Megjelenés | 2007. Október 1. |
Felvételek | 2006-2007 |
Műfaj | Pop rock - Dance pop - R&B |
Hossz | 43:25 |
Kiadó | Island Records |
Producerek | Dallas Austin, Deekay, Dr. Luke, Novel, Jony Rockstar, Flex Turner, Xenomania |
Tagok | Keisha Buchanan - Heidi Range - Amelle Berrabah |
Kislemezek | > About You Now /// 2007. Szeptember 24. |
> Change /// 2007. December 10. | |
>Denial /// 2008. Március 10. | |
<<<<<< | Overloaded: The Singles Collection (2006) |
>>>>>> | Catfights and Spotlights (2008) |
A brit Sugababes lánycsoport ötödik stúdióalbuma, amelyet a Island Records ad ki 2007. október 1-jén. Az album többek között Dr. Luke, Jony Rockstar, Dallas Austin, Deekay és Xenomania produkcióját tartalmazza, és ez az első album ének Amelle Berrabah.
Az album az Egyesült Királyság albumlistájának tetején debütált, ahol a zenekar második egymást követő első albumává vált, és végül a BPI platinalemezes minősítést kapott. Ezenkívül Észtországban és Írországban is eljutott az első tízbe. Franciaországban a Change-et adaptálták a csoport első legnagyobb slágereként.
A legnagyobb slágeralbumuk, az Overloaded: The Singles Collection (2006) megjelenését követően a Sugababes visszament a stúdióba, hogy számos amerikai producerrel együtt dolgozzon az akkor még cím nélküli ötödik stúdióalbumon, a zenekar első teljes stúdióalbumán Amellével Berrabah. Az album munkatársai között van Dr. Luke, a dán Deekay produkciós csapat és a Novel, valamint a korábbi munkatársak, Xenomania, Dallas Austin és Jony Rockstar. Bár ez volt Amelle első produkciója, az album néhány dala megmaradt szám volt, amelyet eredetileg a Taller in More Ways-ban (2005) szándékoztak megjelenni.
Az albumot Higgins és a Xenomania produkciós csapat készítette, akik a Sugababes egyéb kislemezein végzett munkájukról ismertek, beleértve a "Round Round", az "Angels with Dirty Faces", "Hole in the Head", "In the Middle" és a "Red Dress" munkákat. A keverési folyamatot Jeremy Wheatley 365 művész számára vállalta a Twenty One Studiosnál, Londonban, Angliában. Ezt Richard Edgeler segítette. A billentyűzetekről és a programozásról Powell, Higgins, Cowling és Matt Gray gondoskodtak, míg Coler volt a felelős a dalban jelenlévő gitárért.
Az AXM Magazine beszámolt a Sugababes feltételezett kísérletéről, hogy az albummal beköltözzön az amerikai piacra. 2007. augusztus 30-án a csoport megjelent a The Album Chart Show-n, hogy fellépjen az első kislemez, a "About You Now" -ból, és bemutasson további két darabot. Megerősítették azt is, hogy az album címe Change lesz.
A számítógépbe helyezve az Egyesült Királyságban kiadott lemez hozzáférést biztosít olyan bónuszfunkciókhoz, mint a "About You Now" remix verziói és a csoporttal készített speciális interjú, valamint háttérképek és fotók. A Change francia kiadása a legnagyobb sláger-összeállítás, mert az Overloaded: The Singles Collection nem jelent meg ott, és tartalmazza az összes slágerüket a "Overload" és a "Denial" óta.
A "Never Gonna Dance Again" -t a Sugababes tagjai, Keisha Buchanan és Heidi Range írták Miranda Cooper, Brian Higgins, Tim Powell, Lisa Cowling és Nick Coler együttműködésével. A dalt eredetileg a csoport előző Taller in More Ways című albumához írták és vették fel, de az utolsó számok listájáról levágták, mivel a lányok nem szerették a dalt. Az ötödik album gyártása során visszatértek a számra, és egyre jobban megkedvelték a dalt, ami arra késztette a csoportot, hogy vegye fel a Change számlistájára.
A "About You Now" című dalt a Wild Child című filmben használták, és a hangsáv harmadik részeként szerepel. 2007 decemberében a "3 kanál Suga" bekerült a 2007-es St Trinian's film filmzenéjébe.
A "Never Gonna Dance Again" egy közepes tempójú pop dal, amely a dance-pop zenei elemeit jeleníti meg. Nick Levine, a Digital Spy munkatársa azt írta, hogy a dal "kétségbeesetten szomorú disco siránkozása" "szinte teljes ütemben" áll össze. A BBC Fraser McAlpine a számot "dancefloor tearjerker" -nek jellemezte, hasonlóan a Ne-Yo és a "könnycseppek", Womack & Womack, míg a The Trades írója, Paul Schultz "szakító ódának" nevezte.
