Megjelenés 2005. Október 10. / 2006. Február 27.
Felvételek 2004 Szeptember - 2005 Július / 2006 Január
Műfaj Hip hop - Electropop - R&B
Hossz 45:35
Kiadó Island Records
Producerek Dallas Austin, Cameron McVey, Jony Rockstar, Guy Sigsworth, Xenomania, Pete Kirtley, Tim Hawes
Tagok Mutya Buena [2005] - Keisha Buchanan - Heidi Range - Amelle Berrabah [2006]
Kislemezek > Push the Button /// 2005. Szeptember 26.
> Ugly /// 2005. December 5.
> Red Dress /// 2006. Március 6.
> Follow Me Home /// 2006. Június 5.
<<<<<< Three (2003)
>>>>>> Overloaded: The Singles Collection (2006)

Sugababes brit lánycsoport negyedik stúdióalbuma, amelyet az Island Records adott ki 2005. október 10-én az Egyesült Királyságban. Elsősorban Dallas Austin és Jony Rockstar gyártotta, további produkciókat Cameron McVey, Xenomania és Guy Sigsworth készítette. Az album címét az album második kislemezének, az "Ugly" egyik sora ihlette.
Megjelenése után a Taller in More Ways általában kedvező kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Ez az Egyesült Királyság albumlistájának élén áll, ezzel a csoport első hazai első számú albuma lett. 2 × platina minősítést kapott a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) által. Ezenkívül Írországban, Svájcban, Hollandiában és Ausztriában eljutott az első tízbe.
Mutya Buena 2005 decemberében hagyta el a Sugababes-t, helyére Amelle Berrabah került. Ennek eredményeként a Taller in More Ways 2006 márciusában jelent meg újra egy új dal, a "Now You Gone", valamint három újrarögzített szám felvételével, amelyek Berrabah énekét tartalmazzák; "Gotta Be You", "Follow Me Home" és "Red Dress".


A "Hole in the Head", a Sugababes harmadik stúdióalbumának Three (2003) első száma 2004 júliusában jelent meg az Egyesült Államokban. Ez alatt az idő alatt a Sugababes elárulta, hogy találkoznak az Egyesült Államok producereivel, hogy dolgozzon a negyedik stúdióalbumukon. 2004 augusztusában a Sugababes kiadta a "Caught in a Moment" -t, a Three negyedik és egyben utolsó kislemezét, és megerősítette, hogy megkezdődött a csoport negyedik albumának felvétele. A 2004 szeptembere és 2005 augusztusa közötti szünetben spekulációk adódtak a zenekar jövőjével kapcsolatban, amelyek pletykákat tartalmaztak a legnagyobb slágerlemez kiadásáról, és arról, hogy a csoport később fel fog oszlani. A zenekar tagja, Heidi Range visszatetszését fejezte ki a média spekulációjától, mondván: "Tudod mit? Először ez dühítene bennünket, aztán nevetnénk, és most nem is figyelünk rá. amióta négy évvel ezelőtt beléptem a zenekarba, azt mondtam, hogy szét fogunk szakadni, és fogalmam sincs, honnan származik az egész.


A Taller in More Ways főként hip-hop lemez, de az elektropop és az R&B hatásait is kihasználja. Priya Elan, a The Guardian, az albumot "titán popkísérletként" jellemezte. Buena egy interjú során kijelentette, hogy az album minden dala más és más. Az album hangulata az uptempo popszámoktól a lassabb, downtempo balladákig terjed.
Az album a "Push the Button", egy uptempo pop, elektropop és elektronikus dallal kezdődik. A hangszerelés számítógépes ütemekből és elektronikából áll. A dalt Buchanan és Austinnal együttműködő művész közötti ellentmondás inspirálta, és dalszövegileg arról szól, hogy egy nő szexuálisan frusztrálja, hogy a férfi észrevétlen marad. A következő szám a "Gotta Be You", egy omlós és R&B szám, amely egy "monoton tonális, szintetizált dudáláson" fut keresztül. A dalt lírai értelemben úgy értelmezik, hogy a sajtó által hozott ítéletekre reagál. Számos összehasonlítást kapott Aaliyah "Próbálja újra" -hoz. Ezt követi a "Follow Me Home", egy downtempo és romantikus R&B ballada, amelyet billentyűs hangszerek, gitár, ütemek és basszusok kísérnek. A romantikus dalt Buena lánya ihlette, és lírailag arról szól, hogy megvédje kedvesét. Az album negyedik száma a "Joy Division", amely a dub és a nu metal hatásait vonja le. K. Ross Hoffman, az AllMusic munkatársa "szellős, ska-punkos árnyalatú" számként jellemezte. A dalt billentyűzetek, gitár, ütem és basszus kíséretében, és olyan Sugababes éneksorokat tartalmaz, mint a "Boy do I turn you round / Isn't this profound". Lírai szempontból az "Örömosztás" lomha férfiakról szól; Range szerint "A versem egy srácról szól, aki megpróbál beszélgetni, és kényelmesen elfelejti, hogy felesége és gyereke van".
A "Red Dress" az album ötödik számaként szolgál; ez egy uptempo pop dal, amely két kórust tartalmaz. Hangszerelése billentyűzetekből, basszusgitárokból és gitárokból áll, míg a fő riff Tony Clarke északi soul-dalát, a Landslide-t. A "Red Dress" a lányok hatalmának témáját mutatja be, és lírai szempontból egy nőről szól, aki szexualitását arra használja, hogy hatalmat szerezzen a férfiak felett. A Taller in More Ways hatodik dala a "Ugly" középtempós pop rock ballada, amely "periférikus részleteken bóklászó" akusztikus gitárokból áll. Lírai tartalma összefügg az önértékeléssel és a testkép gondjaival; a dal összehasonlítást kapott Christina Aguilera amerikai lemezművész "Beautiful" -jával és a TLC amerikai lánycsoport "Unpretty" -jével. Az "It Ain't Easy", az album hetedik száma egy elektro- és R&B dal, amelyet gitár riff, dobok és kulcsok támogatnak. Emlékeztet arra, amit Depeche Mode a "Personal Jesus" -on hallott. Szövegileg az "It Ain't Easy" a Sugababe-ról, mint emberről szól, és egyensúlyba hozza életüket a karrierjükkel. Az album nyolcadik száma, a "Bruised", ismétlődő "ta-na-na" háttér-éneket tartalmaz, és lírailag egy viharos kapcsolatról szól. Buchanan elárulta, hogy a dal arról szól, hogy egészségtelen kapcsolatban van, és azt mondta: "Valahányszor közel kerülnek hozzád, megsérülsz".
Az album kilencedik száma az Animotion új hullámának, az "Obsession" -nak a borítója. Hoffman "cukros szintipopnak" minősítette. A dal egy 1980-as évekbeli szórakozóhely "csillogó" akkordprogresszióit tartalmazza. A BBC Talia Kraines szerint a borító az eredeti "majdnem pontos átdolgozása". Ezt követi az Ace Reject című popsáv, amelyet lírailag a diszfunkcionális kapcsolatok inspiráltak. Buchanan a dal koncepciójáról és jelentéséről beszélt, mondván: "Arról van szó, hogy szakítunk és pótoljuk, és nem tudjuk, miért." -ohó "háttér vokál, és lírai szempontból szól az ember problémáinak leküzdéséről. A dalt Jamelia "Thank You" -jéhez hasonlították. Az album tizenkettedik és záró dala a "2 Hearts", egy akusztikával vezérelt popballada, amely magában foglalja az európai elektropopot. A dal hangszerelése gitárokból, kürtökből, ütemekből, basszusgitárokból, ütőhangszerekből és vonósokból áll. A hibridhez hasonló karakterláncot is tartalmaz. A dal az Elbow "Grace Under Pressure" című művére emlékeztet.


