REAL GIRL Mutya Buena brit énekesnő debütáló szóló stúdióalbuma. 2007. június 4-én jelent meg az Island Recordsnál, miután 2005 decemberében kilépett a brit Sugababes lánycsapatból.
A Sugababestől való távozását követően Buena 2006 elején kezdett dolgozni debütáló albumán, miután korábbi kiadójával, a Universal Island Records-szal szerződött. A Groove Armada Soundboy Rock című albumán is közreműködött énekhanggal. Az első kislemez, amelyet az Egyesült Királyságban adtak ki Buenával, egy George Michaellel készült balladaduett volt "This Is Not Real Love" címmel. 2006 novemberében jelent meg, és a 15. helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyságban. Az albumot megelőzően a címadó dal, a "Real Girl" 2007 elején jelent meg. Az Egyesült Királyságban a 2. helyezést érte el, és BRIT-díjra jelölték a "Legjobb kislemez" kategóriában. A dal Lenny Kravitz "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" című slágerét tartalmazza, és a londoni székhelyű Full Phat produkciós cég készítette. A "Real Girl" a Sex and the City 2. kötetében is szerepelt: More Music Soundtrack. Buena debütáló albuma, a Real Girl a 10. helyet érte el a brit albumlistán. A Groove Armada táncduóval közösen készített Song 4 Mutya (Out of Control) 2007 júliusában jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban a 8. helyen. A negyedik kiadás az albumról a Just a Little Bit volt, ami a 65. helyet érte el. Buena Amy Winehouse-szal is együttműködött a The Ronettes "B Boy Baby" című számának "Be My Baby" újrafeldolgozásán, amely a 73. helyet érte el a brit top 75-ben. 2007. október 1-jén Buenát jelölték a 2007-es brit "Music of Black Origin" (MOBO) díjátadó a londoni O2 Arénában.
2008. február 12-én Buenát a Real Girl gyenge eladásai és slágerlistán elért helyezései, valamint utolsó két kislemeze, a "Just a Little Bit" és a "B Boy Baby" miatt kihagyta a lemezkiadója.
A "Strung Out" számot Amelle Berrabah írta, aki később Buenát váltotta, miután elhagyta a csoportot. A Sugababes egy rádióinterjú során megerősítette, hogy a banda felvette a gyorsított verziót, de végül nem használta fel. A számot később Buenának adták anélkül, hogy tudta volna Berrabah írásairól. Buena állítólag elégedetlen volt, amikor ezt megtudta, de a lemeztársaság vezetői szorgalmazták a dal felvételét az albumra. A "Real Girl" megjelenése után Sugababes tudomást szerzett Buena verziójáról. Berrabah nem szerepel íróként a jegyzetekben.
A Real Girl általában vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Caroline Sullivan (The Guardian) úgy találta, hogy "debütáló albumából az derül ki, hogy nagyon szeretné, ha Mary J. Blige-hez hasonlítanák, de megelégszik Jameliával. Hátat fordítva a Suga-popnak, beállította magát kifinomult városi lányként, kihasználva Groove Armada, Amy Winehouse és George Michael tehetségét, hogy tökéletes bivalyerős R&B-t produkáljon. Az Armada együttműködés [...] olyan őrlődő elektronikus rave-upként tűnik ki, amelyhez itt semmi más nem hasonlítható [6] Az AllMusic szerkesztője, Sharon Mawer úgy jellemezte az albumot, mint "táncolható R&B dalok keverékét", és öt csillagból háromra értékelte az albumot. Jaime Gill, a Yahoo! A Music UK úgy találta, hogy "néhány tüskésebb pillanat, mint ez a "["B Boy Baby"] és a "Song 4 Mutya", és néhány kevésbé közepes tempójú szundi, mint az "It's Not Easy", és ez zseniális lehetett volna. , merész debütálása egyik legérdekesebb popsztárunktól. Meg kell elégednie egy érdekes vegyes színnel." Krissi Murison, az NME-től úgy érezte, hogy a Real Girl "egy debütáló oktáv-harcos, R&B salak. És még maga Winehouse (aki a "B Boy Baby" - a nem túl vicces újrafeldolgozása, a közel azonos nevű The Ronettes klasszikus újrafeldolgozása) kísérőjelensége sem tudja megakadályozni, hogy kisebb csalódás legyen.