Szövegileg a "Never Gonna Dance Again" egy kapcsolat felbomlásáról szól, amely egy táncparketten játszódik. A refrén alatt Sugababes énekli az "I lost the rhythm when you said it's over / As the final record starts to fade, I feel the dancefloor turning colder" A Guardian Alexis Petridis és Schultz egyaránt megjegyezte, hogy a dal lírai tartalma George Michael "Careless Whisper" című dalára emlékeztet.
A "Never Gonna Dance Again" vegyes fogadtatásban részesítette a zenekritikusokat. McAlpine azt írta, hogy a dal "azonnal úgy érzi, mintha a lányok ismét aranyat vertek volna". Levine azt javasolta, hogy a "Never Gonna Dance Again", az album "Denial" és "Change" kislemezeivel együtt demonstrálja, hogy a csoportnak "sikerült felnőnie anélkül, hogy dallammal tévedt volna". Kifejtette, hogy a dal "egy reflektívebb Sugababes-t mutat be". Petridis "klasszikus" példának nevezte a csoport "védjegyes okos, referenciális popját", míg a The Independent Andy Gill méltatta a Xenomania által készített dalt, mondván, hogy "a legtöbbet hozza ki győztesen logikus dallamából".
Ally Carnwath (The Observer) azt írta, hogy a szám "meglepően energikus móka a diszkó körül", bár elismerte, hogy a dal szövegének "elégikus hangvétele" egy "igazi komédia". A The Scotsman írója "borongós, képletes szakító dalként" kritizálta, emellett megjegyezte, hogy a dal nem fülbemászó, mint a "About You Now". A Stornoway Gazette szerkesztője elismerte, hogy bár diszkóbarát, a "Never Gonna Dance Again" az album kiindulópontja a "csalódásnak", ugyanakkor kijelentette, hogy "fáradtnak és kissé zaklatottnak érzi magát az előző erősségéhez képest. felajánlás ", utalva az album" About You Now "főlemezére. Az NME azt írta, hogy "kevésbé tűnik fenyegetésnek és inkább ígéretnek".
A "3 Spoons of Suga" egy uptempo pop dal, a dance-pop elemeivel. Nick Levine, a Digital Spy munkatársa "Nancy Sinatra stílusú popsütésként" jellemezte. Azt is javasolta, hogy a dal "ne hangozzon úgy, mint amit a Sugababes korábban felvett", és a csoport 2008-as "Girls" című kislemezének "csókolózó unokatestvérének" nevezte el. Levine megjegyezte, hogy Pixie Lott "Boys and Girls" "múló hasonlóságot mutat" a "3 Spoons of Suga" -val. Matt O'Leary, a Virgin Media munkatársa megjegyezte, hogy egy gitárt beépítettek a "beat-led dancefloor" dalba. A The Scotsman egyik szerkesztője azt javasolta, hogy a "Nem stresszel, mert megáldotta a farmer vágása" című sor a brit Girls Aloud lánycsoport által kiadott dalokra emlékeztet.
A "3 Spoons of Suga" kedvező kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusok részéről. Lauren Murphy, az Entertainment Ireland írta "gazember popnak" nevezte, és azt írta, hogy megtestesíti azt a "szexi" adj egy fenét "hozzáállást, amelyre Sugababes nagyjából építette karrierjét." Tom Young, a BBC elismerte, hogy "3 Kanalak Suga "nevetséges nevet kapott", mégis "nevetségesen fülbemászó". Elmondása szerint a dal "egyszerű sziklás élt" tartalmaz, amely Berrabah és Buchanan "gazdag textúrájú hangjainak" "rengeteg teret ad a kiváló teljesítményhez". Victoria Segal, The Times írta, hogy a "3 A Suga kanálainak meg kell állítaniuk Mutya Buena győzelmi körét a nyomában ". [A skót szerkesztő úgy érezte, hogy a dal "játékos hozzáállással" rendelkezik, ami hiányzik az album többi részéből. Emily Mackay, a Yahoo! A zene azt sugallta, hogy ez volt az album egyik erősebb dala, és "3 Spoons of Suga"check-me-the-f * ck-out glammy strut-ját megírja, hogy [Sugababes] erősebb alapokon álljon." Paul Schultz The Trades „nevetségesen táncolható Bananarama-mimikának” és „felkavaró himnusznak” tekintette.
Az album vegyes kritikákat kapott, a The Guardian "vegyes táskának" nevezte, de olyan tapsokat tapsolt, mint a "Never Gonna Dance Again" és a "Back Down". A Times azt állította, hogy az album "csak valamivel jobb, mint az All Saints előzései, az összes kelt produkció és a pop ízlésessége", de olyan számokat dicsért, mint a "My Love Is Pink" és a "3 Spoons of Suga".
