Megjelenés | 2003. Október 27. |
Felvételek | 2002 December - 2003 Március |
Műfaj | Dance pop - Hip hop - R&B |
Hossz | 55:15 |
Kiadó | Island Records |
Producerek | Andy Bradfield, Craigie, Rob Dougan, Brian Higgins, Linda Perry, Jony Rockstar, Guy Sigsworth, Jeremy Wheatley, Xenomania |
Tagok | Mutya Buena - Keisha Buchanan - Heidi Range |
Kislemezek | > Hole in the Head /// 2003. Október 13. |
> Too Lost in You /// 2003. December 15. | |
> In the Middle /// 2004. Március 22. | |
> Caught in a Moment /// 2004. Augusztus 23. | |
<<<<<< | Angels with Dirty Faces (2002) |
>>>>>> | Taller in More Ways (2005) |
Sugababes brit lánycsoport harmadik stúdióalbuma, amelyet az Island Records adott ki 2003. október 27-én az Egyesült Királyságban. Négy kislemezt generált, amelyek a világ különböző részein szerepeltek; az első, "Hole in the Head" lett a csoport harmadik Egyesült Királyságbeli első kislemeze. A Sugababes három tagja egy-egy "önálló" dalt vett fel az albumra - "Whatever Makes You Happy" (Keisha Buchanan), "Sometimes" (Heidi Range) és "Maya" (Mutya Buena). Three a brit albumlistán a harmadik helyen debütáltak.
Miután kiadta a sikeres Shape, az Angels with Dirty Faces (2002) negyedik és egyben utolsó kislemezét, a csoport bejelentette, hogy visszamentek a stúdióba, hogy elkezdjék dolgozni a következő albumot olyan producerekkel, akikkel együtt dolgoztak. előző album, mint Jony Rockstar és Xenomania. Amerikába mentek együtt dolgozni olyan producerekkel, mint Linda Perry és Diane Warren, akik a "Too Lost in You" című balladát írták. Céljuk az volt, hogy népszerűsítsék az új albumot Amerikában. A lányok közösen írták és rögzítették saját számaikat az új albumon - Keisha „Whatever Makes You Happy”, Heidi „Sometimes” és Mutya „Maya” című dal, egy dal a váratlanul meghalt nővéréről. A Sugababes később bejelentette a "Hole in the Head" vezető kislemezt és megjelenési dátumát, október 13-át. Az egyesült királyságbeli kiadás egy különkiadás volt, két extra számmal, a "Twisted" és a "Buster" címmel. Kezdetben az Egyesült Királyságban a Woolworths által kínált digitális letöltési verzió véletlenül tartalmazta a "Whatever Makes You Happy" korábbi demó verzióját, de a hibát gyorsan kijavították.
Three az Egyesült Királyság albumlistájának harmadik helyén debütáltak, az első héten 52 905 példányt adtak el. Az első kislemez, a "Hole in the Head", a csoport harmadik első számú kislemeze volt az Egyesült Királyságban, és Dániában is az első helyre került. Írországban és Norvégiában elérte a második helyet, Ausztráliában pedig a negyven legjobbat. A második kislemez, a "Too Lost in You" eljutott az első tízbe Nagy-Britanniában és Norvégiában, az első negyvenbe pedig Ausztráliában. A harmadik kislemez, az "In the Middle" az Egyesült Királyságban a legjobb tíz, Írországban a húsz, Európában és Ausztráliában pedig a negyven legjobb lett. A negyedik kislemez, a "Caught in a Moment" szintén az első tízbe került az Egyesült Királyságban.
2004-ben a "Hole in the Head" szolgáltatást rádiózta az Egyesült Államokban, és a poprádió negyven legjobb slágere lett. A kis mérsékelt sikert követően a Three-nek az Egyesült Államokban kellett megjelennie egy megváltozott számmal, amely a csoport előző albumának, az Angels with Dirty Faces (2002) kislemezét tartalmazza. A kiadást később törölték, amikor a "Too Lost in You" második kislemez semmilyen hatást nem okozott. Az Egyesült Királyságban az albumot a BPI kétszer Platinum minősítéssel igazolja. Az album Platinum Europe Award-ot is kapott az IFPI-től az egymillió példányt meghaladó európai értékesítések elismeréseként.
Three pozitív kritikát kaptak a kritikusoktól, akik dicsérték az album kísérleti új urban és hip hop hangjait. Alan Braidwood (BBC) a Three-nek pozitív kritikát adott, kijelentve, hogy az album a Angels with Dirty Faces élén áll, és friss és izgalmas albumnak nevezi. Dicsérte az album új hangzását is. Az AllMusic munkatársa, Ross Hoffman az albumot "hangulatos, R&B-re ragasztott táncpopnak, friss hangzású, de hozzáférhető produkciókkal, valamint kibővített stílustartományú, nagy fülledt balladák egészséges foltozásával" jellemezte.
