GHOSTS Siobhán Donaghy énekes második stúdióalbuma. A 2007. június 25-én megjelent album a 92. helyezést érte el a brit albumlistán. Ez az album nagyobb médiafigyelmet kapott, mint debütáló albuma, de összességében kereskedelmi kudarcot vallott annak ellenére, hogy kiváló kritikai értékeléseket kapott. Az albumon két kislemez született, a "Don't Give It Up" és a "So You Say", amelyek mindketten közepesen sikeresek voltak. Ez Donaghy egyetlen stúdióalbuma a Parlophone-nal, mivel 2008 augusztusában megvált a kiadótól.
Donaghy a céggel közös döntéssel megvált a London Recordstól. Egy második albumot önállóan vett fel, amelyet az EMI csoporthoz tartozó Parlophone vett fel, amely szintén megvásárolta a Revolution in Me jogait. Az album címadó dala, a "Ghosts" 2007 februárjában jelent meg egy 12 hüvelykes promóciós kétszámos kislemezként a "Don't Give It Up" című dallal. Ez utóbbi dalt 2007 áprilisában adták ki szélesebb körben, és az Egyesült Királyságban a 45. helyen végzett. A második kislemez, a "So You Say" 2007 júniusában jelent meg, és a 76. helyen végzett. Jerry Bouthier "Don't Give It Up" című dalának remixe szerepel a Kitsuné BoomBox-ban, amely 2007 novemberében jelent meg.
A Ghosts című album szintén 2007 júniusában jelent meg, és a 92. helyen érte el a csúcsot. Donaghy a megjelenésről azt mondta, hogy csak azért akart kereskedelmi sikert elérni, hogy továbbra is zenélhessen. A The London Paper-nak így nyilatkozott: "baloldali popzenét csinálok, és nehéz ebben a műfajban lenni, mert nem egyenes pop, nem alternatív, és elég nehéz piacra dobni. Nyomni kell, és dolgozni kell rajta."[Az albumot a franciaországi Barneville-Carteret közelében lévő kis stúdióban vették fel James Sanger producerrel; további producerek/dalszerzők: Jony Rockstar, Carl McIntosh ("There's a Place"), Ben Ranyard ("12 Bar Acid Blues")., Charles Lucy a Lucy Tuningtól ("Sometimes") és Marius De Vries.
Az albumon közvetlenül a megjelenés előtt gyártási hiba történt, és Donaghy később megerősítette: "Amikor a Ghosts megjelent, nem került új kiadású polcra egyetlen boltban sem, mert kiszállították, és hiba történt. a gyártósoron.Soha nem hallottam azt a zenét ami a CD-ken volt,de nem az én albumom volt.Amikor a boltokban közölték,az albumot leemelték a polcokról és visszavitték. Mire kész, sok üzlet nem vette vissza, mert kiakadt."
DON'T GIVE IT UP Siobhán Donaghy második stúdióalbumának, a Ghostsnak a vezető kislemeze. Ez volt az első dal, amely megjelent a MySpace oldalán, és eredetileg nem egyetlen kiadásnak szánták. Később azonban a rajongók dicsérete miatt megerősítették, hogy kiadják az album vezető kislemezeként. A kislemez promóciója 2007-ben kezdődött, és a zenei videót 2007. január 25-én adták fel a YouTube-ra. A kislemez digitális letöltésként 2007. április 9-én jelent meg, fizikailag pedig 2007. április 16-án.
A dalt a rajongói jól fogadták, és a Sugababes egykori tagja, Mutya Buena is méltatta, aki szerint "nagyon különbözik a többi zenei műfajtól". A dal 2007. március 29-én került fel a BBC Radio 1 C lejátszási listájára. A kislemez a 45. helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyságban, és a második héten a 79. helyre esett vissza. A Popjustice felülvizsgálta a dalt, mondván: "Siobhan ehelyett csinos ruhákat és kiváló dalokat ölelt fel. Nagyon bölcs. Még a videó zavaróbb pillanatait is figyelembe véve - az említett csinos ruhákban vonaglást - ez egy Massive Attack stílusú darab a teljes ragyogásból."
SO YOU SAY A második és egyben utolsó kislemez Siobhán Donaghy második stúdióalbumáról, a Ghostsról. A filmet Siobhan és James Sanger producer-programozó közösen írta. A dal Donaghy első kapcsolatáról és annak felbomlásáról íródott. Adamot, bár nem szerelmének a neve, a bibliai utalások miatt választották, és azért, mert Adam egy közönséges név, így az emberek hozzá tudnak kapcsolódni. Donaghy azt mondta, hogy a dal szinte sajnáltatja magát. A kislemez egyben a Ghosts utolsó kiadása, valamint utolsó kislemeze a Parlophone-nal.