A Real Girl 35 103 eladott példányával debütált, és a tizedik helyre került a brit albumlistán. Mindössze négy nap megjelenése után ezüst státuszt kapott, és 2007. december 14-én a British Phonographic Industry arany minősítést kapott. Írországban az album az ötvenegyedik helyen szerepelt. Sikerült felkerülnie a holland és a svájci albumlistákra is, a hetvenegy, illetve a hatvanhatodik helyen.
THIS IS NOT REAL LOVE A második kislemez George Michael második legnagyobb slágerei közül a Twenty Five-ról. A kislemezen Mutya Buena, az ex-Sugababe szerepel, és 2006. november 6-án jelent meg. Michael és Buena elfoglaltsága miatt videó is készült; azonban szerepeltek benne színészek és az énekesek jelenetei a stúdióban. A dal remixelt formában is szerepelt Mutya Buena szóló debütáló albumán, a Real Girl-en. A dal 2006-ban a tizenötödik helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyságban. 2008. március 25-én jelent meg az Egyesült Államokban, és a Hot Dance Club Songs listán a nyolcadik helyet érte el. 10 000 darabot adtak el Olaszországban.
REAL GIRL Lenny Kravitz, Niara Scarlett, Matt Ward és Dean Gillard által írt dal. Tartalmaz egy mintát Kravitz "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" című művéből. A dalt Matt Ward és Dean Gillard készítette Mutya Buena debütáló albumához, a Real Girl-hez, és az album első kislemezeként jelent meg 2007. május 28-án az Egyesült Királyságban. Ausztráliában a dalt 2007. június 16-án adták ki.
A "Real Girl" 2007. június 5-én debütált és a második helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, amelyet Rihanna "Umbrella" tartott meg, és Finnországban, Hollandiában és Szlovákiában is a legjobb 10-be jutott. Bekerült a 2008-as BRIT Awardson a legjobb brit kislemez kategóriában. A szám Buena egykori bandatagjaival, a Sugababes-szel, valamint Leona Lewis-szal, Kate Nash-sel és Take That-el állt szemben. A "Real Girl"-t a 2008 májusában bemutatott Sex and the City: The Movie egyik jelenetében játsszák.
SONG 4 MUTYA (OUT OF CONTROL) A Groove Armada brit zeneduó által készített dal, amelyen Mutya Buena énekes. Az eredetileg a brit énekesnő, Estelle szereplésére szánt duó végül úgy döntött, hogy Buenával együtt dolgoznak a dalon, miután a lány 2005 decemberében kilépett a Sugababes lányegyüttesből. Az új hullámok által ihletett ütem, táncszintetizátorok és basszusvonal támogatja, és ez egy lendületes tempó. elektronikus és elektropop dal. A dalszövegeket a média a Buena Sugababes utódja, Amelle Berrabah "sértéseként" értelmezte, bár maga Buena tagadta az ilyen vádakat.
A dal produkcióját a kritikusok elismerése fogadta, a különböző kritikusok pedig a nyár dalának titulálták, míg a The Guardian és az Xtra! 2007 egyik legjobb dalaként emelte ki. A dal a 8. helyezést érte el a UK Singles Chart-on, és elérte az első helyet a UK Dance Chart-on. Ausztráliában, Finnországban, Írországban és Hollandiában jutott a legjobb 40 közé. A kislemez videoklipjét az észak-londoni Finsbury Parkban forgatták, és egy fesztivál témát tartalmaz.
JUST A LITTLE BIT Az angol énekesnő és egykori Sugababes tag, Mutya Buena dala. A dalt Eg White és Pam Sheyne írta, a producer pedig White. Ez a Real Girl című debütáló stúdióalbumának nyitódala, és 2007. október 22-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban az album harmadik kislemezeként. A "Just a Little Bit" egy R&B dal soul elemekkel. Általában pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik dicsérték Buena énekes teljesítményét. A kislemez a 65. helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán. Buena 2007 áprilisában a londoni The Borderline-ban adta elő.