01 | HOLE IN THE HEAD | Sugababes Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Niara Scarlett Nick Coler Tim Powell |
Brian Higgins Xenomania Jeremy Wheatley Yoad Nevo |
3:38 |
02 | WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY (Keisha Buchanan solo) |
Keisha Buchanan Craig Dodds Gary Cooper Pete Martin Stuart Crichton |
Craigie Guy Sigsworth Pete Martin Stuart Crichton |
3:15 |
03 | CAUGHT IN A MOMENT | Sugababes Jony Lipsey Karen Poole Marius de Vries |
Jony Rockstar | 4:24 |
04 | SITUATION'S HEAVY | Sugababes Tim Larcombe Shawn Lee Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Edele Lynch |
Brian Higgins Xenomania |
4:10 |
05 | MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS | Sugababes Craigie Stuart Crichton Felix Howard Guy Sigsworth |
Craigie Guy Sigsworth Stuart Crichton |
4:29 |
Sugababes Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Shawn Lee Tim Larcombe Edele Lynch |
Brian Higgins Xenomania |
3:03 |
Sugababes Craigie Felix Howard Johnny Dollar |
Craigie Guy Sigsworth |
3:27 |
08 | CONVERSATION'S OVER | Sugababes Tom Elmhirst Jony Lipsey Karen Poole |
Rockstar |
4:06 |
09 | IN THE MIDDLE | Sugababes Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Niara Scarlett Shawn Lee Lisa Cowling Andre Tegler Phil Fuldner Michael Bellina |
Brian Higgins Xenomania Jeremy Wheatley Moguai Phil Fuldner Michael Bellina |
3:59 |
10 | TOO LOST IN YOU | Diane Warren |
Andy Bradfield Rob Dougan Yoad Nevo |
3:58 |
11 | NASTY GHETTO | Sugababes Linda Perry |
Linda Perry Jeremy Wheatley |
4:16 |
Sugababes Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Shawn Lee Tim Larcombe Edele Lynch |
Brian Higgins Xenomania |
4:22 |
13 | SOMETIMES Heidi Range solo() |
Sugababes Jony Lipsey Karen Poole Marius de Vries |
Rockstar | 4:34 |
14 | MAYA (Mutya Buena solo) |
Sugababes Craigie Guy Sigsworth |
Craigie Guy Sigsworth |
4:43 |
MÁS DALOK | ||||
> | WHO | Kislemez: Hole in the Head [2003] | ||
> | THIS AIN'T A PRTY THING | Kislemez: Hole in the Head [2003] | ||
> | SOMEONE IN MY BED | Kislemez: Too Lost in You [2003] | ||
> | DOWN DOWN | Kislemez: Too Lost in You [2003] | ||
> | COLDER IN THE RAIN | Kislemez: In the Middle [2004] | ||
> | DISTURBED | Kislemez: In the Middle [2004] |
HOLE IN THE HEAD Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, első kislemeze, a harmadik albumjukról, az Three-ről. Brian Higgins, Miranda Cooper, Tim Powell, Nick Coler, Niara Scarlett, Keisha Buchanan, Mutya Buena és Heidi Range írta, társaik pedig Higgins és Jeremy Wheatley. A dal kritikusok elismerését élvezte, és kereskedelmi sikernek bizonyult, az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chartjának tetején. Az Egyesült Királyságon kívül az egyedülálló csúcspontja tíz másik országban a toplisták tíz pontján helyezkedett el. Ez lett az ő második kislemezük, aki az Egyesült Államokban eljutott a toplistába, és a Billboard Hot 100 kilencvenhat helyezettje lett, és elérte a Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs listáját. Az első Sugababes-album, amely az Egyesült Államokban bekerült a "Round Round" -ba, a csúcspontja a Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs hetedik helyén volt.
TOO LOST IN YOU Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, második kislemeze, a harmadik albumjukról, az Three-ről. Diane Warren amerikai dalszerző írta Patricia Kaas francia énekesnő "Quand j'ai peur de tout" ("When I'm Afraid of Everything" dal) angol változataként készült, amelynek francia dalszövege Jean-Jacques Goldman). A dalt Rob Dougan ausztrál zenész készítette Andy Bradfield-szel együtt, és felvették a hollywoodi Realsongs stúdióban. A "Too Lost in You" kiemelkedő szerepet játszik a 2003-as Szerelem valójában című film filmzenében, és kifejezetten a rendező, Richard Curtis választotta a filmhez. Ez egy pop rock és R&B ballada, zenekari zenei elrendezésből és sötét harmóniákból állva.
A legtöbb kritikus kedvező értékeléseket kapott, akik elismerik a Sugababes fellépését, és a 2000-es évek egyik legjobb pop kislemezének tekintik. A dal világszerte sikeres volt, és elérte az első tízet Hollandia, Norvégia, Svájc és az Egyesült Királyság egyes listáiban. Andy Morahan rendezte a kislemez zenei videóját, amelyet két napos időszakban a London Stansted repülőtéren filmeztek.
IN THE MIDDLE Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, harmadik kislemeze, a harmadik albumjukról, az Three-ről. A Sugababes arra inspirálta, hogy egy dalt komponáljon az éjszakai vakáció során tapasztalt különböző helyzetek alapján; írták Miranda Cooper, Brian Higgins, Niara Scarlett, Shawn Lee, Lisa Cowling, Andre Tegler, Phil Fuldner és Michael Bellina közreműködésével. Higgins, Xenomania és Jeremy Wheatley készítették a dalt. Az "In the Middle" egy tánc-pop, R&B és funk befolyásos lemez, amely egy mintát tartalmaz német DJ Moguai "U Know Y" dalról.