A kislemez 2007. június 18-án jelent meg, a Ghosts album pedig 2007. június 25-én jelent meg. Siobhán először 2007. március 24-én mutatta be a dalt, ahol egy akusztikus verziót énekelt a Capital FM-en. A végleges album verzió azonban nagyon eltér az akusztikus verziótól. A kislemez a 76. helyre került az Egyesült Királyságban, a promóció hiánya miatt.
This pressing feeling, it's gotta implode, oh
We fight the feeling, but we can't ignore
Who can show us how, when what we want is right now
Don't give it up, I heal and hide
Forgive this hurt of mine, we all have the scars, to show
Remote controlling, this total ache, oh
Internally it wants to destroy
Who can show us what will become of us
Don't give it up, I heal and hide
Forgive this hurt of mine, we all have the scars, to show
(Don't give it up now, just live it up, don't give it up, and mess it up)
Know what your doing, what you came here for
You want to take them, hold them down
Who can show us love that holds no doubt
Don't give it up (Don't you wanna) I heal and hide
Forgive this hurt of mine, we all have the scars, to show
(Don't give it up now, just live it up, don't give it up, and mess it up)
So you say we should just be friends Adam
But I know when I get the bends, that I'll hate you so
So you say we should drift apart Adam
But I know that'll break my heart, and I'll hate you so, 'cause I loved you so
So you say I can be afraid, but I know I would have strayed
I sit and miss you so, a batch of alcohol ceases to control
Don't say you'll think about me, or say that you can live without me
Didn't we make it nearly, for everything that I hold dearly
How many ways can I say plainly, we can, before it wore on us thinly
To each and every degree, you've got me in agony
So you say I should call sometime Adam
But I know that'll make you cry, I'll say I hate you so, that you burned me so
So you say we should make it work Adam
But how long does this feeling hurt, I'm sure you'd like to know, 'cause I loved you so
Don't say you'll think about me, or say that you can live without me
Didn't we make it nearly, for everything that I hold dearly
How many ways can I say plainly, we can, before it wore on us thinly
To each and every degree, you've got me in agony
Don't say you'll think about me, or say that you can live without me
Didn't we make it nearly, for everything that I hold dearly
How many ways can I say plainly, we can, before it wore on us thinly
To each and every degree, you've got me in agony
Take your time, be it mine
'Cause I will be all the strength you need
And I will show you a way
I don't mind if you cry
I want to be holding your hand, and you can feel
You can lean, don't turn away
All is lost, but if you try
You can see there's a place for you
Where I will know your pain, don't turn away
It's in believing, no good deceiving you
There's a place for you, you'll just have to keep it strong
And I won't turn away from you
You tell me you love me, then you tell me you don't
You tell me little lies, and I wish that you won't
Only sometimes, only sometimes
You tell me you miss me, then you tell me you don't
You promise to ring me, then you say you forgot
Only sometimes, only sometimes
My friends all adore you, say I'm losing the plot
How can I grumble, when I've got what I've got?
Only sometimes, only sometimes
I act like it's cool, that it's not going too fast
But deep down I'm shaking, really want this to last
Not just sometimes, not just sometimes, ah hah
You tell me you love me, then you tell me you don't
You tell me little lies, and I wish that you won't
Only sometimes, only sometimes
You tell me you miss me, then you tell me you don't
You promise to ring me, then you say you forgot
Only sometimes, only sometimes
Well I found myself in a world of pain, and I thought I'd try to get away
So I went online and booked a trip, I thought I was due a holiday
So I sat right down and wrote to you, oh dear John those things you do
So I packed my stuff and cleared the room, off I go singing a different tune
So I'm in the cab I'm running late, I have no hope within these city gates
I think of things I should have done, countless things I should have brung
Oh no what can I do, the passport check I'm already through
I've got a feeling in my gut, that I'm in a short queue for a lot of bad luck
I should have heeded my father's saying
That things will go wrong, if you try to run before you crawl
Well as I found things can get worse, and I'm starting to think I may be cursed
Well the kid behind he's kicking me, possessed by demons on TV
Oh no what can I do, my passport's gone, my wallet too
I've eaten fish and I'm feeling sick, I can only hope I'll be landing quick
Well the first I knew we were up the creek, it had got so bad I couldn't speak
I was all keyed up for Mexico, but I was landing now down in Moscow
Oh no this just won't do, I wanted heat and it's minus two
I'm all choked up and I'm feeling mad, I couldn't believe it could get this bad
I should have heeded my father's saying
That things will go wrong, if you rush too fast, you will fall
Well I'd lost my bags and all I had, was duty free and a fashion mag
With no cash and no Visa too, I had a lot of explaining to do
Well they said this just won't do, this is counterfeit and so are you
Well I found myself without my shoes, in a cold jail cell and now I got the blues
I should have heeded my father's saying
Cause things did go wrong, when I tried to run than face it head on
Do do do do do
Underneath my actions was hateful intent
Should I have showed that I could be fair?