B BOY BABY Egy dal, amelyet Mutya Buena brit felvételi művész írt, Amy Winehouse énekesnő kiemelkedő háttérénekével. A dal erősen mintázza a The Ronettes "Be My Baby" című dalát, írta Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich, Jeff Barry, az új szöveggel pedig Angela Hunte, a producere Salaam Remi volt Buena debütáló albumához, a Real Girl-hez (2007), és mint adták ki a negyedik és egyben utolsó kislemez az albumról 2007 decemberében.
Woke up too early this morning
Shaken by a dream I had when I was in danger of losin' you
And I made up my mind
I was gonna tell you when you opened your eyes I thought it through
Wanna be someone
Better than the one who wasn't there when you needed her
Someone who
Wants you, needs you, someone who'd never leave you
My almost was not enough. never sacrificed too much
I'm ready to give, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
I'm willing as I'll ever be, do anything, just watch me
I love you, I admit, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
'Cause I was so busy driving
I didn't see the road ahead or where I was going, ignored the signs
Why didn't somebody tell me
The one that I was looking for was there all the time - I was blind
It took a bad dream to show me
Without you there how it would be I realized
I want you, I need you
And baby I'll never leave you
My almost was not enough. never sacrificed too much
I'm ready to give, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
I'm willing as I'll ever be, do anything, just watch me
I love you, I admit, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
When you wake up, I'll be different
I don't know how I'm gonna find the right words to say
I'll have a whole lot more to give than I did yesterday (just a little bit) (just a little bit)
Yesterday (just a little bit)
My almost was not enough. never sacrificed too much
I'm ready to give, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
I'm willing as I'll ever be, do anything, just watch me
I love you, I admit, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
My almost was not enough. never sacrificed too much
I'm ready to give, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
I'm willing as I'll ever be, do anything, just watch me
I love you, I admit, more than just a little bit (just a little bit)
If I had one chance to in my life again
I wouldn't make no changes, now or way back when, yeah
And if everything turns out the way I hope it goes
But I can't wait to find out what it is that God knows
But I don't wanna think about, what's gonna come around for me
I'll just take it day by day, cCause it's the only way, to be the best that I can be
I never pretend to be something I'm not
You get what you see when you see what I've got
We live in the real world, I'm just a real girl, I know exactly where I stand
And all I can do is be true to myself
I don't need permission from nobody else
'Cause this is the real world, I'm not a little girl, I know exactly who I am
And nothing's ever perfect, there's no guarantee
And if I knew the answers, it would put my mind at ease, no-no
So I'll just keep on going the way I've gone so far
And maybe I'll end up tryin' to catch a fallin' star, yeah
But I don't wanna think about, what's gonna come around for me
I'll just take it day by day, cCause it's the only way, to be the best that I can be
I never pretend to be something I'm not
You get what you see when you see what I've got
We live in the real world, I'm just a real girl, I know exactly where I stand
And all I can do is be true to myself
I don't need permission from nobody else
'Cause this is the real world, I'm not a little girl, I know exactly who I am
Maybe this is who I am, don't need you to understand
'Cause everything is right where it should be
And it won't be long till you know about me
'Cause I don't give up even when I'm out on love
'Cause everythings just how it should be
And it won't be long till you know about me
I never pretend to be something I'm not
You get what you see when you see what I've got
We live in the real world, I'm just a real girl, I know exactly where I stand
And all I can do is be true to myself
I don't need permission from nobody else
'Cause this is the real world, I'm not a little girl, I know exactly who I am
I never pretend to be something I'm not
You get what you see when you see what I've got
We live in the real world, I'm just a real girl, I know exactly where I stand
And all I can do is be true to myself
I don't need permission from nobody else
'Cause this is the real world, I'm not a little girl, I know exactly who I am
(Outta control)
You're gone, now, I feel fine, 17 months, yeah I feel fine
What about you I betcha been cryin', I bet ya been goin around town lyin'
I'm drivin' fast, I feel so fine, I got Prince singin' Hot Thing to me
I know every line, so I pulled up to the red light, sittin' here in my car
I look up to my right, and there you are
Sat there with some new girl, what is this?