A dal nagy kritikákat kapott kritikusoktól, akik elismerik a produkciót és a fellebbezést, és a 2005-ös BRIT-díjra jelölték ki a Legjobb Brit Egységesnek. A kislemez elérte a toplista tíz listáját Magyarországon, Hollandiában és az Egyesült Királyságban. A csúcspontja Ausztrália, Ausztria, Németország, Írország és Svájc térképlistáin is megjelent. Matthew Rolston rendezte a dal zenei videóját, amelyet a londoni Pinewood Studios-ban készítettek. Zöld képernyő hatással és varázslatos beállításokkal rendelkezik a videó környezetéhez.
CAUGHT IN A MOMENT Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, negyedik, és egyben az utolsó kislemeze, a harmadik albumjukról, az Three-ről. A dalt a csoport tagjai írták Karen Poole-val, Marius De Vries-szel és Jony Rockstar producerével együttműködésben. A "Caught in a Moment" egy downtempo R&B és soul ballada, zenekari zenei elrendezéssel támogatva, és érzelmi szövegeket tartalmaz, amelyek feltárják a melankólia és a reményesség fogalmait. A szám vegyes értékelést kapott olyan kritikusoktól, akik ambivalensek voltak a balladyról szemben.
Megjelenése után a csoport negyedik egymást követő toplistájává vált az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chart-on, miközben nemzetközileg az Írország, Magyarország és Hollandia egyedülálló listáján a negyvenesbe került. A fekete-fehér zenei videót Howard Greenhalgh rendezte, és egy nagy képernyő mögött a Sugababes sziluettei vannak.
THREE TOUR (2004. Március 19. - Április 2.) Sugababes brit lányegyüttes 12 napos brit koncertturnéja, amelyet 2004-ben tartottak. Ez támogatta harmadik stúdióalbumukat, a Three-t.
Az alábbi készletlista a manchesteri műsorukból származik. Nem célja, hogy a turné minden dátumát képviselje.
SHAPE (Acoustic)
I FOUND LOVIN' (Keisha Solo)
WONDERFUL (Heidi Solo)
Seven hours since you went away
Eleven coffees, Rickki Lake on play
But late at night when I'm feeling blue
I'd sell my ass before I think of you
Seven hours since you closed the door
Started a diet, got a manicure
Erased your number from my telephone
And if you call me I won't be at home
He said why d'you cry for the guy say goodbye (runaway)
Why d'you cry for the guy say goodbye (I said ok, 'cos)
Oh, boy d'you miss me like a hole in the head
Because I do boy, and it's cool boy
And oh, bet you never thought I'd get out of bed
Because of you boy, such a fool boy
Eleven hours on a brand new day
I'm getting ready to go out and play
It's late at night, I'm caught in a groove
I'd kiss my ass before I'm feeling blue
Seven hours, what you calling for
A bunch of flowers and I slam the door
You're in my face, sorry what's your name
Takes more than begging to reverse my brain, 'cos
Oh, boy d'you miss me like a hole in the head
Because I do boy, and it's cool boy
And oh, bet you never thought I'd get out of bed
Because of you boy, such a fool boy
I'm through with it over it not having it
Crazy shit not feeling this can't deal, I quit no more, no more
I'm through with it not having it this
Crazy shit not feeling it can't deal with it no more of it no more, no more
Breaking off the bun, a brand new day has just begun
Just because you made me go "oh", doesn't mean I'll put up with you
Don't you dare turn back, can't u see I wont take that?