I stood there unrepentant and remained
Showing those signs of wanting to care
Time on this is broken, to give it more we'll be drifting, but to where?
Don't lose control of this misery, why pacify, just punish me
Seperate from this fait accompli, don't let me take this liberty
I lack the will to make it right, I only know how to start the fight
Giving in to my every need, only breeds the selfish me
Underneath you're defeated and dismayed
Using my tone to hide your escape
You're stood there, all resentful
But wanting to bear all the lines I used to lie
Time on this is broken, to give it more we'll be drifting, but to where?
Don't lose control of this misery, why pacify, just punish me
Seperate from this fait accompli, don't let me take this liberty
I lack the will to make it right, I only know how to start the fight
Giving in to my every need, only breeds the selfish me
Don't lose control of this misery, why pacify, just punish me
Seperate from this fait accompli, don't let me take this liberty
I lack the will to make it right, I only know how to start the fight
Giving in to my every need, only breeds the selfish me
Don't lose control of this misery, why pacify, just punish me
Seperate from this fait accompli, don't let me take this liberty
I lack the will to make it right, I only know how to start the fight
Giving in to my every need, only breeds the selfish me
Is this a question of time, is this a question of space
I've been out of my mind, and I'm coming up for air to work it out
If you throw me a line, then I'll try to replace
All the things I can't find, cause I'm coming up for air to let it out
Defection from the state I'm in, reflections of a world within
Back with myself again, all my fears
Just like a ball and chain, and I know
Although I am alone, I'm at home, here with my selfish pain
It's not a question of faith, it's not a question of hope
I'm getting out of this place, I'm coming up for air to work it out
Defection from the state I'm in, reflections of a world within
Back with myself again, all my fears
Just like a ball and chain, and I know
Although I am alone, I'm at home, here with my selfish pain
I'm feeling colder now, a little bolder now
Pure as my sins allow, broke every promise and proud
Back with myself again, all my fears
Just like a ball and chain, and I know
Although I am alone, I'm at home, here with my selfish pain
Back with myself again, all my fears
Just like a ball and chain, and I know
Although I am alone, I'm at home, here with my selfish pain
Lost is where she feels at ease
It's written in a code, she can't read, it haunts her
And how, how can there be hope
When she lives it out in fear, on the edge, she's wanting
It drove, drove her to despair, not knowing which way to turn
A mental barrier, people comfort her
Through the wasteland deep within her mind, can she break it out while a trap unfolds
She prays, falls down on her knees
She writes them full of hope, nelieves in them, and they help her
They drove, drove her to the edge, not knowing which way to turn
A mental barrier, people comfort her
Through the wasteland deep within her mind, can she break it out while a trap unfolds
They drove, drove her to despair, not knowing which way to turn
A mental barrier, people comfort her
Through the wasteland deep within her mind, can she break it out while a trap unfolds
She will fight it out, til her strength gives out
Should she flow like a goldfish in a bowl, she doesn't see it out her solitary world
Help me out here, 'cause I'm strung out
I can't go back there or I'll burn out
Medic! Medevac me up, I've credit for you to blow out the dark
I hold out my hand for you to help me down
Concoct me up good, I wish sombody would
I'm pacing ahead, can't shut down my head?
Like a ship in the night, like I'm losing the fight
Help me out here, 'cause I'm strung out
I can't go back there or I'll burn out
Medic! Medevac me up, I've credit for you to blow out the dark
If only you could wrap me up
After all that I've said, I wish somebody cared
If only you would, fix me up
'Cause like a ship in the night I'm losing the fight
Help me out here, 'cause I'm strung out
I can't go back there or I'll burn out
Medic! Medevac me up, I've credit for you to blow out the dark
If only you would wrap me up
'Cause like a ship in the night I'm losing the fight
Help me out here, 'cause I'm strung out
I can't go back there or I'll burn out
Medic! Medevac me up, I've credit for you to blow out the dark
So wake up hope, it's dark and lonesome
I can hardly, hardly kid open my eyes, it ain't lonely, I'm homely
So he comes home, she's hating him some
He can hardly, hardly stand up in his home, oh, the aching, na-na
In a stream of purest thought
Nothing's lost that can't be caught, it's tender to behold
As the past melts away
I shore up holes, lest they give way, halcyon days of ages old
Them knee cap words are crushing him down
It gets harder and harder to get over them now, he can fight, it ain't over
So was he wrong in hoping it right?