(Don't panic, panic, Mutya don't drive erratic)
That's who has replaced me, what a diss
(Don't panic, panic, don't act too manic, manic)
It's a sure-fire way to ruin my day
Just as soon as I'm on top of my life, there you are again
But don't react now, you can't go back now
Don't panic, panic, Mutya, just look ahead now (Outta control)
Let's cut to with my girl for lunch
I was feelin' on top of the world, and I just got a hunch
That you were sat behind my back, didn't need to turn 'round
I felt sick at the thought, you're laughing loud
Sat there with some new girl, what is this?
(Don't panic, panic, Mutya don't drive erratic)
That's who has replaced me, what a diss
(Don't panic, panic, don't act too manic, manic)
It's a sure-fire way to ruin my day
Just as soon as I'm on top of my life, there you are again
But don't react now, you can't go back now
Don't panic, panic, Mutya, just look ahead now (Outta control)
It's a sure-fire way to ruin my day
Just as soon as I'm on top of my life, there you are again
But don't react now, you can't go back now
Don't panic, panic, Mutya, just look ahead now --
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have made me wait at Breakdown Motel
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have left me by myself
You managed to knock me out
But I promise you, babe, I will come round
One day you were near me, but not for long, and the strange has sweet become
We can't hold on to the things we love, so don't hold on
So you can fly to the moon above, to find something new
When you're back in this atmosphere, you can't help being blue, you
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have made me wait at Breakdown Motel
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have let me scare myself
You managed to knock me out
But I promise you, babe, I will come round
So you can go anywhere you want, but it won't lead nowhere
It's always strange when I check out up here, and you're not there
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have made me wait at Breakdown Motel
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have left me by myself
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have made me wait at Breakdown Motel
You shouldn't have made me wait
You shouldn't have let me scare myself
You managed to knock me out
But I promise you, babe, I will come round
Strung out, when we started out, it was fun, so cool
Nothing really heavy, just a little after school
We were chasing dreams, and living for the day
Live was for the taking, it was such a simple game
I don't know when, and I don't know why
Suddenly I lost you, and a part of you had died
You've gone and taking it to far, I don't recognize who you are, you're...
Strung out, you're wasting all our love away
I'm running out of words to say
Is there nothing getting through, cause I can barely see you
Strung out, believing that there's nothing wrong
With everything the pain goes on
Tell me what they gonna say, when you shut yourself away
It's a long way down, when you're flying high
No one's gonna catch you, when you"ve told too many lies
It's hard for me, I'm not that brave
Please God help me now, while there's something left to say
My premonitions are coming true
Just tell me babe, what you are trying to prove?
You're hurting me, breaking me
You still forsaking me, why can't you see, you're...
Strung out, you're wasting all our love away
I'm running out of words to say
Is there nothing getting through, cause I can barely see you
Strung out, believing that there's nothing wrong
With everything the pain goes on
Tell me what they gonna say, when you shut yourself away
Oh, yeah, you're strung out, baby, yes you are, strung out, yeah
Flowers on the grave, I'm calling your name
Ashes in the rain, uh, flowers on the grave
I'm calling your name, baby, ashes in the rain, yeah, yeah
Strung out, you're wasting all our love away
I'm running out of words to say (Words to say, yeah)
Is there nothing getting through, cause I can barely see you
Strung out, believing that there's nothing wrong
With everything the pain goes on (The pain goes on)
Tell me what they gonna say, when you shut yourself away (Yeah, yeah)
Strung out, you're wasting all our love away (Taking our love away)
I'm running out of words to say (Words to say)
Is there nothing getting through, cause I can barely see you (Through)
Strung out, believing that there's nothing wrong (Out, there's nothing wrong, no baby)
With everything the pain goes on (Oh, the pain goes on)
Tell me what they gonna say, when you shut yourself away
I wonder what you'll look like, and if you'll make me laugh
What will be your temptations, will you grow up too fast?
What with all the noise around you, will I teach you how to sing?
Will you be one of those kids, who seems to know everything?
I can see you, growing up way too soon
Isn't that just, what they said about me too?