I ain't crying not over you, better for your head up like I told you
He said why d'you cry for the guy say goodbye (runaway)
Why d'you cry for the guy say goodbye (I said ok, 'cos)
Oh, boy d'you miss me like a hole in the head
Because I do boy, and it's cool boy
And oh, bet you never thought I'd get out of bed
Because of you boy, such a fool boy (such a fool)
Oh, boy d'you miss me like a hole in the head (hole in the head)
Because I do boy, and it's cool boy (I do yeah it's cool)
And oh, bet you never thought I'd get out of bed (I'd get out of bed)
Because of you boy, such a fool boy (I do boy such a fool)
Runaway, I said ok, 'cos, runaway, I said ok, 'cos
You ain't gotta make it hard if it's easy
Applying pressure on the wound when it's bleeding
Hangin' with the guys cos it's just cool being me
Too much talking from the girls drive me crazy
You're telling me your definition of a pop star
You give a smile as you cover up your heart
So tell me what to say and I'll deliver it
I won't stop, can't stop, cos I'm living it
Whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy cos it's doing it for me
Is it making you crazy that I'm happy lately, you ain't doing it for me
Now let me break it down, tell you what it means to me
I don't wanna spend my time in the VIP
I gotta meet someone who doesn't need publicity
Cos your style is and you can justify everything
But it don't really matter when reality kicks in
So tell me what to say and I'll deliver it
I won't stop, can't stop, cos I'm living it
Whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy cos it's doing it for me
Is it making you crazy that I'm happy
Lately you ain't doing it for me (You ain't doing it for me)
So whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy cos it's doing it for me
Is it making you crazy that I'm happ
Lately, you ain't doing it for me (You ain't doing it for me)
I'm finding out I don't wanna be in this place
Cos it's about the music, not the fame
So whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy
Cos it's doing it for me (cos it's doing it for me)
Is it making you crazy that I'm happy
Lately, you ain't doing it for me (You ain't doing it for me)
So whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy cos it's doing it for me
Is it making you crazy that I'm happy
Lately, you ain't doing it for me (crazy, happy, you ain't doing it for me)
So whatever makes you happy is it crazy to be happy cos it's doing it for me
Your stare swallows me and I can hardly breathe
I feel it's dangerous, could be deadly
Somehow I'm willing to do the things you want
Take me in your arms spoon-feed my heart and
(Drip by drip (Harmony)) I'll take it all, (slip by slip (Harmony)) I guess that it's
(Make or break (Harmony)) boy here and now
We're caught in a moment
And I won't let it go, (I am falling deeper, losing my control (Harmony))
Involved in a feeling
Like the blink of a eye, (and the silence it belongs to you and I (Harmony))
Broke through barriers and passed a state of mind
I'm not scared no more it feels divine
So take me in and catch me when I fall
I'm waiting on the edge uncut my soul
(Snip by snip (Harmony)) I'm oozing it, (bit by bit (Harmony)) I'm taking it
(Step by step (Harmony)) boy here and now
We're caught in a moment
And I won't let it go, (I am falling deeper, losing my control (Harmony))
Involved in a feeling
Like the blink of a eye, (and the silence it belongs to you and I (Harmony))
Secretly I let it slip, emotional I fall through it all I know I'm losing my control
I'm down your way too far, and there's no turning back
And now I'm shedding all my fears I know, I know
We're caught in a moment
And I won't let it go, (I am falling deeper, losing my control (Harmony)) (let it go my control)
Involved in a feeling (involved in a feeling)
Like the blink of a eye, (and the silence it belongs to you and I (Harmony)) (eye I)
Making decisions about my life
It's up to me and I start to try, I can't keep running away
Trust my instincts right or wrong
Refusing help try to be strong, I'll fight this one today
Here's my point of view wouldn't wanna offend you
Wanna do the best to prove push your face ain't gonna lose
Deep and twisted but I refuse don't want advice but help to choose
I'll just walk these tracks alone, use it as a stepping stone
Trying to face it all alone had to find my own way home
No matter how hard it may be the situation's heavy
I'm not growing old before my time even when there's warning signs
That consequently I can see the situation's heavy, heavy
How am I supposed to know
Where I want my life to go, if you always hold the plan
And maybe I will learn to lead
It will be my own mistakes, that I can say that's who I am
Here's my point of view wouldn't wanna offend you
Wanna do the best to prove push your face ain't gonna lose
Deep and twisted but I refuse don't want advice but help to choose
I'll just walk these tracks alone use it as a stepping stone
Trying to face it all alone had to find my own way home
No matter how hard it may be the situation's heavy
I'm not growing old before my time even when there's warning signs
That consequently I can see the situation's heavy, heavy
Here's my point of view wouldn't wanna offend you
Wanna do the best to prove push your face ain't gonna lose
Deep and twisted but I refuse don't want advice but help to choose
I'll just walk these tracks alone, use it as a stepping stone
Trying to face it all alone had to find my own way home
No matter how hard it may be the situation's heavy
I'm not growing old before my time even when there's warning signs
That consequently I can see the situation's heavy, heavy
Trying to face it all alone had to find my own way home
No matter how hard it may be the situation's heavy
I'm not growing old before my time even when there's warning signs
That consequently I can see the situation's heavy, heavy
Every time I go down your street
I pray we'll meet, I look around and nothing's changed
But all this time has separated us
Press rewind and stop the tape
Let's play it from the start
And pause before we part, we'll lay it down again
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you) to love me (to love me) Dadadadada
And now we're face to face
We can't find words to communicate
We can't go on hiding there's something wrong
Press rewind and stop the tape
Replay it from the past
Confusing what we had, can't try it out again
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you) to love me (to love me)
Nobody's ever come close to us confident this time we might pull through
But the tape is distorting the tune I can't hear you
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
So whatever you wanna do, and whatever you're gonna say
From the minute you find that you know that, there's a million different ways
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you)
To love me (to love me) to love you (to love you) to love me (to love me)
My personality is quite rude
Only to the point where I’m on girly dues
It’s so hard just being me
Meople asking questions maybe they can’t see
‘Cos I’ve got my life controlled how ‘bout you deal with yours
Don’t talk what you don’t know you’re in the back, I’m doing what I know
Me myself I’m twisted, you won’t know you missed it
And its ok if I’m a little bit crazy am I a little bit insane well maybe
And it’s just a little something but I’d rather be me than nothing
And it’s ok if I’m a little bit crazy it doesn’t mean I can’t be a lady
Now I’m the kind of girl who knows her biz
Flirtatious in a way but it depends on how I feel
Still I keep it classy, stay with a guy that’s real
Cos if he ain’t supporting then he’s not the real deal, check it
I’m forever getting misunderstood always been a leader not a puppet, it’s good
Before the music game there was me and that’s it
I’ve never been the one to fight but I won’t take it
Me myself I’m twisted, you won’t know you missed it
And its ok if I’m a little bit crazy am I a little bit insane well maybe
And it’s just a little something but I’d rather be me than nothing
And it’s ok if I’m a little bit crazy it doesn’t mean I can’t be a lady
I’m not the type to say just get out my face
‘Cos the girl that you think you see, sometimes needs a little space to breathe
Please, its not OK, to invade my space
‘Cos the smile that you see on show, underneath it all I need some time to grow
Me myself I’m twisted, you won’t know you missed it
And its ok if I’m a little bit crazy am I a little bit insane well maybe
And it’s just a little something but I’d rather be me than nothing
And it’s ok if I’m a little bit crazy it doesn’t mean I can’t be a lady
Slow day, might rain I couldn't hear the weather man
Tight fit don't sit even when you loosen it
Your pace, no race you kind of just to get into it
Was it cause'we never sampled the flavouring?