01 | ABOUT YOU NOW | Cathy Dennis Lukasz Gottwald |
Dr. Luke Rob Smith Steven Wolf |
3:32 |
02 | NEVER GONNA DANCE AGAIN | Keisha Buchanan Heidi Range Miranda Cooper Brian Higgins Tim Powell Lisa Cowling Nick Coler |
Brian Higgins Xenomania |
3:43 |
03 | DENIAL | Sugababes Geeki Flex Turner Elliot Malloy |
Flex Turner Elliot Malloy |
3:31 |
04 | MY LOVE IS PINK | Keisha Buchanan Heidi Range Miranda Cooper Brian Higgins Tim Powell Lisa Cowling Nick Coler |
Brian Higgins Xenomania |
3:44 |
05 | CHANGE | Sugababes Lars Halvor Jensen Martin Michael Larsson Niara Scarlett |
Deekay Dicky Daniel Klein Thomas McEwan Lars H. Jensen |
3:37 |
06 | BACK WHEN | Dallas Austin Gary White |
Dallas Austin JC Chasez |
4:12 |
Cathy Dennis Lukasz Gottwald |
Dr. Luke Rob Smith Steven Wolf |
3:05 |
08 | BACKDOWN | Sugababes Alonzo Stevenson Tony Reyes |
Novel | 3:50 |
09 | MENDED BY YOU | Keisha Buchanan Heidi Range Jony Lipsey Karen Poole Jeremy Shaw |
Jony Rockstar | 3:34 |
Sugababes Jony Lipsey Karen Poole Jeremy Shaw |
Jony Rockstar |
3:50 |
11 | OPEN THE DOOR | Keisha Buchanan Heidi Range Cathy Dennis Lukasz Gottwald |
Dr. Luke Rob Smith Steven Wolf |
3:16 |
12 | UNDIGNFIED | Sugababes Tom Nichols Flex Turner |
Tom Nichols Flex Turner |
3:45 |
MÁS DALOK | ||||
> | ROCKS | Kislemez: About You Now [2007] | ||
> | IN RECLINE | Kislemez: About You Now [2007] | ||
> | HEY THERE DELILAH | Kislemez: Denial [2008] |
ABOUT YOU NOW Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, első kislemeze, a ötödik albumjukról, a Change-ről. Dr. Luke, Cathy Dennis és Steven Wolf együttesen írta és készítette. Egy uptempo pop szám, amely a pop rock és a dance-pop nehéz elemeit ötvözi, könnyű elektronikus hangokat ad be. Lírai: "About You Now" a főszereplőt mélyen gondolkodja azon kapcsolata és szerelmi érdeke között, amelytől elválasztott. A dalt általában a zenekritikusok nagyon jól fogadták, akik elismerték műfaji keverési produkcióját, valamint hangzásában figyelemre méltó amerikai pophatását. Néhányuk a dalt "pop-electro-rock remekművé" is nevezte, és az évek legjobb Sugababes-kislányának nevezte. Megjelenésekor a "About You Now" lett a csoport hatodik UK első számú slágere és legjobban szereplõ single a 2005-ös "Push the Button" óta. Négy hétig maradt az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chart tetején. Elérte a toplistát Magyarországon, valamint az első tízben Ausztriában, Belgiumban, Németországban, Írországban, Norvégiában és Spanyolországban. A Sugababes eddig legkeresettebb kislemeze, 540.500 példányt adott el 2015. októberétől.
A "About You Now" -ot a 2008-as BRIT-díjra jelölték ki a legjobb brit single számára. A Guinness World Records 2009-es kiadásában az "About You Now" szerepelt az "első szám, amelyet egy brit pop-aktus alkotott, hogy a kislemez toplistáját kizárólag letöltések mellett tegye". A dalt "az Egyesült Királyság első számú pozíciójának legnagyobb mozgatórugójaként" is nevezték. 2009 decemberében a BBC feltárta, hogy a "About You Now" volt az Egyesült Királyság ötödik legjobban lejátszott dala az évtizedben (2000–2009). A dal akusztikus változata bónuszként jelenik meg a csoport hatodik stúdió-albumán, a Catfights and Spotlights-on.
MY LOVE IS PINK Az angol Sugababes lánycsoport dala ötödik stúdióalbumáról, a Change-ről (2007). Keisha Buchanan és Heidi Range együttes tagjai írták a Xenomania dalszerző és produkciós csapattal együttműködve, aki a dalt produkálta. A "My Love Is Pink" egy uptempo táncos, elektro és pop dal, amely a brit lánycsoport, a Girls Aloud előadására emlékeztet. A dal 2007. december 10-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban és Írországban a Change második kislemezeként. Vegyes kritikákat kapott a kritikusoktól, akik dicsérték a kompozíciót és a hangzást, de kritizálták annak lírai tartalmát. A dal az Egyesült Királyság Kereskedelmi Pop Klubjának toplistáján az ötödik, a Szlovákiai Singles Chart 51. helyén volt.