Simon Price, a The Independent szerint az "It Ain't Easy" emlékeztet Marilyn Manson "Rock Is Dead" -jére. Alex Roginski, a The Sydney Morning Herald (The Sydney Morning Herald) írta, hogy a dal "az elektro-összecsapást hasznosítja az R & B-re való törekvéshez". K. Ross Hoffman, az AllMusic munkatársa megjegyezte, hogy a dal "fenyegetően lendült, twangy gitár-riffbe vág", ami őt "olyan kirívóan emelik" a Depeche Mode "Personal Jesus" című dalából. Buchanan a dal lírai tartalmáról és jelentéséről beszélt, mondván: "Alapvetően rólunk, mint emberről van szó. Nem könnyű ott lenni, ahol most vagyunk, próbálva egyensúlyt tartani a normalitás és ez között. Amikor elégedett vagy magaddal, akkor érdemes tudja, milyen vagy, és a körülöttünk lévő emberek tudják, milyenek vagyunk. "
Alexis Petridis a The Guardian-ból jobban megnevezte, mint az album vezető kislemezét, a "Push the Button" -t, miközben leírta azt is, mint "Depeche Mode" Personal Jesus "-ját, amelyet egzisztenciális dühével írt át a tinédzser romantika vándorlása." A megfigyelő Peter Robinson szintén megjegyezte a két dal hasonlóságát, és azt írta, hogy a szám "szellemesen tiszteleg a Depeche Mode" Personal Jesus "előtt. Azt javasolta, hogy ez az album egyik legjobb száma. Hoffman azt írta, hogy "csoda, hogy Martin Gore nem kap írási kreditet" a dalban, "egy harci támadás és izgatott kétszeres csoportos ének ellen". A Daily Record Rick Fulton az album egyik albumának tekintette. kiemeli. Ben Hogwood, a musicOMH zenéjéből azonban elismerte, hogy bár a dal Buchanan "ideges énekét" tartalmazza, a "forrásanyag nagy részét" Goldfrapp "Train" című dalából veszi át, amely szerinte "sikertelen híddal van kiegészítve"
Sugababes 2006. március 20-án a skóciai Glasgow-ban, a Clyde Auditoriumban adta elő a dalt a Taller in More Ways promóciójára szervezett brit turné keretében. A The Scotsman szerkesztője a dalt az "Obsession" "Goldfrapp-matching" számaként jellemezte, és az előadást a koncert egyik "legjobb pontjának" nevezte.
A "Gotta Be You" egy omlós és B dal. Ben Hogwood, az MusicOMH az "R & B klub elektromos darabjaként" jellemezte. Keisha Buchanan csoporttag szerint a Sugababes az első brit zenekar, amely beépítette zenéjébe az amerikai hangzást. A The Observer Kitty Empire-je "felfutó R & B" -nek nevezte, és megjegyezte, hogy Aaliyah amerikai R & B-énekesnő emlékeztetett a "Try Again" -re. Hasonlóképpen, K. Ross Hoffman, az AllMusic munkatársa azt írta, hogy a "Gotta Be You" "dallamosan közeledik a dalhoz", amelyben utóbbit "fenségesnek" nevezte. Egy másik kritikus, Nick Southall a Stylus Magazine-ból azt írta, hogy "lefegyverzően közel áll" a "Try Again" -hez.
Buchanan a dal koncepcióját és szövegének értelmezését egy adott szám alatt az album hivatalos elemzésével magyarázta el a csoport hivatalos honlapján, mondván: "Ez a dal arról szól, hogy reagáljunk a sajtóra, amikor kicsapnak, és hogyan ítélnek meg téged. dalt imádtuk. Hogy őszinte legyek, minden reklám jó reklám, legyen az pozitív vagy negatív, és ez eltartott egy ideig, mire ezt megkapjuk. Amikor a sajtó valami negatívat és valótlan dolgot ír, nehéz ezt pozitívan nézni. valóban kapcsolódhatnánk a dalhoz."
Alexis Petridis, a The Guardian szerint Austin "fényt ad, de ennek ellenére izgalmas porhatás az egyhangú, sokféle hatású szintetizált dudálásból" a dalhoz. Petridis kifejtette, hogy ez "körülbelül annyi, ameddig az album a hosok és a playák birodalmába merészkedik, kibaszik a légkört vagy másképp." Ben Hogwood, az musicOMH kedvező kritikát adott; "készülő táncparkett himnusznak és minden bizonnyal jövőbeli kislemeznek" nevezte.
A BBC-től Talia Kraines kritikusan értékelte a "Gotta Be You" -et, "bosszantó" és "unalmas r'n'b-lite" számnak nevezve. Hoffman (az AllMusic) szintén kedvezőtlen volt a dal iránt, és azt írta, hogy "kevésbé sikeresen bolyong" az album többi számához képest. Kidolgozta, hogy annak ellenére, hogy "a szintetikus fuzz R&B megalapozott, trendi tabla stílusú skittereléssel rendelkezik", a dal "összehasonlítás nélkül nem tud sápadni" és a "Try Again". Alex Roginski, a The Sydney Morning Herald, a dalszöveget "laposnak" kritizálta. Joe Muggs, a The Daily Telegraph munkatársa szerint a "Gotta Be You" "szándékos kísérletnek érzi az amerikai piac megcsalogatását".