Someday baby we could have it all
(you on me,me on you,smoking till' we both turn blue)
A steady speed and we could we have it all
(me on you, you on me your kind of boring me to sleep)
But we keep on falling over everything when you and me we could have it all
You're street smart with a big heart you look like your having it
Talk fast, words last when you look like your diggin' it
But i don't subscribe to the state that we're living it
Was it cause' we we couldn't handle the flavouring
Someday baby we could have it all
(you on me,me on you,smoking till' we both turn blue)
A steady speed and we could we have it all
(me on you, you on me your kind of boring me to sleep)
But we keep on falling over everything when you and me we could have it all
Better things are gonna come our way
You know we're gonna make it through this change
We're sitting tight as a tourniquet, beliving we could have it all someday
Someday baby we could have it all
(you on me,me on you,smoking till' we both turn blue)
A steady speed and we could we have it all
(me on you, you on me your kind of boring me to sleep)
But we keep on falling over everything when you and me we could have it all
Conversation, oh
Did it start with an obsession was the writing on the wall?
I can see through your deception through it all, I see clearly now
For too long you've had it your way for too long I've tiptoed round
Finally we're face to face boy no drama now I'll stand my ground
Now the conversation's over
And there's nothing more to say
I've had my time with you so hear me now I won't stay
I's my turn to walk away (it's my turn to walk away)
No point in talking round in circles or trying to read between the lines
I saw you dancing with the devil I'm not blind, don't sympathise
Cos for too long you've played your own game for too long I've stood and cried
It's time I changed the combination I'll be fine won't change my mind
Now the conversation's over
And there's nothing more to say
I've had my time with you so hear me now I won't stay
I's my turn to walk away
I've found the strength to finally say it
What the walls have heard a thousand times
And now there's no more pain I'm no longer insane
I've reconnected my mind
Now the conversation's over
And there's nothing more to say (it's over yeah)
I've had my time with you so hear me now, I won't stay
It's my turn to walk away (I won't stay)
Now the conversation's over
And there's nothing more to say (it's over yeah, to say to say)
I've had my time with you so hear me now, I won't stay
It's my turn to walk away (I won't stay)
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
Sooner or later this drunken elevator is gonna stop where I'm supposed to be
It's ten past eleven, I'm half way up to heaven but I'm stuck in reality
Life's kind of funny not in it for the money but I know that I've gotta pay
Love's gonna getcha but only when I letcha and I don't wanna turn away
Why can't the boys be the toys that the girls want the boys to be
And why can't the girls see the World that the boys want the girls to see, yeah
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
Midnight is on the low no front just sing the flow
We're speaking all in code to get to the place we know
Sweat is running down my back I'm wearing leather, black
Falling into a trap there is no turning back
I got my ladies with me fellas get cool and freaky
But we've gotta keep him tame cos we don't wanna play that game
Everybody from the block needs to be feeling nice
It ain't no weakest party but get up enjoy the ride
What you see and what you hear can never be exposed
Acting out of character is everything we know
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
I know it's kind of tender my body's tired
It's freaky but I'm ready for this bumpy ride
Everybody's tripping it's all insane
But the voices in my head are saying it's ok
Trying to slow it down I race against the rush
Gotta keep it cool to avoid the crush
Adrenaline is spinnin' and it's starting to show
That I've moved it on 'Coz I've changed the flow
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
I'm caught up in the middle, jumping through the riddle
I'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)
Cos everybody's making trouble, someone's burst their bubble
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
But we'll be getting by alright (uh uh uh)
You look into my eyes I go out of my mind
I can't see anything cos this love's got me blind
I can't help myself I can't break the spell I can't even try
I'm in over my head you got under my skin
I got no strength at all in the state that I'm in
And my knees are weak and my mouth can't speak fell too far this time
Baby, I'm too lost in you caught in
You lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep I can't think I just
Think about the things that you do (you do)
I'm too lost in you (Too lost in you) oh-oh
Well you whispered to me and I shiver inside
You undo me and move mein ways undefined
And you're all I see, and you're all I need
Help me baby (help me baby) help me baby (help me now)
Cos I'm slipping away like the sand to the tide
Flowing into your arms falling into your eyes
If you get too near I might disappear I might lose my mind
Baby, I'm too lost in you caught in
You lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep I can't think I just
Think about the things that you do (you do)