CHANGE Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, második kislemeze, a ötödik albumjukról, a Change-ről. A Sugababes, a Niara Scarlett és annak gyártói, a dán Deekay produkciós duó írta. A dal 2007. december 10-én jelent meg az album második nemzetközi és harmadik együtteseként, kísérő B-oldalával, melynek címe: "I Can't Take It No More." A "Change" egy középtempo popbalád, amely himnusz harmóniákból, gitárokból, kulcsokból és elsöprő effektusokból áll. A dal vegyes értékelést kapott a kritikusoktól, akik megosztottak voltak a dal összetételével és balladájával kapcsolatban. Az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chart karácsonyának első számú versenyzőjének tekintették, de csak a 13. szám alatt sikerült elérni. A kislemez Németországban, Írországban, Hollandiában és Romániában szerepelt a negyvenes listán. Fatima Robinson rendezte a dal zenei videóját, amely a Sugababeket ábrázolja az év négy évszakává.
DENIAL Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, harmadik, és egyben az utolsó kislemeze, a ötödik albumjukról, a Change-ről. A Sugababes és a dal gyártói, Flex Turner és Elliot Malloy együtt írták. Staccato versekből, egy harmonikus kórusból és egy egyéni középső nyolcból álló "Denial" egy Europop és puha rock dal, amely a The Gossip "Állandó a vezérlés útjában" című dalát tartalmazza. A dal vegyes értékelést kapott a kritikusoktól, akik ambivalensek voltak a zeneszerzés szempontjából, ám Európa egész területén sikerré vált, ahol a cseh Singles Chart első helyezettje, az osztrák Singles Chart negyedik helyén, és a listák Németországban, Magyarországon, Írországban és Svájcban. Elérte a 15. számot az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chart-ban. Harvey B-Brown rendezte a dal zenei videóját, amelyet a Vogue ihlette és divatos szerkesztési jellemzőket tartalmaz.
NEVER GONNA DANCE AGAIN Ebből lett volna kislemez, de végül törölték, a dal szerepel az ötödik album, Change-en. A dalt írta Keisha Buchanan, Heidi Range, Miranda Cooper, Brian Higgins, Tim Powell, Lisa Cowling és Nick Coler, a dal producere, Xenomania. A dal vegyes kritikát kapott, egyes szerint jó, mások szerint unalmas. Eredetileg még a Taller in More Ways-re írodott, de a lányok nem szerették így törölték a végleges dallistáról.
CHANGE TOUR (2008. Március 12. - Május 1.) Sugababes brit lányegyüttes negyedik koncertturnéja. Ez támogatta ötödik stúdióalbumukat, a Change-t. A turné 2 éjszakával kezdődött Brentwoodban, 2008. március 12-én és március 13-án, az utolsó bemutató pedig 2008. május 1-jén volt Derbyben. A 30 napos turné az eddigi leghosszabb. Harvey B-Brown, a "Denial" videó rendezője irányította a turnét.
Háttér Bár "könnyen eladhatnák az arénákat", a fellépések többsége intimebb helyszíneken zajlik. Amelle Berrabah azt mondta a műsorról, hogy "egy kicsit többet fognak táncolni", és "a jelmezek zseniálisak". Összességében tíz jelmezváltásról van szó. Keisha Buchanan kijelentette: "Valószínűleg ez a legtöbb, amit a turné során tettünk, szóval egy kicsit tele volt." Doppelgängereket használnak a tánc és a tolmácsolás nagy részében. A Sugababes a turné rövidített változatát adta elő a 2008-as V. Fesztiválon és a Liverpool Summer Pops-on.
A banda kilépett a skót T in the Park zenei fesztivál tervezett fellépéséről, ami sok skót rajongót feldühített. Míg a zenekart széles körben hirdették, mint a nagyszínpadi fellépést, a lányok vezetősége azt állította, hogy soha nem vették fel őket a fesztiválra. Geoff Ellis, a T szervezője cáfolta ezeket az állításokat. Alig néhány nappal azután, hogy kiszálltak, a zenekar bejelentette, hogy koncertet ad a többi popsztárral, McFly-vel Londonban azon a napon, amikor a T-ben kellett lenniük. Később a Daily Record kiderült, hogy a lányok kivonulásának valódi oka az volt. attól tartanak a turné menedzsmentje, hogy a Rage Against the Machine fesztivál főszereplőinek rajongói nem fogadják majd őket, akik a Nagyszínpadon várják, hogy megnézzék a fent említett fellépést.
Kritikus válasz A turnéval kapcsolatos kritikai reakciók rendkívül pozitívak voltak, a kritikusok dicsérték éneküket és első próbálkozásukat extravagáns jelmezekre. A The Times egyik kritikája megjegyezte, hogy a doppelgängerek használatát üdvözölték, mert "egyetlen Sugababes inkarnációja sem volt képes még viszonylag egyszerű koreografált rutinokat is érzékkel végrehajtani". A bíráló viccelődött, hogy a zenekar "még táncolt is egy kicsit". A turné „frissítő” volt, Kylie Minogue „stílusos koncertjei” ihlették. A Daily Star kijelentette, hogy "csak minimális finomhangolás teszi ezt hamarosan 2008 egyik legjobb élő show-jává – hibátlan énekléssel." A kritika lélegzetelállító fénypontnak nevezte az En Vogue "Don't Let Go (Love)" borítóját. "Egy sima, csiszolt műsornak" nevezték, és hogy "minden mutatós díszlet és többszörös jelmezváltás ellenére a hangok harmóniája és puszta ereje nyűgözött le a legjobban." Az Express & Star a műsort "előnyös, felnőttnek tűnő, szokatlan és időnként igazán kiemelkedő eseménynek" titulálta. A Daily Record odáig ment, hogy "Keisha, Heidi és Amelle – akiket a 21. század legsikeresebb brit lánycsapatának tiszteltek - 20 számot gyűjtöttek be, és alaposan kiérdemelték a címet."