It's not easy being right all the time
You know someone has to be (someone has to be)
Cause feelings can be undermined
Usually that someone turns out to be me
Can feel you in my skin, feel you deep within
You ain't going nowhere, I ain't being myself
'Cause you're the reason why, I give in every time
I give you everything (give you everything)
I hope you make the right decisions, hope that they come easily
I know with all of us around you, we give out our opinions free
So will you stay or will you break out, to make out on your own?
Will you need that kind of freedom, when you finally leave home?
I can see you, growing up way too soon
Isn't that just, what they said about me too?
It's not easy being right all the time
You know someone has to be (someone has to be)
Cause feelings can be undermined
Usually that someone turns out to be me
Can feel you in my skin, feel you deep within
You ain't going nowhere, I ain't being myself
'Cause you're the reason why, I give in every time
I give you everything (give you everything)
Oh, I can see you, growing up way too soon
Isn't that just, what they said about me too?
It's not easy being right all the time
You know someone has to be (someone has to be)
Cause feelings can be undermined
Usually that someone turns out to be me
Can feel you in my skin, feel you deep within
You ain't going nowhere, I ain't being myself
'Cause you're the reason why, I give in every time
I give you everything (give you everything)
It's not easy being right all the time
You know someone has to be (someone has to be)
Cause feelings can be undermined
Usually that someone turns out to be me
Can feel you in my skin, feel you deep within
You ain't going nowhere, I ain't being myself
'Cause you're the reason why, I give in every time
I give you everything (give you everything)
Has love lost its meaning,, am I destined not to feel it?
Baby, I have, and I just don't know it when I'm in it
Is it me to blame, I really need to change
This pattern I'm seeing, I don't wanna be in
Why I gotta mess it up, and get it wrong, like some kind of curse
Oh, why do I have to suffer for love, suffer for love
I've given it everything, still it ain't happening, I'm sick of it all
What does it want, it's asking too much
I'm a sucker for a suffer for love (yeah)
I wanna be happy, I wanna be laughin'
Just like all the people that I see up in the movies
So I'm gonna take chances, and I'm gonna make the difference
Coz Cupid's got to put me in love
I keep on trying but I don't know how it works
There's no instruction so I keep on getting hurt
Over again, over again, over and over and over again
I keep on trying but I don't know how it works
There's no instruction so I keep on getting hurt
Over again, over again, over and over and over again
Why do I have to suffer for love, suffer for love
I've given it everything, still it ain't happening, I'm sick of it all
What does it want, it's asking too much, I'm a s...
Why do I have to suffer for love, suffer for love
I've given it everything, still it ain't happening, I'm sick of it all
What does it want, it's asking too much
I'm a sucker for a suffer for love (oh yeah)
Hey-yeah, Oh
Here's a little question to you
Baby tell me if it's gonna have an answer too
I would like to know if you could tell me boy
What's the deal and how we got up on this joint
Tell me if you wanna be with me tonight
Got a feeling you ain't ready but your heart denies
I'm not surprised, cause you've done this once before, hey-yeah
I don't wanna ever have to ask you, cause I know you got another
'Baby, how you doing?', and I ain't gonna bother
It's not my game to deal with, do you watch eachother
There ain't no playing tonight
You see me looking, no way, turn around unless it's something, to say to me
If you gotta go, just let me know, cause I am not your baby, oh-oh
Baby what's the deal tonight
'Cause I know you wanted more than what you say
'Cause I feel in every move that you put on me boy
Don't act like this ain't something that your heart enjoys
But we gotta put a stop on this, boy
'Cause I ain't feeling that I have to share for you no more
I want you, baby, need you for myself, don't want nobody else
I don't wanna ever have to ask you, cause I know you got another
'Baby, how you doing?', and I ain't gonna bother
It's not my game to deal with, do you watch eachother
There ain't no playing tonight
You see me looking, no way, turn around unless it's something, to say to me
If you gotta go, just let me know, cause I am not your baby
You bring me high (so high)
You bring me low, everything that you want, I know I'll get
No girl can compare
'Cause I've got what you need, and if I'm all this, I'm gonna get...
