Megjelenés | 2002. Augusztus 26. |
Felvételek | 2001-2002 |
Műfaj | Pop - R&B - Electronica |
Hossz | 41:30 |
Kiadó | Island Records |
Producerek | Lucas Secon, Bloodshy & Avant, Robin Boult, Robbie Bronnimann, Craigie Dodds, Fredro, Howard Jones, Jony Rockstar, Ron Tom, Jeremy Wheatley, Richard X, Xenomania |
Tagok | Mutya Buena - Keisha Buchanan - Heidi Range |
Kislemezek | > Freak Like Me /// 2002. Április 22. |
> Round Round /// 2002. Augusztus 12. | |
> Stronger/Angels with Dirty Faces /// 2002. November 11. | |
> Shape /// 2003. Március 10. | |
<<<<<< | One Touch (2000) |
>>>>>> | Three (2003) |
Az angol Sugababes lánycsoport második stúdióalbuma. Az Island Island Records kiadta az Egyesült Királyságban 2002. augusztus 26-án, és a legtöbb európai területen 2002. szeptemberig. Az album a Island kiadónál debütált, miután 2001-ben elszakadt a London Records-tól, és ez volt az első rendszeres kiadásuk a a második felállásban szerepel, beleértve az új tagot, Heidi Range-ot, aki az alapító tagot, Donaghy Siobhánt váltotta.
Az albumon Lucas Secon és Xenomania produkciója szerepel, és az Egyesült Királyság Albumlistájának második helyén érte el a tripla platina státuszt. Ausztráliában az album 2002. november 18-án jelent meg.
Röviddel azután, hogy megjelent a zenekar debütáló albumának utolsó kislemeze, a One Touch, a csoport tagja és társalapítója, Siobhán Donaghy elhagyta a zenekart a zenekaron belüli személyes ellentétek miatt. 2001-ben hivatalosan is új tag, Heidi Range váltotta fel. Miután korábbi kiadójuk, a London Records elbocsátotta őket, az együttes új lemezkiadó után kezdett kutatni. Miután már elkezdtek anyagot írni az együttes második stúdióalbumához, végül aláírtak az Island Records céggel.
Az album végül belföldön, 2002. augusztus 26-án jelent meg, nagy várakozással, az első két kislemez sikere nyomán, amelyet a "Freak like Me" és a "Round Round" albumról emeltek ki, és mindkettő az Egyesült Királyság 1. helyén volt. . Az album kedvező kritikákat kapott a kritikusok részéről, az AllMusic 3,5 / 5 csillagot kapott.
Szinte egy hónappal az album brit kiadása után Európa szeptemberében és Új-Zélandon jelent meg 2002 szeptemberében, ahol jelentős sikereket ért el. Az album az IFPI által Platinum Europe Award díjat kapott az 1 millió példányt meghaladó európai eladások elismeréseként.
A piszkos arcú angyalok jobban teljesítettek, mint a csoport előző One Touch című lemeze, és a második helyen állt az Egyesült Királyság albumlistájának legmagasabb helyén; negyven hétig maradt a listákon. A "Freak like Me", amely Gary Numan "Are 'Friends' Electric?" Című mintáját mutatta be, volt az első kiadott kislemez, és az első helyen került az Egyesült Királyság Singles-listájára. A Xenomania által gyártott "Round Round" volt a második kiadott kislemez, amely szintén az Egyesült Királyság listáján debütált az első helyen. A harmadik kislemez az „Stronger” és az „Angels with Dirty Faces” dupla A-oldali kiadása volt, amely a brit Singles Chart hetedik helyét érte el. Az utolsó kislemez, a "Shape", amely Sting "Shape of My Heart" kislemezét mintázza, az album közül egyedüliként nem ért el helyet az Egyesült Királyság kislemez-listájának első tíz helyezettjében; tizenegyedik helyen lépett be. A dal azonban Lengyelországban (első számú), Írországban (kilencedik) és Hollandiában (tízes) eljutott az első tízbe.