I'm too lost in you (Too lost in you) oh-oh
I'm going crazy in love for you baby (I can't eat and I can't sleep)
I'm going down like a stone in the sea yeah
Nno one can rescue me (No one can rescue me)
Oh-oh, my baby, oh, baby, baby
Baby, I'm too lost in you caught in
You lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep I can't think I just
Think about the things that you do (you do)
I'm too lost in you (Too lost in you) oh-oh
Baby, I'm too lost in you caught in
You lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep I can't think I just
Think about the things that you do (you do)
I'm too lost in you (Too lost in you) oh-oh
I was looking for love in all the right places
He was flirting with me and Lord I had to flirt back
And I fell in love right there on the dance floor, yeah
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
He got caught in a nasty ghetto, he got caught in a nasty ghetto
He turned my frown right upside down yeah
He was looking so fine I had to say 'baby get in line' yeah
The beat was jumping and his hands were moving along me yeah
But baby don't you know that I know you ain't got it like that
He got caught in a nasty ghetto, he got caught in a nasty ghetto
He got caught in a nasty ghetto, he got caught in a nasty ghetto
Come on pretty baby can't you hear what I say
You gotta like it like that, liking my way
Come on pretty baby can't you hear what I say
You gotta like it like that, liking my way
I was searching for love, oh in all the right places
He was staring at me I found myself staring right back yeah
And I fell in love right there on the dance floor, yeah
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
He got caught in a nasty ghetto, he got caught in a nasty ghetto
He got caught in a nasty ghetto
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
But baby don't you know that I know that you like it like that
Yeah, oh, yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh
I'm standing in the club, doing my own thing
When you thought you would approach me
Saying things that you shouldn't be
I'm not your average girl you can't put your hands on this
So I move to my right stay out my sight oh don't trip
So what's that scratching around here cos I feel a messy atmosphere
You never gonna get my love is that clear? (oh yeah)
You can't creep up to me fool I'm too focused to lose my cool
See you from a mile away, oh
Buster trying to get his hands on me spinning a line to get me in a taxi
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) you ain't getting a thing (NO!)
Buster trying to some dirty trying to simulate a fantasy
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) I'll repeat it again (NO!)
A negative response is all that you're gonna get
But now I'm too turned off you ain't gonna flip my switch
Cos I'm not your average girl I'm not gonna take your game
So I move to the left shadow my step ain't got no shame
So what's that scratching around here cos I feel a messy atmosphere
Never gonna get my love is that clear? (oh)
You can't creep up to me fool I'm too focused to lose my cool
See you from a mile away, oh
Buster trying to get his hands on me spinning a line to get me in a taxi
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) you ain't getting a thing (NO!)
Buster trying to some dirty trying to simulate a fantasy
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) I'll repeat it again (NO!)
Ice, cool I wanna melt you down buster I've seen your type around
Your sting, you know you it can't get me on down
Bound bound b-b-b-bound bound
I can feel you playa suckin up the atmosphere
Trying to get me home but I thought I told you (NO!)
But I thought I told you (NO!) b-b-but I thought I told you
Buster trying to get his hands on me spinning a line to get me in a taxi
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) you ain't getting a thing (NO!)
Buster trying to some dirty trying to simulate a fantasy
Not that easy can't you understand (NO!) I'll repeat it again (NO!)
Honestly, can I say what I mean don't you play with me cos I'm a lady
When I look in your eyes I can see through your charm
You're constantly twisted I'm angry, alarmed
Your poison has taken control of my soul
But I won't say no more and I won't take no more
Sometimes I wonder where this feeling began
Deep in my heart right from the start
Tired and lonely I'll move on from this pain
I'm starting again I'm breaking the chain
Emotionally, it takes all of me apologies, but you don't really have a hold on me
There's a distance between us and you take the blame
I know that you try but at the stage of the game
I've started a new life there's no turning back with you now
Don't you know, can't you see I got over
Sometimes I wonder where this feeling began
Deep in my heart right from the start
Tired and lonely I'll move on from this pain
I'm starting again I'm breaking the chain
Had to take matters into my own hands
Falling this deep wasn't part of my plans
If turning this around is what I have to do
To get through to you my fire's burnt out it's true
Sometimes I wonder where this feeling began
Deep in my heart right from the start
Tired and lonely I'll move on from this pain
I'm starting again I'm breaking the chain
Maya this song's for you
I have your name print tattooed upon my skin
There's so much to say to you and where do I begin?