HOLE IN THE HEAD (contains elements of "Don't Stop The Music")
TOO LOST IN YOU (Piano version)
It was so easy that night, should've been strong, yeah
I lied, nobody gets me like you
Couldn't keep hold of you then, how could I know what you meant
There was nothing to compare to
I know everything changes, all the cities and faces
But I know how I feel about you
There's a mountain between us, but there's one thing I'm sure of
That I know how I feel about you
Can we bring yesterday back around
Cause I know how I feel about you now
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down
But I know how I feel about you now
All that it takes: one more chance, don't let our last kiss be our last
Give me tonight, and I'll show you
I know everything changes, I don't care where it takes us
Cause I know how I feel about you
Can we bring yesterday back around
Cause I know how I feel about you now
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down
But I know how I feel about you now
Not a day pass me by, not a day pass me by, when I don't think about you
And there's no moving on, cause I know you're the one, and I can't be without you
Can we bring yesterday back around
Cause I know how I feel about you now
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down
But I know how I feel about you now
Can we bring yesterday back around
Cause I know how I feel about you now
I was dumb, I was wrong, I let you down
But I know how I feel about you now
But I know how I feel about you now
Yeah, I know how I feel (about you now)
Circles on the floor, I'm getting down, low
But things ain't right, you're gone, I'm losing ground, no
Do you remember when your heart was mine
It's all I ever think when it comes to you and I
No I can't feel right, I'll be good and seal the deal
The rhythm can't just go its the only thing of you
And so I'm never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it's over
And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder
And so I'm never gonna dance again, cause all the music in my world has faded
I know it's never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it
All this time, I'll work, I'll find, a perfect picture that I store in my heart
We were so bright to know we couldn't get it right
Our bodies are in twain now I can't get you off my mind
As we dance you know our feelings show, you oughtta know you got me
As we dance we know my heart's exposed, now I'm alone you left me
And so I'm never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it's over
And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder
And so I'm never gonna dance again, cause all the music in my world has faded
I know it's never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it
I'm getting dumped, the rhythm's all wrong
The record goes around, they're playing our song
I gave into the groove but its giving me pain
There's nothing you can do for me Mr. DJ
And so I'm never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it's over
And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder
And so I'm never gonna dance again, cause all the music in my world has faded
I know it's never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it
Its over, its over, and so I'm never gonna dance again
Its over, its over, and so I'm never gonna dance again
Its over, its over, and so I'm never gonna dance again, its over, its over
(Somewhere in the back of my mind, secretly I know you will find
Me amongst the blushing and glow, deep beyond the things I don't show
Mystery's a beautiful thing, what a gift a woman can bring
Never let it out just like that, let him slowly figure it out (Harmony))
(How can a flower bloom just over a day?
And at night you gotta let the water drain in (Harmony))
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
(You were like a power of nature, telepathic beautiful creature
Understanding all of my weakness, patient, loving, knowing you'd reach it
Cynical and hurt was just me, you were never supposed to be
Part of what I would call amazing, took so long to finally see (Harmony))
(How can a flower bloom just over a day?