A Taller in More Ways általában kedvező kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. K. Ross Hoffman, az AllMusic tagja az öt csillagból 4-et díjazott, az albumot "a legerősebbek közé" sorolva, és az egyszerű, de mégis hatásos elektro-pop klubot, a "Push The Button" -ot [és] ebben a kategóriában még jobban szörnyen funky "Red Dress" ", valamint a" Follow Me Home "és a" Ugly ", két" találóan inspiráló mini-eposznak "nevezve őket. A felülvizsgálat kevésbé kedvező volt a három utolsó vágás kapcsán, mondván, hogy "nem hagynak nagy benyomást". A "Gotta Be You" -et "[olyan dalként] írta le, [amely] Aaliyah fenséges" Try again "-jához képest sápadt."
Alexis Petridis a The Guardian-ból azonban kedvezően nyilatkozott a "Gotta Be You" -ről, Austinra hivatkozva "[valaki, aki] egyértelműen tudja, hol rejlenek Sugababes erősségei", és kijelentette, hogy "[Austin] könnyed, de mégis izgalmas port kavart monoton tonális hatású szintetizált dudálás a "Gotta Be You" -re. " Kevésbé kedvelte az „Obszesszió” című borítójukat, és kijelentette: „Sajnos, Sugababes változata inkább a széleken homokszik le, mintsem felerősíti a tébolyodást: ami hátra van, olyan, mint az 1980-as évek karaoke-éjszakája”. Azt is megjegyzi, hogy "az a benyomásod támad, hogy jobban örülnének az R & B-nek". Összegzésként azonban kijelenti, hogy "az album sztrájkja sokkal magasabb, mint amire számíthat egy gyártott popművész negyedik albumától; elkerüli a nyilvánvaló buktatókat, és csúcspontjai valóban magasak", így az album 5 csillagból 3-at ad.
Peter Robinson, a The Observer, 5 csillagból 5-öt adott az albumnak, összefoglalva, hogy "a hűvös, mégis kereskedelmi popkirálynők tavaszt tettek Peter Robinson lépésébe", bár azt mondta, hogy "csak néha dobja el a banda a labdát: "Better" kiváló dal, de túlságosan úgy hangzik, mint Jamelia „Thank You”. Nick Southall a Stylus Magazine-ból B + -t adott az albumnak, megjegyezve a hasonlóságokat Aaliyah kislemezével, és kijelentette, hogy a "Gotta Be You" lefegyverzően közel áll a "Try Again" -hez, és végül "nem a legjobb album a világon vagy akár az év, nem obskurantista schizeclecto metapop, mint Annie vagy MIA, vagy tele van po-mo popkultúrával. A jelölők, mint a Girls Aloud, nem adnak torz egzisztenciális narratívát, mint Britney, de a "Taller in More Ways" tele dallamokkal, és mint ilyen nehéz ellenállni.
Az album 2005-ben a 23. helyen állt az Observer Music Monthly Top 100 album listáján.


01 PUSH THE BUTTON Sugababes
Dallas Austin
Dallas Austin 3:39
02 GOTTA BE YOU Christopher Stewart
Penelope Magnet
Terius Nash
Dallas Austin 3:40
03 FOLLOW ME HOME Sugababes
Jony Lipsey
Karen Poole
Jeremy Shaw
Jony Rockstar 3:58
04 JOY DIVISION Sugababes
Jony Lipse
Cameron McVey
Jony Lipsea 3:59
05 RED DRESS Sugababes
Brian Higgins
Miranda Cooper
Tim Powell
Nick Coler
Shawn Lee
Lisa Cowling
Bob Bradley
Brian Higgins
06 UGLY Dallas Austin
Dallas Austin 3:51
Dallas Austin
Dallas Austin 3:05
08 BRUISED Sugababes
Guy Sigsworth
Cathy Dennis
Guy Sigsworth
09 OBSESSION Holly Knight
Michael Des Barres
Dallas Austin
10 ACE REJECT Sugababes
Brian Higgins
Miranda Cooper
Tim Powell
Brian Higgins
(UK only)
Peter Biker
Karsten Dahlgaard
Colin Thrope
Peter Biker
12 2 HEARTS Sugababes
Jony Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Jony Lipsey 4:52
13 NOW YOU'RE GONE Keisha Buchanan
Heidi Range
Amelle Berrabah
Pete Kirtley
Tim Hawes
Niara Scarlett
Pete Kirtley
Tim Hawes
> FAVOURITE SONG Kislemez: Push the Button [2005]
> LIKE THE WHEATHER Kislemez: Push the Button [2005]
> COME TOGETHER Kislemez: Ugly [2005]
> FUTURE SHOKK! Kislemez: Ugly [2005]
> I BET YOU LOOK GOOD ON THE DANCEFLOOR Kislemez: Red Dress [2006]
> LIVING FOR THE WEEKEND Kislemez: Red Dress [2006]


PUSH THE BUTTON Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, első kislemeze, a negyedik albumjukról, az Taller in More Way-ről. A Dallas Austin és a Sugababes együttese egy olyan lelkesedés ihlette, amelyet a csoport tagja, Keisha Buchanan fejlesztett egy másik művésznél. Zeneileg a "Push the Button" egy elektropop és R&B dal, különféle számítógépes effektusokkal. A dal pozitív értékeléseket kapott a kritikusoktól, akik dicsérték a koncepcióját és előállítását. Néhány kritikus a 2000-es évek egyik legjobb pop-kislemezének nevezte. A "Push the Button" lett a csoport egyik legsikeresebb kiadása. Az egyedülálló csúcspontja Ausztriában, Írországban, Új-Zélandon és az Egyesült Királyságban volt, és Európa és Ausztrália között elérte az ötödik legjobbat. A 2006-os Brit Awards-on jelölték ki a Legjobb Brit Egyedülálló Szereplőre.
Matthew Rolston rendezte a dal zenei videóját, amelyet a londoni Shepherd Bush-ban készítettek. Jellemzője, hogy a Sugababes flörtöl három lifttel. A Sugababes az egységet olyan fesztiválokon és rendezvényeken mutatta be, mint például az Oxegen 2008 és a V Fesztivál. A "Push the Button" megjelenik a It's a Boy Girl Thing (2006) filmzenében.
Ők voltak a második olyan lánybanda akik kislemez és az album listán első helyezést értek az első Spice Girls volt még 1997-ben.

UGLY Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, második kislemeze, a negyedik albumjukról, az Taller in More Way-ről. Dallas Austin írta és készítette, és a dal ihletését a zenekar tagjaival kapcsolatos negatív megjegyzések olvasása közben fogalmazták meg. A dal 2005. december 5-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, mint az album második kislemeze. A "Ugly" egy midtempo pop rock és R&B ballada, amely dalszövegeket tartalmaz a személyiségről és a testképről. Összehasonlításra került a TLC lánycsoport "Unpretty" -val és Christina Aguilera "Beautiful" -val. Az Ugly a zenekar utolsó kislemeze, amelyet a Sugababes második felállásban jelentett meg, miután az eredeti tag, Mutya Buena 2005. december 21-én távozott a csoportból. A "Ugly" pozitív értékeléseket kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik közül sokan dicsérték a mögötte álló érzelmi és felhatalmazó koncepciót. A dal a brit csúcslista harmadik helyezettje volt. Nemzetközi kereskedelmi sikert ért el, ahol Dániában és Új-Zélandon elérte az ötödik, a Cseh Köztársaság, Finnország, Magyarország, Írország, Hollandia és Norvégia első tízét. A dal kísérő zenei videóját egy New York City-i raktárban állítják össze, és különböző életkorú és fajú embereket mutat be tehetségükről.