01 | FREAK LIKE ME | Eugene Hanes Marc Valentine Loren Hill William Collins George Clinton Gary Numan |
Richard X Jeremy Wheatley |
3:17 |
02 | BLUE | Sugababes Howard Jones Robbie Bronniman Robin Boult |
Howard Jones Robbie Bronniman Robin Boult Jeremy Wheatley |
3:56 |
03 | ROUND ROUND | Sugababes Brian Higgins Miranda Cooper Lisa Cowling Nick Coler Florian Pflueger Felix Stecher Robin Hofmann Rino Spadavecchia Richard Baxter Jerry Ross |
Kevin Bacon Jonathan Quarmby Jeremy Wheatley |
3:57 |
04 | STRONGER | Sugababes Jony Lipsey Marius De Vries Felix Howard |
Jony Rockstar | 4:00 |
05 | SUPERNATURAL | Christian Karlsson Pontus Winnberg Michelle Bell |
Bloodshy & Avant | 3:37 |
Sugababes Brian Higgins Bob Bradley Tim Powell Miranda Cooper Matthew Del Gray |
Brian Higgins Bob Bradley Tim Powell Gifford Noel |
3:48 |
07 | VIRGIN SEXY | Sugababes Lucas Secon Mary-Ann Morgan |
Lucas Secon |
3:45 |
08 | SHAPE | Sting Dominic Miller Craigie Dodds |
Craigie Dodds Kevin Bacon Jonathan Quarmby |
4:14 |
Sugababes Jony Lipsey Felix Howard Jeremy Shaw |
Rockstar | 3:32 |
Sugababes Craigie Dodds |
Craigie Dodds | 3:34 |
11 | SWITCH | Sugababes Felix Howard Frederick Odesjo Henrick Jonback Nina Woodford |
Fredro | 3:37 |
12 | MORE THAN A MILLION MILES | Sugababes Lucas Secon Mary-Ann Morgan |
Lucas Secon | 3:24 |
13 | BREATHE EASY (Acoustic Jam) | Sugababes Craigie Dodds |
Craigie Dodds | 3:59 |
14 | ROUND ROUND (alternative mix) (UK & JAPAN BONUS TRACK) |
6:07 | ||
MÁS DALOK | ||||
> | GROOVE IS GOING ON | Kislemez: Round Round [2002] | ||
> | KILLER | Kislemez: Shape [2003] |
FREAK LIKE ME Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, első kislemeze, a második albumjukról, az Angels with Dirty Faces-ről. Ezt a verziót az angol producer Richard X fejlesztette ki és készítette. Háttérként az 1979-es dal "Are" Friends "Electric?" Mintáját használja. készítette Gary Numan és a Tubeway Army. 2001-ben X Richard létrehozott egy bootleg mashupot a "Freak Like Me" és a "Are" Friends "Electric?" Eredeti felvételeiről, "We Don't Give a Damn About Our Friends" címmel, amelyet álnév alatt adtak ki. "Girls on Top". Ez a dal sikeres underground pályává vált. X Richard meg akarta engedni a mashupot kereskedelmi célból, de nem kapott engedélyt Adina Howardtól az ének használatához, ezért úgy döntött, hogy újra felveszi az éneket, Sugababes-sel.
Ez volt az első Sugababes-kislemez, amelyben Heidi Range szerepelt, aki Siobhán Donaghy távozása után 2001. augusztusában csatlakozott.
ROUND ROUND Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, második kislemeze, a második albumjukról, az Angels with Dirty Faces-ről. A csoport tagjai, Keisha Buchanan, Mutya Buena és Heidi Range, valamint Miranda Cooper, Niara Scarlett, Brian Higgins, Tim Powell, Nick Coler, Shawn Lee és Lisa Cowling írta, Kevin Bacon és Jonathan Quarmby készítette. A dal a Dublex Inc. német produkciós csapat "Tango Forte" mintáján alapul. A minta beillesztése miatt számos más írót is írtak dalszerzőknek. Megjelenése után a "Round Round" a UK Singles Chart első helyezettje lett, és a csoport második legjelentősebb kislemezévé vált. Végül ezüstként a BPI tanúsította. A "Round Round" a tíz másik ország között is sikerült elérnie Írországban, Ausztriában, Új-Zélandon és Olaszországban. Ez egyben a The Guru, a Kenguru Jack filmek eredeti filmzeneje is, és szerepelt az American Wedding című filmben. Ezt a dalt a Girls Aloud "Sound of the Underground" mellett a 2000-es években a brit popzene átalakításában is figyelembe vették.