I don't wanna ever have to ask you, cause I know you got another
'Baby, how you doing?', and I ain't gonna bother
It's not my game to deal with, do you watch eachother
There ain't no playing tonight
You see me looking, no way, turn around unless it's something, to say to me
If you gotta go, just let me know, cause I am not your baby, oh-oh
Oh, if you love me you should let me know
Tomorrow I'm leaving this town and I'm not coming home, oh
If you want me you should let it show
The hour is getting late, don't let me leave alone, no...
'Cause we can see the world together baby
But first you gotta make up your mind, is it her or is it me?
That you want in your life
I'ma go whichever way the wind blows
'Cause I know there's something out there wonderful
I don't wanna see it all alone
'Cause I'm sure there's so much more, and it's wonderful
I know she loves you, but it's unbeaten
So follow your heart, take my hand and we'll fly like birds (higher)
If we stay here we can never be
Let's go some place far away where's just you and me
'Cause we can see the world together baby
But first you gotta make up your mind, is it her or is it me?
That you want in your life
I'ma go whichever way the wind blows
'Cause I know there's something out there wonderful
I don't wanna see it all alone
'Cause I'm sure there's so much more, and it's wonderful
And I know that it's hard, for you how to follow
Just follow, what's in your heart
I'ma go whichever way the wind blows
'Cause I know there's something out there wonderful
I don't wanna see it all alone
'Cause I'm sure there's so much more, and it's wonderful, oh that's where it ends, innit?
(Mutya Buena featuring Amy Winehouse)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Won't you be my baby, be my baby now)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Be my baby now, oh-oh)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Won't you be my baby, be my baby now)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Be my baby now, oh-oh)
It was winter time, you know what they say
Did you think about us, did you miss your baby
I'm gonna catch the train, cause I'm heading your way
You're my number one, that's all a new born son
Won't you be my king (Won't you be my king?)
Cause I know you care, did a dance for you
And when I'm done, I'm gonna do it again?
And when it's over, I'm gonna pull you closer
Keep your Nike's on, you know how we do
There's nothing he won't try, we like two stars in the sky
You are my rainy day's Sunshine, it's plan to see
My heat in the cold of Winter, just so right for me, so won't you please?
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Won't you be my baby, be my baby now)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Be my baby now, oh-oh)
There are two in the air, if you feel like me
Someone who cares for, so freaky, in demand by all the ladies
It's not for sale, it's being home delivered to me
So hang up all your trying cards please (He's my baby)
Lovesick cause that's what I get, I hear his voice then things get wet
Knows what I want, and then he'll fetch, he's my boo
And I'm his little pet, his little pet
You never know what he'll do next, he's my baby
My rainy day's bright sunshine, live in fantasy
My heat in the cold of Winter, just so right for me, so won't you please?
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Won't you be my baby, be my baby now)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Be my baby now, oh-oh)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Won't you be my baby, be my baby now)
B boy, be my baby, my one and only baby (Be my baby now, oh-oh)
(Mutya Buena with George Michael)
I want you to hear the things I say
I loved you in my way, but you know I'm gonna leave you
The clock was always ticking
And your heart, yes I know your heart is always on the run
I hate what I've become
But I'm still gonna leave you, and I don't think you should stay for the night
Baby you know that my flesh is weak
You know I simply, I cannot sleep without you
My heart has simply nowhere to go
Nothing to hold, those tears you're crying
Time and time again you take me back in baby
You don't have to make it plain, this is not real love
Look at us dancing baby
Let's dance and show them all (Dance and show them all)
How close we are
The lies have worked so far, so we go on deceiving
But darling don't you know the time
Baby, look at yourself, holding back the tide
Like you've got something else up your sleeve, that's why I've got to leave
And I don't think you should stay here tonight
(Baby you know that my flesh is weak, you know)
I simply I cannot sleep without you
But someday I'll have nothing to show (Nothing to show, nothing to show)
I've nothing to hold, oh, baby, crying
All those simple things that won't come again
Oh do I have to make it plain, this is not real love
And I said this is not real love, real love
Baby it don't glisten and shine the way it used to
This is not real love (real love)
Baby think of all the promises I made on the day that I seduced you
Baby don't wait for me like some angel of tragedy
I have to set you free
Darling you should be long gone, oh long gone by now
You should be with someone, someone
Glisten and shine, you promised me
You've gotta face it woman, you ain't ever gonna change me
This is not real love
Where will I go, what do I know
This is not real love
About life without you, you promised me you'd never leave me, no
This is not real love
I'm sitting here with a piece of paper
Says here's my number, won't you call me later
I called you the next day, and that's how we got started
I'm sitting here thinking what we've been through