OBSESSION Az angol Sugababes lánycsoport az Obsession címet adta a Taller in More Ways negyedik stúdióalbumához (2005). A csoport tagja, Heidi Range kezdetben demóként rögzítette Ashley Hamiltonnal, bár a Sugababes később úgy döntött, hogy csoportként rögzíti. Dallas Austin, az album egyik első producere. A borító hasonló az eredetihez, és polarizáló hatást gyakorolt ​​a kritikusokra; egyesek középszerűnek kritizálták, mások az album egyik kiemelkedő számának nevezték. A Sugababes a Taller in More Ways and Overloaded: The Singles Collection (2006) támogató turnéin adta elő.

RED DRESS Sugababes brit lánycsapat dala negyedik stúdióalbumukról, a Taller in More Ways (2005) címmel. A csoport tagjai a dalt producereivel, a brit Xenomania dalszerző és produkciós csapattal együttműködve írták, azon a felfogáson alapulva, hogy a nőknek kiteniük kell testüket ahhoz, hogy észrevegyék őket. A "Red Dress" 2006. március 6-án jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban az album harmadik kislemezeként, és ez az első, amelyen Amelle Berrabah énekes, Mutya Buena 2005. decemberi távozását követően. A Sugababes az Arctic Monkeys feldolgozást adta elő. "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" című dal a kislemez B-oldalaként.
A dal egy pörgős poplemez, amely egy mintát tartalmaz a "Landslide"-ból, amely Tony Clarke Northern soul felvétele. A kritikusok pozitív kritikákat kapott, akik dicsérték az összetételét és különösen a Xenomania közreműködését. A "Red Dress" a negyedik helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, a hetedik helyen a holland top 40-es holland listán, és az első húsz helyen szerepelt Írország, Új-Zéland és Norvégia kislemezlistáján. A dal klipjét Tim Royes rendezte 2006 januárjában, és a csapat tagjai piros ruhában szerepelnek benne.
A kislemez kiadásához a dalt újra felvették, hogy Berrabah énekét tartalmazza. A „single version” is tartalmaz néhány újra felvett éneket a Buchanantól és a Range-től.

FOLLOW ME HOME Sugababes brit lányegyüttes dala, amelyet negyedik stúdióalbumuk, a Taller in More Ways (2005) negyedik kislemezeként adtak ki. A pop és R&B balladát Keisha Buchanan, Mutya Buena és Heidi Range írták, Jony Rockstar, Karen Poole és Jeremy Shaw társaságában. A producer, a Rockstar a közeli ember gondolatát dolgozta ki inspirációként. Buena a lányáról írt egy verset, míg Buchanan egy verset írt közeli barátja alapján. A dal az album negyedik kislemezeként jelent meg 2006. június 5-én, és Amelle Berrabah énekét tartalmazza Buena helyett, aki 2005 decemberében távozott a bandából.
A "Follow Me Home" vegyes kritikákat kapott a kritikusoktól. Bár hangszerelését és a csoport énekhangját dicsérték, a dalt unalmas és nem inspiráló kritika érte. A kislemez az első negyven közé jutott Írországban és az Egyesült Királyságban, valamint Romániában, Szlovákiában és a European Hot 100 kislemezlistán is felkerült. A "Follow Me Home" videoklipjét Tony Tremlett rendezte, és Prágában, Csehországban forgatták. A Sugababes-eket téli környezetben mutatja be, és a csoport különböző jeleneteit tartalmazza egy nagy házban.

GOTTA BE YOU Az angol lánycsoport, a Sugababes dala a Taller in More Ways (2005) negyedik stúdióalbumáról. Tricky Stewart, Penelope Magnet és Terius Nash írták, míg Dallas Austin készítette a dalt. A dalnak két változata létezik, az egyik Mutya Buena alapító tag vokáljával, a másik pedig Amelle Berrabah énekével, Buena helyettesítésével. A "Gotta Be You" egy töprengő és B dal, amely szövegesen tárgyalja a média által hozott ítéletekre való reagálást. Számos zenekritikus megjegyezte a hasonlóságot a dal és Aaliyah "Try Again" között. Az album megjelenésekor a "Gotta Be You" vegyes kritikákat kapott a kritikusoktól


TALLER IN MORE WAYS TOUR (2006. Március 17. - Április 10.) Sugababes brit lányegyüttes 2006-os koncertturnéja. Ez támogatta negyedik albumukat, a Taller in More Ways-t. 2006. március 17-én Sheffieldben kezdődött, és 2006. április 10-én Londonban ért véget.

A következő setlist a 2006. április 10-i Hammersmith Apollo show-ból származik. Nem célja, hogy a turné minden dátumát reprezentálja.





I'm busy throwing hints that he keeps missing
Don't have to think about it I wanna kiss and
Everything around it but he's too distant
I wanna feel his body I can't resist it
I know my hidden looks can be deceiving
But how obvious should a girl be?
I was taken by the early conversation piece
And I really like the way that he respect me
I've been waiting patiently for him to come and get it
I wonder if he knows that he can say it and I'm with it
I knew I had my mind made up from the very beginning
Catch this opportunity so you and me could feel it 'cos

If you're ready for me boy
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go
You're gonna miss the freak that I control

I'm busy showing him what he's been missing
I'm kind of showing off for his full attention
My sexy ass has got him in the new dimension
I'm ready to do something to relieve this mission
After waiting patiently for him to come and get it
He came on through and asked me if I wanted to get with him
I knew I had my mind made up from the very beginning
Won't miss this opportunity so you and me could feel it 'cos

If you're ready for me boy
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go
You're gonna miss the freak that I control

If you're ready for me boy
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go
You're gonna miss the freak that I control

(I've been dropping so many hints, you’re still not getting it
Now that you’ve heard everything I have to say, where we gonna go from here?)

After waiting patiently for him to come and get it
He came over and asked me if I wanted to get with him
I knew I had my mind made up from the very beginning
Won't miss this opportunity so you and me could feel it 'cos

If you're ready for me boy
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go
You're gonna miss the freak that I control

If you're ready for me boy
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go
You're gonna miss the freak that I control (I control)

If you're ready for me boy (For me boy)
You'd better push the button and let me know
Before I get the wrong idea and go (oh)
You're gonna miss the freak that I control


Turns the lights down low, turns the lights down low (Turn low)
Turns the lights down low, turns the lights down low (Low)
Turns the light down low (Low) turns the light down low (Low)

Everytime there's a breakup I feel wake up
Everybody knows but I feel the pain but
Y'all don't really know about how this should be doing down
Be the biggest talk in town the rumours going round
Everybody wanna love cos what their game does
I be just wanting to find somebody with the same 'cos
I can make ya'll understand me, I know some of ya'll gotta feel me
I been around the World just trying to be your girl
I still lost you, lost you (and I know it's not because of me)

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you

I'm not making this up to clear mistakes up
You're the one to blow it up saying I'm doing too much
Why he kept that safe key look at how you're playing me
Betraying me and this image of what you made me
And now you're talking this stuff think are getting desperate
Newsweek, you would day to day look at Mutya
You can't ever even really know me, cos my ass is the only thing you'll see
I been around the World (Been around the world)
Just trying to be your girl (Trying to be your girl)
I still lost you, lost you (and I know it's not because of me)