And at night you gotta let the water drain in (Harmony))
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
I see the way the wind blows like open minds for us
No complicated barriers to hold us back
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
I didn't wanna fall in love with you
I didn't wanna know the things I knew
It wasn't till I looked into the mirror, denial
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
Thinking about the way that I can say
Maybe there's more to me than you see baby
So many different ways to misbehave
Big numbas and I will make it eighty
Dance on the spot, givin' it all we got
Fire in my eyes, baby I can't disguise
That deal that we did, gettin' me in the mood
If I could make a man he'd look a lot like you
My love is pink, everybody knows what you think
My love is white, but it won't amount to much tonight
My love is red, hotter than the terrible things you said
My love is light, the colors of the girls oh what hold tight
Talkin' about what's never gone before
Lettin' you work your way around my body
Whatever you got i'm guessin' I got more
Even with no regrets you won't be sorry
Dance on the spot, givin' it all we got
Fire in my eyes, baby I can't disguise
That deal that we did, gettin' me in the mood
If I could make a man he'd look a lot like you
My love is pink, everybody knows what you think
My love is white, but it won't amount to much tonight
My love is red, hotter than the terrible things you said
My love is light, the colors of the girls oh what hold tight
And I'll be true, true to my Word oh baby, I will be true
If you, give me your word, then maybe, I'll show you the moves
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
My love is pink, everybody knows what you think
My love is white, but it won't amount too much tonight
My love is red, hotter than the terrible things you said
My love is light, the colors of the girls oh what hold tight
My love is pink, everybody knows what you think
My love is white, but it won't amount too much tonight
My love is red, hotter than the terrible things you said
My love is light, the colors of the girls oh what hold tight
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
Love, love everybody, everybody, love, love everybody, is pink
If I could hold you close, like you were never gone
If I could hear your voice, you'd tell me to be Strong
But sometimes I just can't, I just don't understand
Why you had to go (why you had to go) I guess I'll never know
Ain't it funny how you think you're gonna be OK
Till you remember things ain't never gonna be the same again (the same again)
Ain't it crazy how you think you've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand (in your hand) change
If I could get to you, I'd be there in a minute
My world don't make no sense, not without you in it
And sometimes, I just find, can't say I don't know why
Why'd you have to go (why'd you have to go)
And leave me here alone (and leave me here alone)
Ain't it funny how you think you're gonna be OK
Till you remember things ain't never gonna be the same again (the same again)
Ain't it crazy how you think you've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand (in your hand) change
You don't see it coming (change)
When the future comes knocking (it changed)
It can make you or break you too
You'd just have to make it through (You'd just have to make it through)
Ain't it funny how you think you're gonna be OK
Till you remember things ain't never gonna be the same again (the same again)
Ain't it crazy how you think you've got your whole life planned
Just to find that it was never ever in your hand (in your hand) change
Change, change, change, change
You telling me that I don't look the same as I used to
Could it be at times the only blame for our issues
I wanna know can't go no longer being neglected
Knowing that your heart has changed
Reminiscing on the times looking at the photos
Oh we were so happy then taking walks out in the park
Enjoying the sun and I was you're only one
And we were like the closest friends
Back when, we used to talk about everything
Now it seems you're not listening, winter nights are colder than usual
And Summer time is just not the same
What happened to the love back when
You promised me we'd plant the seed to love and let it grow
Now it seems that you don't even water it no more
'Cos it seems the leaves have hit the ground and faded
Now the trees don't look the same
Reminiscing on the times looking at the photos
Oh we were so happy then taking walks out in the park
Enjoying the sun and I was you're only one
And we were like the closest friends
Back when, we used to talk about everything
Now it seems you're not listening, winter nights are colder than usual
And Summer time is just not the same
What happened to the love back when
We used to talk about everything
Now it seems you're not listening, winter nights are colder than usual
And Summer time is just not the same
What happened to the love back when
You told me that you love me
And now it seems to me we're two strangers
That's falling apart, and I know
Nothing in life is guarenteed
So if you wanna move along then move alone
Back when, we used to talk about everything
Now it seems you're not listening, winter nights are colder than usual
And Summer time is just not the same
What happened to the love back when
We used to talk about everything
Now it seems you're not listening, winter nights are colder than usual
And Summer time is just not the same
What happened to the love back when
Last summer we met I'll never forget hanging out everyday
Guess that era has gone you got what you want hope she works out ok
I bet you think I'm torn that you're the one I miss
I'm over now you're gone but that's not the way it is
Surprise, while you call me up late at night
Expecting me to wanna die, I'm busy here with some other guy
It's good since you told me goodbye
Don't go wasting your time expecting me crying lost like I can't go on
Yeah, my pride's still intact no danger of that it must hurt to know you're wrong
You think I'm on my own just waiting for the chance
I'm getting what I want but it's not the way you planned
Surprise, while you call me up late at night
Expecting me to wanna die, I'm busy here with some other guy
It's good since you told me goodbye
Lately you've been saying it's a tragedy
Maybe yeah for yyou but baby not for me
Now I got someone who's taking care of me
It's you that's crying tears, and I like the way it feels
Surprise, while you call me up late at night
Expecting me to wanna die, I'm busy here with some other guy
It's good since you told me goodbye
I like my man rough I like my man tough
But he's gotta be smooth when he's giving my love
I like my man clean like the cut of his jeans
It's like the Lord made tailored man for me
He's gotta smell good treat me like a man should
Keep his hair trimmed low he's a friend of my soul
He keeps me secure makes me feel safe
And if you ever dare touch me he'd have to put you in your place
'Cos my baby don't back down my baby won't back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
My baby don't back down no he never back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
I like my man sexy I like my man made
He knows what I want he's the Ying to my Yang
I like my man patient and his body real tight
Never keeps me waiting that's just what I like
See these boys are no good cos I need a real man
Someone who can keep me in the palm of his hand
He's gotta treat me right never do me wrong
Better know how to please me and turn me on
I know he'll never back down my baby won't back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
My baby don't back down my baby don't back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
I like my man cool much cooler than ice
And if I didn't meet him I wouldn't have to blink twice
He gives me kisses by the hour and when he bring me flowers
Never felt so Sweet when he's around me
He makes me smile instead of making me laugh
Never moves too slow doesn't move too fast
He's the love of my life he's all that I need
And when he's with his friends he's proud about me
'Cos my baby never back down my baby don't back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
No my baby don't back down my baby don't back down
Cos he's alright, 'cos he's alright
Break it down, break it down, break it down now
Break it down, break it down, break it down now
Break it down, break it down, break it down now
Break it down, break it down, break it down now
I tried to make it work, I learned the hardest way
I lost him in the end and it was over
I turned my back on love, I switched off at the mains
I cried night and day 'cos it was over
You came up I swear that it was just like something from a movie scene
When we met, we connected, I never expected you'd be everything to me
You are everything I wanna say nothing that I wanna lose
Feel like I will never break I've been mended by you
You're the reason that I wanna stay the places that I wanna go
'Cos I know, I've been mended by you
You never held me close, he never let me go
Just when I lost the fight, you were my soldier
And now we're standing here, in such a different place
August 23rd, do you remember?