Cos all these prayers, must be going somewhere
somewhere I can never trace
But it seems so far look in the stars and the empty space
There are worlds within worlds, that keep rotating
And so many thoughts that flow through my mind
If this universe is really shrinking we'll be together in time
I had a vision of this place
It looked like heaven but the colours seemed to change
And no matter what I do yeah it's slowly fading away
So all of these prayers have to be going somewhere
Somewhere I can never trace
And one could get lost in all of these stars and drift in space
There are worlds within worlds, that keep rotating
And so many thoughts that flow through my mind
If this universe is really shrinking we'll be together in time
There are worlds within worlds, that keep rotating
And so many thoughts that flow through my mind
If this universe is really shrinking we'll be together in time
There are worlds within worlds, that keep rotating
And so many thoughts that flow through my mind
If this universe is really shrinking we'll be together in time
Every minute passes by, you're always talking makes me cry
Finding out the reasons why, I'm needing space get out my ride
Talking about what I do, where I go, who I'm with and why I don't bring you
Think about the times you pushed me
Saying "baby please don't go", you make me sick, yeah, yeah
I'll make you lost in times before you break my small
You claim you love me, tease me, leave me, hold me, please me
Get off I'm movin on cos I'm tryin to take control
But it's you talking dirty when I'm trying to sleep
And it's you, said you love me after just one week
Tell me who's always calling on my telephone
Now it's you tryin to tell me we should take things slow
And you said: "don't go, don't go, please don't go please don't leave me, on my own
Don't go, don't go, please don't go please don't leave me, on my own"
You're creepin, sneaking, cheating, on me, leavin, this round,
Gotta end the strike cos it ain't going down
Now you wanna come back, claim you give me a track
I forgive what you do then you want it back
I'm sick of playing this game, I ain't sticking with a claim fame
Stop this, right now, you crossed the line so baby get the hell out
But it's you talking dirty when I'm trying to sleep (sleep)
And it's you, said you love me after just one week (just one week yeah)
Tell me who's always calling on my telephone
Now it's you tryin to tell me we should take things slow (take things slow)
But it's you talking dirty when I'm trying to sleep (yeah)
And it's you, said you love me after just one week (just one week yeah yeah)
Tell me who's always calling on my telephone (telephone)
Now it's you tryin to tell me we should take things slow (take things slow)
And you said: "don't go, don't go, please don't go (no)
Please don't leave me, on my own (please don't)
Don't go, don't go, please don't go (oh)
Please don't leave me, on my own" (on my own)
Make up your mind boy, silly games you're always playing
Have no time boy, to sit and chase you, I ain't staying
Well, thinking it's funny, well, you're spending money
And, every time you wanna get the upper hand remember
I'll be walking away looking cool with my
Matching bag and the jewels that I took
Don't you ever say it's not necessary
Then beg to come back, I ain't having that oh whoa
But it's you talking dirty when I'm trying to sleep
And it's you, said you love me after just one week
Tell me who's always calling on my telephone
Now it's you tryin to tell me we should take things slow (take things slow)
But it's you talking dirty when I'm trying to sleep
And it's you, said you love me after just one week (just one week)
Tell me who's always calling on my telephone (Yes it's you)
Now it's you tryin to tell me we should take things slow (take things slow)
And you said: "don't go, don't go, please don't go (don't go, oh no)
Please don't leave me, on my own (on my own)
Don't go, don't go, please don't go (don't go, oh no)
Please don't leave me, on my own" (on my own)
Wanna be with you I wanna get with you
This is how it's gotta be, so real whatcha like in the daytime?
It's my time, to find out, how it's gonna be, yeah
Between you and me, oh everything seems so cool, listen to my groove
Why are you creeping, sneaking undercover boy
If you're out come around, cos I'm diggin you
I want you but I don't know can you tell me how far you wanna go?