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you

(Mmm, mmm, mmm)
Everybody makes mistakes sometime, my mistake just happens to be you

(Mmm, mmm, mmm)
I don't have to live with regrets, and I should have known all along

(Mmm, mmm, mmm) It was always you

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me, I said oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It's you (you) it's you (you) it's you (you)
It's you (you) it's you (you) it's you (you) it's you (yeah) it's you it's you


Like a light into my life I never thought that it would feel so bright, yeah

All I wanna do is hold you tight and I'll be with you through trouble nights
Sometimes life it drags you down and plays you like a fool
Makes you feel so empty sometimes it can be so cruel, oh yeah

So follow me home you'll never be lost
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side
I'm here for you the rest of our lives

When you're feeling all alone hear the words that I'm singing to you, oh
Like a seed that has been sown as you grow, I will protect you, yeah, yeah
Sometimes life it drags you down and plays you like a fool
Makes you feel so empty sometimes it can be so cruel, oh yeah

So follow me home you'll never be lost
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side
I'm here for you the rest of our lives

Baby all I'm trying to say
s that my heart is here to hold you I'm never far away

Take my hand so I can feel you
I've searched and I have found I'll never let you down

We will all stand on solid ground (no matter what will always be around)

So follow me home you'll never be lost (So follow me home, never be lost)
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost (We'll weather the storm, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side (I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side)
I'm here for you the rest of our lives (Yeah, yeah)

So follow me home you'll never be lost (So follow me home, never be lost)
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost (We'll weather the storm, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side (I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side)
I'm here for you the rest of our lives (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


(Oh-oh) yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
By answering one simple question
Am I really gonna releive your tension, put it all in another dimension now
As I'm facing your sidewalk trauma
Why do you have to punish your neighbour, I must confess the prospects, they are found
I don't know why, feel like I'll give just one more good lesson
I ain't just a piece of meat sitting in a delicatessen

Boy, do I turn you round, when I turn you down, oh isn't this profound (oh-oh)
I know I turn you on, you'd never be the one, so why you hangin on (oh-oh)

Can your wife and your kids really be a
Part of your untouched feeling, do you actually think that your getting by
Can you make me a street map of the wheel
Your chasing a ball of string through, enters at the head office in your mind
I don't know why, feel like I'll give you just one more good lesson
I ain't just some piece of meat sitting in a delicatessen

Boy, do I turn you round, when I turn you down, oh isn't this profound (oh-oh)
I know I turn you on, you'd never be the one, so why you hangin on (oh-oh)

Is it really a coinincidence or is it just a wind-up
Do you really think you shake my confidence, are you scared you'll get blown up then
You gotta face the prospects when
You try to eliminate the trend that's been, never emulate just stimulate your mind
(Oh-oh) yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah

Boy, do I turn you round, when I turn you down, oh isn't this profound (oh-oh)
I know I turn you on, you'd never be the one, so why you hangin on (oh-oh)


Cooler than the red dress, cos I'm cooler, cos I'm cooler
Cos I'm cooler than the red dress, cos I'm cooler, cos I'm cooler
A girl's entitled to flaunt to get what she wants can't say that it's wrong no baby
A man's not a boy can't you see we're pulling the strings we're taking the lead
And when you're sure you'll never let her play you again
She'll put on your favourite smile unplug the phone to get you alone, Dirty dance
Her hips will send you into a trance

Cos I'm cooler than the red dress
I'd rather catch a guy on my own (Give me credit)
'Cos what you see the man gets
And if he don't I'm better off here alone (Don't forget it) (oh-oh)
Don't need candlelight to make you stay over I'm giving it up now, baby
If that's what I gotta do just to own you I'm giving it up now maybe (To you)

I've played the desperate lady jumped through all of the hoops boy
Instead of constant craving I leave the chasing to you
And if you don't respect it I'll kick with my Jimmy Choos
Cos boy if you don't love me then I've got nothing to lose
Cos I've been down this roads before I should have known that I was to blame
Won't put on your favourite smile unplug the phone to get you alone, dirty dance
That's not the way I get my romance

Cos I'm cooler than the red dress, I'd rather catch a guy on my own
Cos what you see the man gets, and if he don't I'm better off here alone
Cos I'm cooler than the red dress
I'd rather catch a guy on my own (Save your kisses, do you get it)
Cos what you see the man gets
And if he don't I'm better off here alone (Give me credit, don't forget it) (oh-oh)
Don't need candlelight to make you stay over, I'm giving it up now baby
If that's what I gotta do just to own you, I'm giving it up now baby
Don't need candlelight to make you stay over, I'm giving it up now baby (Right now)
If that's what I gotta do just to own you, I'm giving it up now maybe
(Own you, own you baby)

So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up
So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up
So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up


When I was seven they said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was OK
They said you're more beautiful and that's the way
They show that they wish that they had your smile
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous cos

People are all the same, and we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name, and if I'm ugly then so are you so are you

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed
Cos I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great

People are all the same, and we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name, and if I'm ugly then so are you so are you
People are all the same, and we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name, and if I'm ugly then so are you so are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realises how it affects somebody

And you bet it won't be forgotten, envy is the only thing it could be

People are all the same (cos, the same, the same)
And we only get judged by what we do (what we do, yeah, yeah)
Personality reflects name, and if I'm ugly then so are you so are you (Yeah, you)
People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do (Oh, oh, oh, what we do, yeah)

Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you so are you (Yeah, so are you, so are you)


I get so used to being alone, my choice this time I'm in a zone
Not in a place where you can't control me

Not saying i don't wan't to take a chance
Coz its all open to romance, I know it's crazy but I must say
It ain't easy being me, it ain't easy don't you know
Coz I'm not the type to let someone take over me
It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, that's for sure, oh-oh oh-oh)
It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, oh-oh, oh-oh oh-oh)

Wanna have you back down on your knees
Can't give you too much coz I know, gets to the point where I can't control you
It's like a rush straight to my brain
Feels like I'm driving you insane in every way coz I can't be contained
It ain't easy being me, it ain't easy don't you know
Coz I'm not the type to let someone take over me

It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, that's for sure, oh-oh oh-oh)
It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, oh-oh, oh-oh oh-oh)
It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, that's for sure, oh-oh oh-oh)
It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy (no, oh-oh, oh-oh oh-oh)

Constantly reminded of the place I used to be
Gave up so much energy but now its all about me

(Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy
(Oh oh oh oh) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy
(Oh oh oh oh) (It ain't easy being me) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy
(Oh oh oh oh) (It ain't easy being me) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy
(Oh oh oh oh) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy
(Oh oh oh oh) It ain't easy, it ain't easy, it ain't easy


Da na da na da na da na da na da na da na na
Da na da na da na da na da na da na da na na

Loves, not how it used to be
And the passion that made me strong, is clearly breaking me
I scream you shout you're my favourite enemy
I wanna hurt you like you're hurting me

