing at the things
That I had planned the map of my world gets
Smaller as I sit here pulling at the loose threads now
We're tumbling down we're spiralling, tied up to the ground we're spiralling

Did you wanna be a winner, did you wanna be an icon?
Did you wanna be famous, did you wanna be the president?
Did you wanna start a war, did you wanna have a family?
Did you wanna be in love, did you wanna be in love?
When we fall in love we're just falling, in love with ourselves we're spiralling
We're tumbling down we're spiralling, tied up to the ground we're spiralling


Hot under the collar
I bet you wanna take a little something off, so strip it down boy
You like the way my hips, they move up and down and dip
Got moisture on your lips, so strip it down boy

I won’t be offended, if I was the one that had said that
You know that I’m down with that
I’m calling you, you’re invited, boy this party’s bout to get private
I’ve got you hooked that’s a fact
Oh-oh, the strobe light, it’s so bright, let’s get under
Oh-oh, like starlight, it’s so bright, strip it down now boy

Hot under the collar
I bet you wanna take a little something off, so strip it down boy
You like the way my hips, they move up and down and dip
Got moisture on your lips, so strip it down boy

Watch me now baby, I’m gonna keep it real sеxy
You won’t know how to react
And boy you know where it’s lеading, right into the gun and I’m freezing
I’m tempting you that’s a fact
Oh-oh, the strobe light, it’s so bright, let’s get under
Oh-oh, like starlight, it’s so bright, strip it down now boy

Keep your eyes on me, keep imagining
Keep your eyes on me, keep imagining, now it’s time I head my way

Oh-oh, the strobe light, it’s so bright, let’s get under
Oh-oh, like starlight, it’s so bright, strip it down now boy

Oh-oh, the strobe light, it’s so bright, let’s get under
Oh-oh, like starlight, it’s so bright, strip it down now boy

Coz I can see you getting hot under the collar
I bet you wanna take a little something off, so strip it down boy
You like the way my hips, they move up and down and dip
If you wanna get with this, strip it down boy, strip it down boy


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