You can hardly, hardly blame in him some, oh, the hurting, na-na
In a stream of purest thought
Nothing's lost that can't be caught, it's tender to behold
As the past melts away
I shore up holes, lest they give way, halcyon days of ages old
In a stream of purest thought
Nothing's lost that can't be caught, it's tender to behold
As the past melts away
I shore up holes, lest they give way, halcyon days of ages old
(It's tender to behold, oh, tender to behold)
In a stream of purest thought
Nothing's lost that can't be caught, it's tender to behold
As the past melts away
I shore up holes, lest they give way, halcyon days of ages old
In a stream of purest thought
Nothing's lost that can't be caught, it's tender to behold
As the past melts away
I shore up holes, lest they give way, halcyon days of ages old
(I wish I could, oh, it's tender to behold, it's tender to behold)
Full mug my friends certainly familiar
Ah, hear that glitch say search the orbs
Tree-ann said it his seize the circus
Ram's wool that cause way a circus
Full mug my friends certainly familiar
Warmy funny Anna say say maluska
Sworn under an oath to war, sworn under an oath to war
Phwoar so spirit smother me in
Ah, hear that glitch fought and ought
Fuel full fat her glass of milk
Warm sitting here, sitting in bed
Sworn under an oath to war, sworn under an oath to war
Full mug my friends certainly familiar
Ah, hear that glitch say search the orbs
Sworn under an oath to war, sworn under an oath to war
Sworn under an oath to war, sworn under an oath to war
Can you be open and be like yourself?
Unhook the baggage that you put on the shelf
Sitting in circles, feeling complete
With every emotion you wish to delete
And you can blame yourself, just to hurt like everybody else
Optimism down the drain, where only thoughts of fear will remain
Can you stop this and stand without shame
With what you believe in ready to proclaim
Can you be stricken and not feel the heat
A man on a mission, he sees no defeat
And you can blame yourself, just to hurt like everybody else
Optimism down the drain, where only thoughts of fear will remain
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
If you feel that way about me, why don't you try and act nicely?
Never know what you might see, when you try, and try, and try
Baby's got a problem, sitting in a mansion, on her own
He may be tall and handsome, but she don't care, cause she's still not givin' in
Lady's full of wanting, he's sitting there venting, on his own
Baby's still resenting, but he don't care
'Cause he's still not givin' in, cause he's still not givin' in
There are simple things, there are no simple things of us
That always draw my mind, and even then he cross the line
Frankly, you want me, but with only half a mind
Frankly, you saw me, to respect half of the time, half of the time
Confusion of a conflict, guilty as a convict, not alone
They're about to lose it, but they don't care
'Cause they're still not givin' in, cause they're still not givin' in
There are simple things, there are no simple things of us
That always draw my mind, and even then he cross the line
Frankly, you want me, but with only half a mind
Frankly, you saw me, to respect half of the time, half of the time
Don't you look at me that way, because it's true what they say
I would only be the one, the one that's gonna stray
I'll take you to the cleaners, I'll empty out your soul, so baby, when I go
Don't take me back, I'll ruin everything
And keep you sad, cause if you do
You'll be no good for me, I'm no good for you
Now this is where it ends, the pain and the fights and the crying
And it should fill me with shame, I'm the only one to blame
But I'm a great believer, regrets will make us old, so baby, when I go
Don't take me back, I'll ruin everything
And keep you sad, cause if you do
You'll be no good for me, I'm no good for you
Don't take me back, I'll ruin everything
And keep you sad, cause if you do
You'll be no good for me, I'm no good for you
I've figured out what this is, I've trampled on your wishes
You dreams, they never mattered, I never cared at all
I won't be there when you need me, I'm selfish and I'm greedy, I'll only let you down
Don't take me back, I'll ruin everything
And keep you sad, cause if you do
You'll be no good for me, I'm no good for you
Don't take me back, I'll ruin everything
And keep you sad, cause if you do
You'll be no good for me, I'm no good for you