Up down your moods swing with more extremity
Tis heartache won't go away

I bruise when you get close
Feel my body choke, bitter last blows, in the war with you

When you get close
Feel my body choke, so the pain grows, in the war with you

Da na da na da na (in the war with you) da na da na da na na

You're chasing I'm running the weapons keep coming
Don't do it I'll lose it I'm seeing red

I'm on low resistance you better keep your distance before
You do something you might regret

I scream you shout you're my favourite enemy
I wanna hurt you like you're hurting me

Up down your moods swing with more extremity
Tis heartache won't go away

I bruise when you get close
Feel my body choke, bitter last blows, in the war with you
When you get close
Feel my body choke, so the pain grows, in the war with you

Da na da na da na (in the war with you) da na da na da na (in the war with you)
Da na da na da na (in the war with you) da na da na da na na na

Though I bruise easy with you boy, I know you still got the power to hurt me so
Stay out of my way now till loves gone, gone so I can move on

I bruise when you get close
Feel my body choke, bitter last blows, in the war with you
When you get close
Feel my body choke, so the pain grows, in the war with you

Still fighting in the war with you, don't try and end the war with you
Still fighting in the war with you, don't try and end the war with you


You are an obsession I cannot sleep, I am a possession unopened at your feet
Theres no balance no equality, but still I will not except defeat
I will have you yes I will have you, I will find a way and I will have you
Like a butterfly a wild butterfly, I will collect and capture you

You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me
You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me

I feed you I drink you my day and my night, I need you I need you by sun or candlelight
You protest, you wanna leave stay, oh, there's no alternative
Your face appears again I see the beauty there, but I see danger, stranger beware
A circumstance in your naked dreams, you reflection is not what it seems

You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me
You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me

My fantasy has turned to madness, and all my goodness has turned to badness
My need to possess you has consumed my soul, my life is trembling I have no control
I will have you yes I will have you, I will find a way and I will have you
Like a butterfly oh a butterfly, I will collect you and capture you

You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me
You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me

You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me
You are an obsession, you're my obsession
Who do you want me to be, to make you sleep with me


See my love is all I can give you
Nothing more 'cause life is how I want it to be
With you and me staying together, yeah

Take it all, I'm here boy
I got what you need here, talk to me
And help me breathe I wanna hold on to sweet memories

'Cause wasting time until your heart
And mine realise I am the one
I won't disguise, m
y love for you, it's true, I can't
Wait for you to be there all my life, I need

Someone to make me feel good and I wish that it was you

Every journey in other side Images always pass me by
Feel like leaving the walk behind when I think of you
Every moment I'm frightened is had to erase all your messages
Couldn't handle the things we said still I'm feeling you
It's driving me crazy, baby lately you've been slipping away from me
I try to keep holding on I cannot be wrong there's something I didn't see

We break up and make it up back and forth we never stop
Everytime a change of heart I can't keep up
When you say yes then I say no when it turns hot, we make it cold
But still something between us holds together

You turned down the light in me I think our time is over
And ain't it funny how sweet I dream but the bed keeps on getting colder
Sometimes when I close my eyes it feels like I'm living by numbers
Cos I've been holding you so damn tight I gotta stop cos it's pulling me under
It's driving me crazy, baby lately you've been slipping away from me
I try to keep holding on I cannot be wrong there's something I didn't see

We break up and make it up back and forth we never stop
Everytime a change of heart I can't keep up
When you say yes then I say no when it turns hot, we make it cold
But still something between us holds together
We break up and make it up back and forth we never stop
Everytime a change of heart I can't keep up
When you say yes then I say no when it turns hot, we make it cold
But still something between us holds together


World, where I am drowning I sink so slow
The under tow dragging me down just like all my fears
Trying so hard not to disappear
There's nothing clear want something to believe in

Nearly crushed my soul (my soul) nearly lost control (control)
I knew I had to find some peace of mind on my own

This is the start no falling apart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Right from the start hand in the heart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Stronger in every way each day a brand new play
I never hear you say I won't believe tomorrow

In dark there's no believing
You're only left with fear talk me out of right from wrong

Make me sing a different song no time to hide, I'll move on…
Nearly crushed my soul (my soul) then I found a goal (a goal)
I knew I had to find some peace of mind on my own

This is the start no falling apart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Right from the start hand in the heart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Stronger in every way each day a brand new play
I never hear you say I won't believe tomorrow

Now I know, cause now I know I'm right (uh-uh)
You could be here with me
I'll meet you now to tell you things are gonna be alright (uh-uh, alright)

This is the start no falling apart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Right from the start hand in the heart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Stronger in every way each day a brand new play
I never hear you say I won't believe tomorrow
This is the start no falling apart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Right from the start hand in the heart
You have to look it in the face and recognize it's you that makes you
Stronger in every way each day a brand new play
I never hear you say I won't believe tomorrow


It never seems enough baby when your head is full of stuff
Then again you didnt go and thank god you didnt though
Whats it gonna take baby for two of us to make it
Through this one can we make it through this song?
Everything between us makes me glow but how could you know?
Simple things bring simple pleasures that we know or maybe they didnt show
2 used 2 means 2 hearts 2 please 2 you 2 me 2 make totally
2 mouths 2 closed 2 make all of those 2 hearts 2 believe 2 love openly

Do you really wanna wait another day?
Coz everybody needs a little time to pay, and after when the time is up
Everybody doesnt always get their say
Feels like a little price to pay, then after we laugh it up
Everything about us makes me grow but how would you know?
Simple things bring simple pleasures that we know baby its time to show
2 used 2 means 2 hearts 2 please 2 you 2 me 2 make totally
2 mouths 2 closed 2 make all of those 2 hearts 2 believe 2 love openly

Your the must have your the part im in your palm
Love freely so really theres a call where's it from?
2 used 2 means 2 hearts 2 please 2 you 2 me 2 make totally
2 mouths 2 closed 2 make all of those 2 hearts 2 believe 2 love openly
2 used 2 means 2 hearts 2 please 2 you 2 me 2 make totally
2 mouths 2 closed 2 make all of those 2 hearts 2 believe 2 love openly


On and on, on and on, on and on
Turn it on, everybody's got their favourite song
On and on, on and on, on and on
Turn it on, everybody's got their favourite song

Kinda person gotta be with situation feeling much stare
Played around with all the danger there
I couldn't handle it so I abandoned it, there's two people in this sad affair
Had to think it so I did declare, we lost the feeling then we lost flare
I had a problem there, it couldn't be repaired
We lost our way had to pay, life don't play, life don't play

(On and on) Right here from the start (on and on) Brought out the worst in me
(On and on) I'm not your play thing
(Turn it on, everybody's got their favourite song) It's history
(On and on) Wanna blame the past (on and on) So this pain will last
(On and on) Down for too long (everybody's got their favourite song)

It's time that we moved on, I'm a girl that likes to be alone
Do my thinking on the telephone, if you misstepping in my danger zone
Like a matador I take you by the horns, I need a place I gotta get away
I brought him out into my Coachella, I'm gonna share it with a boy someday
We gonna run away and make a lot of hay
We lost our way had to pay, life don't play, life don't play

(On and on) Right here from the start (on and on) Brought out the worst in me
(On and on) I'm not your play thing
(Turn it on, everybody's got their favourite song) It's history
(On and on) Wanna blame the past (on and on) So this pain will last
(On and on) Down for too long (everybody's got their favourite song)
(On and on) Right here from the start (on and on) Brought out the worst in me
(On and on) I'm not your play thing
(Turn it on, everybody's got their favourite song) It's history
(On and on) Wanna blame the past (on and on) So this pain will last
(On and on) Down for too long (everybody's got their favourite song)


Rain dropping down on my skin, and I'm drowning here inside
Like I'm caught in the wind, and the movement of the tide, it makes me shiver
Sun crashing in on my heart, my emotions flipping round
Seasons end, as they stop, every time you let me down, i's never over
Boy I never know which way to turn am I safe in this place?
Cause I can't seem to trust what I feel it's so confuzing.