STRONGER Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, harmadik kislemeze, a második albumjukról, az Angels with Dirty Faces-ről. A Sugababes Jony Rockstar, Marius de Vries és Felix Howard közreműködésével írta a dalt; inspirálta a csoport tagja, Heidi Range tapasztalata, hogy elszakad a családjától és a barátaitól. "Stronger" egy downtempo pop és R&B ballada, amely önfelhatalmazási témát mutat. Ez a harmadik kislemez az Angels with Dirty Faces-től, és dupla A-oldalán jelent meg az album címadó dalával. A dal vegyes értékelést kapott a kritikusoktól, akik ambivalensek voltak a zeneszerzés felé. Az "Stronger" elérte a hetedik helyet az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chartjában, és bekerült az első tízbe Hollandiában és Norvégiában az egyes dalok listáján. A csúcspontja Ausztráliában, Új-Zélandon és sok más európai országban a negyven legfontosabb volt. Alison Murray rendezte a dal zenei videóját, amelyet egy londoni medencében készítettek, és minden csoport tagját külön személyiségként ábrázolja.
ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, harmadik kislemeze, a második albumjukról, az Angels with Dirty Faces-ről. Ezt a Sugababes írta a Xenomania tagjai, Brian Higgins, Bob Bradley, Tim Powell és Matthew Del Gray közreműködésével. Higgins, Bradley, Powell és Gifford Noel készítette a dalt. Egy uptempo pop és R&B lemez, tánchatásokkal együtt, 2002. november 11-én adták ki kettős A-oldalán a "Stronger" című kislemezzel. A dal általában kedvező értékelést kapott a kritikusoktól, akik dicsérték a zeneszerzést, és kiemelték az album egyik jobb dalának.
Kettős A-oldalán történő kiadáskor a dal a hetedik helyen volt az Egyesült Királyság Singles Chart-on, és az ausztrál és az új-zélandi listán a negyven legjobb helyen. "Angels with Dirty Faces" erősen népszerűsítették a Cartoon Network animált televíziós sorozatán, a The Powerpuff Girls oldalon. Az árut a sorozaton alapuló színházi film megjelenésének elősegítésére hozták létre, míg a Cartoon Network Studios elkészítette a dal zenei videóját, amely az eredeti sorozat negyedik évadának "Észak Nano" című részének átdolgozása volt.
SHAPE Brit lánycsoport, a Sugababes, negyedik, és egyben az utolsó kislemeze, a második albumjukról, az Angels with Dirty Faces-ről. Sting, Dominic Miller és Craig Dodds állította össze a dalt. A midtempo pop és az R&B ballada tartalmazza a Sting 1993-as "Shape of My Heart" felvételének mintáját, amelynek éneke a kórusban szerepel. Vegyes értékeléseket kapott kritikusoktól, akik ambivalensek voltak a „Shape of My Heart” mintája iránt. A kislemez mérsékelt sikert ért el, és Írországban, Hollandiában, Norvégiában és az Egyesült Királyságban elérte a toplisták első húszát. A dal zenei videóját Michael Gracey és Pete Commins rendezte, és az ausztráliai Sydney-ben készítették. A videót cenzúrázták, majd később újból készítették a meztelenség ábrázolása miatt. A Sugababes egy álarcos bált tartalmaz egy kastélyban. A Sugababes "Shape" -et adtak elő a GMTV-n, a V Fesztiválon és turnéjukon albumuk támogatására. Ez volt a Sugababes utolsó kislemeze, amely a Compact Cassette-en jelent meg.