I'm head over heels, yeah baby tell me how you feel, ah
Stop the chasing cos we're facing you and me together as one
This is not a party song, this is not a party tune
This is not a party thing, this is not a party.. with you
If you wanna party with me, can't afford to get this wrong
If you wanna get this on, bring your party to me
Just a fussy girl in a messy World, keep things playing straight that's me
So you gotta be always clear with me, it's all about me being happy
(Gotta be, all I wanna see, eh no attitudes on getting things wrong (Harmony))
This is not a party song, this is not a party tune
This is not a party thing, this is not a party.. with you
If you wanna party with me, can't afford to get this wrong
If you wanna get this on, bring your party to me
This is not a party song, this is not a party tune
This is not a party thing, this is not a party.. with you
If you wanna party with me, can't afford to get this wrong
If you wanna get this on, bring your party to me
This is not a party song, this is not a party tune
This is not a party thing, this is not a party.. with you
If you wanna party with me, can't afford to get this wrong
If you wanna get this on, cos I ain't in this for free
This is not a party song, this is not a party tune
This is not a party thing, this is not a party.. with you
If you wanna party with me, can't afford to get this wrong
If you wanna get this on, bring your party to me
He's got me sick wanna get it I can't help it I just need it
He's got me sick wanna get it I can't help it I just need it
You're always on my mind, I wouldn't call it love
But when we're in the club, we always move in time
And when it gets too much, I hurry home and rush
Wanna see me through the walls
Wanna slide through the floor, and my bed is calling
Blush, as my conscience starts to tell
When I'm going up the stairs, it can't wait 'till morning
Oh there's something on my (who)
Is moving on my (who) I think I'm gonna oh oh oh oh
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
Now it's about that time undressing with a sign
That later you'll be mine we're caught into a vibe
With dirty thoughts that crosses over the stop sign
It's crazy that I feel confused it's so surreal
What's happening to me ine touch and I'm just there
And I'm coming down the stairs bragging cos he made me go
Oh there's something on my (who)
Is moving on my (who) I think I'm gonna oh oh oh oh
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
Late at night your eyes on me, I know you like what you can't see (oh)
Face to face along we breathe (oh)
I can't see what's on your mind, moving slowly down my thigh (oh)
And the thought just makes me (oh) it feels divine
Ooh there's something on my (who)
Is moving on my (who) I think I'm gonna oh oh oh oh
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
Oh there's someone in my bed, must be something that I said
And it must of been good (Let me hear you say)
Oh there's something on my mind, don't know what I don't know why
But it must of been rude (Feeling good today)
He's got me sick wanna get it I can't help it I just need it
He's got me sick wanna get it I can't help it I just need it
Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove
Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove
You gotta get down down (Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
You gotta get down down (Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
You gotta get down down (Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
You gotta get down down (Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
Feeling sexy, dirty thing got his eyes on me
Walks up close, took a stroke, getting down dirty, he's watching
While I'm making circles on the floor, I'll have him begging for more
What you see's, what you're getting you for me, you will stick it
It's so hot, in this kitchen I'm so ready to go
Wind yourself around and grab a hold and ride it
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
Feel the rhythm driving, everybody's riving
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
Would I like baggy jeans got the hip hop style
Come and slick my embrace take my number down
Well it's for fun I know it turns you on
Wanna bump and grind with me, pull it out of the bag, yeah yeah
Wind yourself around and grab a hold and ride it
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
Feel the rhythm driving, everybody's riving
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
What you see's, what you're getting you for me, you will stick it
It's so hot, in this kitchen I'm so ready to go, oh
Wind yourself around and grab a hold and ride it
You gotta get down down (down down)
You gotta get down down (down down)
Feel the rhythm driving, everybody's riving
You gotta get down down (down down)
You gotta get down down (down down)
Wind yourself around and grab a hold and ride it
You gotta get down down (down down)
You gotta get down down (down down)
Feel the rhythm driving, everybody's riving
You gotta get down down (down down)
You gotta get down down (down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
(You gotta get down down, you gotta get down down)
(Getting busy, cannot stop I'm caught in a groove)
Feeling confused about the things that i have seen
Nothing seems to be real everything's a dream
Which causes me to question, what life really means
This is our World can't take no more, I'm breaking, help me tell me where to go
(In time I'm gonna find my own sweet way (Harmony))
My tears will dry (oh)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh)
And there's no one else to blame (oh)
Sitting here thinking about the place we're going to
Not knowing where or what might happen if we both flew
Even though I know I've made mistakes, I will learn from every one
This is awful can't take no more, I'm breaking, help me tell me where to go
(In time I'm gonna find my own sweet way (Harmony)) yeah yeah
My tears will dry (oh)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh)
And there's no one else to blame (oh)
My tears will dry (oh) (Tears will dry)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh) (Colder in the rain)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh) (Yeah)
And there's no one else to blame (oh)
My tears will dry (oh) (My tears will dry)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh) (Colder in the rain)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh) (Summertime)
And there's no one else to blame (oh) (No one else to blame)
My tears will dry (oh) (my tears will dry I don't know why)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh) (Colder in the rain)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh) (Summertime got left behind)
And there's no one else to blame (oh) (There's no one else to blame)
My tears will dry (oh) (yeah I don't know)
I don't know why, it's getting colder in the rain (oh) (Colder in the rain)
But the summertime, hot left behind (oh) (Summertime got left behind)
And there's no one else to blame (oh)
Where's the hurt, and what's it worth, and where's the ending proof?
Who am I, I've realised, one and one make two
Be prepared, stop running scared
Cos they are watching you, yes they are watching you
I don't know what it is with me, I'm falling from my own two feet
I feel a bitter end in sight, like a perfect world's been disturbed
I'm full of it but I can’t speak, how does a body get so weak?
No colour in my black and white, do the deepest times get much worse?
Who's your friend no one else learned from one mistake
On your own a precious stone left to wash away
Dim the lights down a wine who am I to blame yeah who am I to blame?
I don't know what it is with me, I'm falling from my own two feet
I feel a bitter end in sight, like a perfect world's been disturbed
I'm full of it but I can’t speak, how does a body get so weak?
No colour in my black and white, do the deepest times get much worse?
My perfect world it has been disturbed
I don't know what it is with me, I'm falling from my own two feet
I feel a bitter end in sight
I'm full of it but I can’t speak, how's a body get so weak?
No colour in my black and white (Do the deepest times get much worse?)
I don't know what it is with me, I'm falling from my own two feet
I feel a bitter end in sight
I'm full of it but I can’t speak, how's a body get so weak?
No colour in my black and white (Do the deepest times get much worse?)