Fast like a hurricane, that's how my feelings change
Torn between sun and rain, I love you like the weather
Always the 2 extremes, theres nothing inbetween
Its either black or white, I love you like the weather

In this dilemma again, and my heart is on the run
No one knows who to blame, and the story is undone, it's never over
Boy I never know which way to turn am I safe in this place?
Cause I can't seem to trust what I feel it's so confuzing

Fast like a hurricane, that's how my feelings change
Torn between sun and rain, I love you like the weather
Always the 2 extremes, theres nothing inbetween
Its either black or white, I love you like the weather

I hate you, I love you I can't be without you is it wrong or is it right?
I fall into nights I keep crossing the line guess I'm only human

Fast like a hurricane, that's how my feelings change
Torn between sun and rain, I love you like the weather
Always the 2 extremes, theres nothing inbetween
Its either black or white, I love you like the weather


Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
e got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller

He got hair down to his knee, got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
e got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola

He say "I know you, you know me", one thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me
He bag production he got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee, hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me

He roller-coaster he got early warning
He got muddy water he one mojo filter, he say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me


Future, future, future shokk, future, future, future shokk
Future shokk, shokk, shokk, let's go

I know you got the feeling, with you and I, together, we can hit the ceiling
But only if you come, with X amount of feeling, cause I don’t want a man
Who can't understand (Get up, get up and jerk that body)
This is all about the future not a drop of water
For the wallflower coming with that dirty
Funky, solar power if you stay calm then ring the alarm

I just wanna see all the people going crazy
Bugging out off key to the melody
Without a doubt this is an emergency
So scream and shout get up, get up and jerk that body
Bass line – sick or what this got every one of us
Now twist it up hitting it with a future shokk!
Don't wanna stop this is an emergency show what you got
Get up, get up and jerk that body
Get up, get up and jerk that body (Get up, get up and jerk that body)
Get up, get up and jerk that body
Get up, get up and jerk that body
(Get up, get up and jerk that body) (Jerk that body)

Feeling something gets a flush flowing through my mind
You gotta see these moves this ain't no silly groove
Move your body to the bass don't let the rhythm die (Future shokk!)
Just keep it burning all night there ain't nothing in this what I wouldn’t do
Just watch the crowd do what you wanna do-o
This hype is moving it's grooving you're choosing the person to
Get up and dance with you!

I just wanna see all the people going crazy
Bugging out off key to the melody
Without a doubt this is an emergency
So scream and shout get up, get up and jerk that body
Bass line – sick or what this got every one of us
Now twist it up hitting it with a future shokk!
Don't wanna stop this is an emergency show what you got
Get up, get up and jerk that body!
Get up, get up and jerk that body (Get up, get up and jerk that body)
Get up, get up and jerk that body (Get up, get up and jerk that body)
Get up, get up and jerk that body (yeah)
(Get up, get up and jerk that body) (yeah)

What you fighting for no more gun and war
Makes you sick or what rveryone of us it's a future shokk!
I don't ever wanna stop show me what you got I'm ready to go
I know you got that feeling, you and I we could hit the ceiling
You and I and the wheels of steel and, good omen, moments revealing
That funky solar power, cool off and take that shower
You come now, ring the alarm, head rush with that twisted charm, c’mon

I know you got the feeling, with you and I, together, we can hit the ceiling
But only if you come, with X amount of feeling, cause I don’t want a man
Who can't understand (Get up, get up and jerk that body)
This is all about the future not a drop of water
For the wallflower coming with that dirty
Funky, solar power if you stay calm then ring the alarm

I just wanna see all the people going crazy
Bugging out off key to the melody
Without a doubt this is an emergency
So scream and shout get up, get up and jerk that body
Bass line – sick or what this got every one of us
Now twist it up hitting it with a future shokk!
Don't wanna stop this is an emergency show what you got
I just wanna see all the people going crazy
Bugging out off key to the melody
Without a doubt this is an emergency
So scream and shout get up, get up and jerk that body
Bass line – sick or what this got every one of us
Now twist it up hitting it with a future shokk!
Don't wanna stop this is an emergency show what you got
Get up, get up and jerk that body


GOTTA BE YOU (Amelle Mix)

Turns the lights down low, turns the lights down low (Turn low)
Turns the lights down low, turns the lights down low (Low)
Turns the light down low turns the light down low (Low, low)

Everytime there's a breakup, I feel wake up
Everybody knows but, I feel the pain but, y'all don't really know about
How this should be doing down
Be the biggest talk in town, the rumours going round
Everybody wanna love, cos what their game does

I be just wanting to find somebody with the same 'cos
I can make y'all understand me, I know some of y'all gotta feel me
I been around the world, just trying to be your girl
I still lost you, lost you (And I know it's not because of me)

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you

I'm not making this up, to clear mistakes up
You're the one to blow it up, saying I'm doing too much
Why he get that safe key, look at how you're playing me
Betraying me, and this image of what you made me
And now you're talking this stuff, seems I'm getting dissed, what?