You came up I swear that it was just like something from a movie scene
When we met, we connected, I never expected you'd be everything to me
You are everything I wanna say nothing that I wanna lose
Feel like I will never break I've been mended by you
You're the reason that I wanna stay the places that I wanna go
'Cos I know, I've been mended by you
I've been mended by you, I've been mended by you
You are everything I wanna say nothing that I wanna lose
Feel like I will never break I've been mended by you
You're the reason that I wanna stay the places that I wanna go
'Cos I know, I've been mended by you
I've been mended by you, I've been mended by you
She likes to dress like she's fresh out of a magazine
She struts around getting down to her record machine
It's clear that she enjoys teasing all the boys
They always say that you'll remember her name
Because she's got it, she's got it right down (and all the guys say)
I need 3 spoons of suga and a glassful of liqueur to get over you
Give me something in my coffe, give me thrills
Take my money, can't get over you
He don't get stressed 'cos he's blessed with the cut of his jeans
He looking tight washed superfine if you know what I mean
He clearly gets his kicks getting messy with the chicks
They always say that you'll remember his name
Because he's got it, he's got it so so down (and all the girls say)
I need 3 spoons of suga and a glassful of liqueur to get over you
Give me something in my coffe, give me thrills
Take my money, can't get over you
I'm gonna need a whole lotta therapy to cure this sugarush I can't get over you
Give me something in my coffee, give me thrills, take my money
Can't get over you (and all the girls say)
I need 3 spoons of suga and a glassful of liqueur to get over you
Give me something in my coffe, give me thrills
Take my money, can't get over you
I'm gonna need a whole lotta therapy to cure this sugarush I can't get over you
Give me something in my coffe, give me thrills
Take my money, can't get over you
(Oh-oh) Baby show me, I want you to hold me (oh-oh)
Never felt this empty before I can't take it no more (oh-oh)
'Cos I noticed, we ain't got that closeness (oh-oh)
Like the way we had it before baby open the door (oh-oh)
Baby you ain't got the time (got the time) tell me what is on your mind (your mind)
Even when you're here I'm feeling so alone
You used to work me so hard (so hard) but now we're in rooms apart (apart)
Don't tell me you can't really see what's going on
I can't wait, tell me 'for it gets too late
Tell me that my heart won't break I don't wanna let it go
Baby show me, I want you to hold me (oh-oh)
Never felt this empty before I can't take it no more (oh-oh)
'Cos I noticed, we ain't got that closeness (oh-oh)
Like the way we had it before baby open the door (oh-oh)
Lately all the thrill is gone (is gone) everything I do is wrong (is wrong)
You keep pouring water on these flames inside
Can we make it like brand new (brand new) baby trust me and you (and you)
'Cos I can't go on like this another night
I can't wait, tell me 'for it gets too late
Tell me that my heart won't break I don't wanna let it go
Baby show me, I want you to hold me (oh-oh)
Never felt this empty before I can't take it no more (oh-oh)
'Cos I noticed, we ain't got that closeness (oh-oh)
Like the way we had it before baby open the door (oh-oh)
I could say I hate you now but you see through me easily
I can't take the ups and downs take my hand, say you'll turn it around
Baby show me, I want you to hold me (oh-oh)
Never felt this empty before I can't take it no more (oh-oh)
'Cos I noticed, we ain't got that closeness (oh-oh)
Like the way we had it before baby open the door (oh-oh)
Swollen eyes no better to let you see them now
My wasted heart will never learn to drive the demon down
When you love the devil you sell your soul and it's hard to let it go
Undignified I am tonight
So give me false hope and promise me you'll try
To redeem yourself for the hundreth time
Lie to me if you must my dear, give me a reason to have here
Even false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me
I'm hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem so undignified
It terrifies me to think I'm not the only one
You'd be surprised how much I cry when you are gone
When your angel's the devil your church is a tomb but I need to be with you
I'm undignified enough for two
So give me false hope and promise me you'll try
To redeem yourself for the hundreth time
Lie to me if you must my dear, give me a reason to have here
Even false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me
I'm hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem so undignified
I'm addicted to the pain and pleasure you give
It's not how I wanna live controlled by him
So give me false hope and promise me you'll try
To redeem yourself for the hundreth time
Lie to me if you must my dear, give me a reason to have here
Even false hope allows me to still believe
In this powerful love that's consuming me
I'm hooked on a drug that steals your pride
It's hard not to seem so undignified
Dealers keep dealin' thieves keep thievin'
Whores keep whorin' junkies keep scorin'
Trade is on the meat rack strip joints full of hunchbacks
Bitches keep bitchin' clap keeps itchin'
Ain't no use in prayin' that's the way it's stayin', baby
Johnny ain't so crazy he's always got a line for the ladies
Get your rocks off get your rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get you rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Creeps keep crawlin' drunks keep fallin'
Teasers keep teasein' holy joes are preachin'
Cops keep bustin' hustlers keep hustlin'
Death keeps knockin' souls are up for auction