In front a pile of things reminded me of you
It's weird that so much time hardly takes up any space at all
Things I saved for us to look at
Now our future's lost in the past, gotta put it away, put it away
I don't know how it can fit
Cuz it's all we were, it's all we ever had
Memories, sitting all alone in a paper bag
Maybe I should get rid off this
But it's all the love, it's all the dreams we had
You and me, sitting on a shelf in a paper bag (sitting, sitting)
The note you wrote when we had our first fight
The car that you bought me, after sharing our first night
I know we had some bad
But we had lots of good times too (good times too)
Some tickets to a concert and a menu
Some pictures from the night, when I lost my shoe
It's funny how these things tell the story of our love affair
Can't hold on to us, no longer
If I do I'm going under, gotta pack it away, pack it away
I don't know how it can fit
Cuz it's all we were, it's all we ever had
Memories, sitting all alone in a paper bag
Maybe I should get rid off this
But it's all the love, it's all the dreams we had
You and me, sitting on a shelf in a paper bag (sitting, sitting)
I said to the taxi driver:, "just get me anywhere away from here
'Cause until I'm in a different time zone, I'll still be too near"
He said: "We could go, for as far as you'll pay for, but I'ma tell you this for free
If you're searching for salvation, you won't find it with me"
This is a song, for anyone the world came crushing down on
This is a song, if you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song, if you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song, you can take it any way you want to
It may not be much, but it's my song
I said: "we need to stop the car, pull over, 'cause I really need to get some air"
We pulled up in the middle of nowhere, taxi driver turned around and said:
"Young lady, it sounds like you need Jesus", I said: "Well he's welcome to help us out
And I know he made a blind man see but, can he do it the other way round?"
This is a song, for anyone the world came crushing down on
This is a song, if you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song, if you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song, you can take it any way you want to
It may not be much, but it's my song
And it's just a song, and I know it really won't change nothing at all
How weakly heroes fall, and it's all my fault, cause my head was somewhere else
Now I blame it on myself, could have been there, should of helped
This is a song, for anyone the world came crushing down on
This is a song, if you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song, if you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song, you can take it any way you want to
It may not be much, but it's my song
This is a song, for anyone the world came crushing down on
This is a song, if you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song, if you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song, you can take it any way you want to
It may not be much, but it's my song
I'm not saying it was your fault, although you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yes som how could this be done, your such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face, in such an ugly world
Something so beautiful, that everytime I look inside
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
I may say it was your fault, cause I know you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yes so, how could this be done, by such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly world something so beautiful, and Everytime I look inside
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
How could this be done, by such a smiling sweetheart
Oh you're so naive yes so, such an ugly thing, someone so beautiful
And everytime you're on her side
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
I know that she knows I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be, she's still out to get me
You got a fast car, I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal, maybe together we can get somewhere
Anyplace is better, starting from zero, got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something, but me, myself, I got nothing to prove
You see my old man's got a problem, he live with the bottle, that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working, I say his body's too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him, she wanted more from life than what he could give
I said somebody's got to take care of him, packed up school, that's what I did
You got a fast car, but is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We gotta make a decision, leave tonight or we can die this way
I remember we were driving driving in your car, the speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us, and your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged, and I had a feeling I could be someone
Be someone, be someone
You got a fast car, and I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar, see more of your friends than you do your kids
I'd always hoped for better, thought maybe together you and me would find it
I got no plans, I ain't going nowhere, so take your fast car and keep on driving
Remember we were driving driving in your car, the speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us, and your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged, and I had a feeling I could be someone
Be someone, be someone
You got a fast car, but is it fast enough so you can fly away?
You gotta make a decision, leave tonight or we can die this way