Newsweek, you would say today: "Look at this slut"
Y'all can't ever really even know me, cause my ass is the only thing you'll see
I been around the world (Been around the world)
Just trying to be your girl (Trying to be your girl)
I still lost you, lost you (And I know it's not because of me)

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you

(Mmm, mmm, mmm) Everybody makes mistakes sometimes
(Mmm, mmm, mmm) My mistake just happens to be you
(Mmm, mmm, mmm) I don't have to live with regrets
(Mmm, mmm, mmm) And I should have known all along
(Mmm, mmm, mmm) It was always you

It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you
It ain't me, it ain't me, it ain't me
I said, oh it's gotta be you, be you, be you, be you

It's you (You) it's you (You) it's you (You) it's you (You)
It's you (You) it's you (You) it's you (Yeah) it's you, it's you


ike a light into my life, I never thought that it would feel so bright, yeah

All I wanna do is hold you tight, and I'll be with you through troubled nights
Sometimes life it drags you down, and plays you like a fool
Makes you feel so empty sometimes, it can be so cruel, ooh yeah

So follow me home, you'll never be lost
We'll weather the storm, whatever the cost
I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side
I'm here for you, the rest of our lives

When you're feeling all alone, hear the words that I'm singing to you, oh
Like a seed that has been sown, as you grow, I will protect you, yeah, yeah
Sometimes life it drags you down, and plays you like a fool
Makes you feel so empty sometimes, it can be so cruel, ooh yeah

So follow me home, you'll never be lost
We'll weather the storm, whatever the cost
I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side
I'm here for you, the rest of our lives

Baby all I'm trying to say
Is that my heart is here to hold you, I'm never far away
Take my hand so I can feel you, I've searched and I have found
I'll never let you down, we will always stand on solid ground
(No matter what I'll always be around)

So follow me home you'll never be lost (So follow me home, never be lost)
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost (We'll weather the storm, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side (I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side)
I'm here for you the rest of our lives (Yeah, yeah)

So follow me home you'll never be lost (So follow me home, never be lost)
We'll weather the storm whatever the cost (We'll weather the storm, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I won't walk away I'll stand by your side (I won't walk away, I'll stand by your side)
I'm here for you the rest of our lives (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

RED DRESS (Amelle Mix)

('Cause I'm cooler than the red dress, cause I'm cooler, cause I'm cooler
'Cause I'm cooler than the red dress, cause I'm cooler, cause I'm cooler)

A girl's entitled to flaunt, to get what she wants
Can't say that it's wrong, no baby
A man's world, but boy can't you see
We're pulling the strings, we're taking the lead

And when you're sure, you'll never let her play you again
She'll put on your favorite smile
Unplug the phone to get you alone, Dirty dance
Her hips will send you into a trance

Cos I'm cooler than the red dress
I'd rather catch a guy on my own (Give me credit)
'Cos what you see the man gets
nd if he don't I'm better off here alone (Don't forget it) 
Done the candlelight to make you stay over, I'm giving it up now, baby

If that's what I gotta do just to own you, I'm giving it up now maybe (to you)

I've played the desperate lady, jumped through all of the hoops boy
Instead of constant craving, I'll leave the chasing to you
And if you don't respect it, I'll pick with Jimmy Choos
'Cause boy if you don't love me, then I've got nothing to lose

'Cause I've been down this road before, I should have known that I was to blame
Won't put on your favourite smile
Won't unplug the phone to get you alone, dirty dance
That's not the way I get my romance

'Cause I'm cooler than the red dress
I'd rather catch a guy on my own

'Cause what you see the man gets
nd if he don't I'm better off here alone

'Cause I'm cooler than the red dress
I'd rather catch a guy on my own (Save your kisses, do you get it)
Cos what you see the man gets
And if he don't I'm better off here alone (Give me credit, don't forget it) (oh-oh)

Done the candlelight to make you stay over, I'm giving it up now baby
If that's what I gotta do just to own you, I'm giving it up now baby
Done the candlelight to make you stay over, I'm giving it up now baby (Right now)
If that's what I gotta do just to own you, I'm giving it up now maybe (Own you, own you baby)

So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up
So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up
So don't call me baby (Cooler than the red dress) I'm giving it up


Don't recognize what I see, who is this looking back at me
I just can't tell, I see the pale reflection of myself
Can't cover up the way I feel, this scars you left will never heal
What can I do, am I supposed to just forget you?
Torn up, got my fingers burned, now I'm so lost, got a lot to learn
I wanna free myself, be someone else, but there's nowhere left to turn

Tell me, who are you gonna run to, where are you gonna hide
There's so much you gotta undo, but there's nothing left inside
Tell me, who's gonna make it better, when there's so much going wrong
Will I feel this way forever, or am I stronger now you're gone
(Am I stronger now you're gone, yeah)

Wish I could change who I am, be someone who don't give a damn
There's too much to take, cause my heart is set to break down
I can't pretend anymore, that things will be like they were before
Why can't you see, it's just a fading memory
Torn up, got my fingers burned, now I'm so lost, got a lot to learn
I wanna free myself, be someone else, but there's nowhere left to turn

Tell me, who are you gonna run to, where are you gonna hide
There's so much you gotta undo, but there's nothing left inside
Tell me, who's gonna make it better, when there's so much going wrong
Will I feel this way forever, or am I stronger now you're gone
(Am I stronger now you're gone)

What can I do to make it trough, it's only me, why can't I see
I'm not to blame, it's such a shame, it's only me

Tell me, who are you gonna run to, where are you gonna hide
There's so much you gotta undo, but there's nothing left inside
Tell me, who's gonna make it better, when there's so much going wrong
Will I feel this way forever, or am I stronger now you're gone, why can't I see?

There's so much you gotta undo, but there's nothing left inside
Tell me, who's going to make it better, then there's so much going wrong
Will I feel this way forever, or am I stronger now you're gone

Tell me, who are you gonna run to, where are you gonna hide
There's so much you gotta undo, but there's nothing left inside
Tell me, who's gonna make it better, when there's so much going wrong
Will I feel this way forever, or am I stronger now you're gone


Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you
And what it is that suprises me, is that I don't really want you to
And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Oh but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang, with a bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for romance or

I don't know what yaou're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984 (from 1984)

I wish you'd stop ignoring me, because you're sending me to despair
Without a sound yeah you're calling me, and I don't think it's very fair
That your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)
Oh but you're an explosion (you're dynamite)
Your name isn't Rio, but I don't care for sand
Lighting the fuse might result in a bang, with a bang-go!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for romance or
I don't know what yaou're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984 (from 1984)

I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
Dancing electro-pop like a robot from 1984
Oh there ain't no love no, Montagues or Capulets
Just banging tunes 'n' DJ sets 'n'
Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness!

I bet that you look good on the dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for romance or
I don't know what yaou're looking for
I said I bet that you look good on the dancefloor

Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984 (from 1984)


Oh, I've been working all week I'm tired
Yeah I've been working all week and I'm just living for the weekend
Hey, I've got some money I've just got paid
Got some money and I can't wait, at six o'clock, I'm out of here
Out there tonight is the night of my life got my name on
Run down the street Adidas on my feet, I'm on fire

Working all the time, work is such a bind
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend
When it gets too much, I live for the rush
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend

Oh man, yeah I've been working all week I'm shot
Yeah I've been working all week for what, just living for the weekend
Oh shit! So my clothes are all counterfit
So my name isn't on the list, no you can't come in, so go home boys
Slip round the back look at that there's a cracked toilet window
Drop to the floor cold as ice through the door, I'm on fire

Working all the time, work is such a bind
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend
When it gets too much, I live for the rush
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend

Working all the time, work is such a bind
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend
When it gets too much, I live for the rush
Got some money to spend, living for the weekend

Can you feel it, feel the pressure rising, pushing down on me, oh Lord
Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure
Feel the pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure
Living for the weekend living for the weekend
Living for the weekend living for the weekend
Living for the weekend living for the weekend
Living for the weekend living for the weekend


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