Ain't no use in prayin' that's the way it's stayin', baby
Johnny ain't so crazy he's always got a line for the ladies, yeah, yeah, yeah
Get your rocks off get your rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get you rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get your rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get you rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Ain't no use in prayin' that's the way it's stayin', baby
Johnny ain't so crazy he's always got a line for the ladies, yeah, yeah, yeah
Get your rocks off get your rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get you rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get your rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
Get your rocks off get you rocks off, honey
Shake it now now get'em off downtown
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Call me honey sugar, babe, I'm what you want
I'm not asking no questions who you're coming from, yeah
You're safe with me here you speak
I become all tongue twisted and I turn
Don't get too attached to me baby not right now
Don't wait up when your bored of throwing her around, yeah
You're safe with me here
You speak I become, automatically undone
I'll give you something to think about
When you get home a little something to trip about
Come on baby it's that time get my body in a recline
Watch that, let it go uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, oh uh-oh, uh-oh
(Let's figure out how to get this started
Once we get hooked up well you can party
I'm on a mission so don't play shy
Hold my attention not like other guys
Looking to get what she don't wanna get
Like it's your birthday it's what we'll get (Harmony))
You just hit, you hit this spot, I'm frustrated getting hot
How do you do it, how do you sleep at night?
If she only knew it, you're dreaming of me at night, how do you do it, do it?
You speak I become, automatically undone
I'll give you something to think about
When you get home a little something to trip about
Come on baby it's that time get my body in a recline
Watch that, let it go uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, oh uh-oh, uh-oh
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
You just hit, you hit this spot, I'm frustrated getting hot
I'll give you something to think about
When you get home a little something to trip about
Come on baby it's that time get my body in a recline
Watch that, let it go uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, oh uh-oh, uh-oh
I'll give you something to think about
When you get home a little something to trip about
Come on baby it's that time get my body in a recline
Watch that, let it go uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, oh uh-oh, uh-oh
Work it like you know it, boy, you got to get me through the day, oh boy
Work it like you know it, boy, you got to get me through the day, oh boy
Work it like you know it, boy, you got to get me through the day, oh boy
Work it like you know it, boy, you got to get me through the day, oh boy
Hey, there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do, times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true
Hey, there, Delilah, don't you worry about the distance?
I'm right there if you get lonely, give this song another listen close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise I'm by your side
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
Hey, there, Delilah, I know times are getting hard
Just believe me girl someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar, we'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would, my word is good
Hey, there, Delilah I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away, we write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall, we'd have it all
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Friends of all make fun of us and we'll just lauhg along because
We know that none of them have felt this way
Delilah, I can promise you, that by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same, and you're to blame
Hey, there, Delilah, you be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school, and I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you, we can do whatever we want to
Hey, there, Delilah here's to you this one's for you
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me oh, it's what you do to me, what you do to me
Take me, why don't you take me, now I got you all alone
Maybe I'll show you baby how to take control
It's been a while since you've been on the prowl, it's your chance to have me now
I'm so caught up by the thought of you yeah
Save me, cause I'm about to go crazy
I know they're watching, it don't phase me, cause boy you got me so tenderly
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
And this feeling I got to explore, baby tonight
You see me on the dancefloor, I wanna show you some more
A private lesson behind closed doors
Now we can take this slowly, how much do you wanna know me?
But boy you do not own me, feel the heat (Feel the heat)
Now we've got this started, tell me just how you want it
So I can be all that you dreamed and more
Now after all this talking, ou got me feeling something
I'm running out of patience, I just wanna take you
Save me, cause I'm about to go crazy
I know they're watching, it don't phase me, cause boy you got me so tenderly
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
And this feeling I got to explore, baby tonight
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
And this feeling I got to explore, baby tonight
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more, I can't take it no more
And this feeling I got to explore, baby tonight