Let me lay it on the line
I got a little freakiness inside, and you know that the man has got to deal with it
I don't care what they say
I'm not about to pay nobody's way, cause it's all about the dark in me, mm-hmm
I wanna freak in the morning a freak in the evening, just like me
I need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me, just for me
If you are that kind of man, 'cause I'm that kind of girl
I got a freaky secret, everybody sing, cause we don't give a damn about a thing
'Cause I will be a freak, until the day until the dawn
And we can pump, pump all through the night till the early morn'
Come on and I will take you around the 'hood on a gangsta lean
'Cause we can pump, pump any time of day it's all good for me
Boy, you're moving kind of slow
You got to keep it up now, there you go, there's just one thing that a man must do
I'm packing all the flavours you need
I got you shook up on your knees, cause it's all about the dog in me
I wanna freak in the morning a freak in the evening just like me yeah
I need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me, just for me
If you are that kind of man, cause I'm that kind of girl
I got a freaky secret, everybody sing, cause we don't give a damn about a thing
Cause I will be a freak until the day until the dawn
And we can pump, pump all through the night till the early morn
Come on and I will take you around the 'hood on a gangsta lean
Cause we can pump, pump, any time of day it's all good for me
Cause I will be a freak until the day until the dawn
And we can pump, pump all through the night till the early morn
Come on and I will take you around the 'hood on a gangsta lean
Cause we can pump, pump, any time of day it's all good for me
(It's all good for me, good for me)
I wanna freak in the morning a freak in the evening, just like me
I need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me, just for me
I wanna freak in the morning a freak in the evening, just like me
I need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me, just for me (good for me)
I wanna freak in the morning a freak in the evening, just like me
I need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me, just for me
I guess I saw through you, I've seen your colors blue
Trying to join me when I'm on top, observing what I do
But then you weren't around, I was down and in the ground
Do you remember shut your mouth, don't wanna hear your sound
Don't you try it, I'm not so forgetful
Your colors are rather dull, it's never gonna be, that picture that you want, of being seen
(Blue) That's all you do, Play with people's mind, two faced, I wasn't blind
(Blue) You are a fool because you lost me, I thought that we were cool
Blue and that is deep, I can't be asked, blue and that is you, and that's too long
Blue, don't you see your color's wrong, you've been there for too long, I see it going on
You've been faking trying to be my friend
When all along you're out there trying to set a trend
I've, I've only got one word for you
And every word is true, the color that suits you is blue
You are sleazy and two faced, I can't believe I missed
What you were all about, trying to use me but your games ran out
You can't take advantage of me, my eyes are open now
Trying to use me to get in my crowd, you're all about the hype
When you see me on TV, two weeks later talking my name
You're the one to blame, then you try and dress like me, talk like me; are you crazy?
What are you trying to claim, for you I've got one name
(Blue) That's all you do, Play with people's mind, two faced, I wasn't blind
(Blue) You are a fool because you lost me, I thought that we were cool
Blue and that is deep, I can't be asked, blue and that is you, and that's too long
Blue, don't you see your color's wrong, you've been there for too long, I see it going on
You've been faking trying to be my friend
When all along you're out there trying to set a trend
I've, I've only got one word for you
And every word is true, the color that suits you is blue
You think you're too heavy, trying mess don't fuck with me
Can't you see that your games ran out, in the beginning all you did was doubt
Didn't know that I'd catch your game, couldn't fit in my crew anyway
Now if you don't know I may give you a clue you're lame you're broke
Let the fellas take a stroke of the skit that you are
Use the fellas for the cars use me for my bra - and she thought you would scar
Hell no, I'm selling records got no time for the haters
Got them shook up with my lyrics
When I'm fluffin' with my digits wanna hate me wanna be me
Got me vexed got me so angry, cause I'm doing my dream don't screw so blue
(Blue) That's all you do, Play with people's mind, two faced, I wasn't blind
(Blue) You are a fool because you lost me, I thought that we were cool
Blue and that is deep, I can't be asked, blue and that is you, and that's too long
Blue, don't you see your color's wrong, you've been there for too long, I see it going on
You've been faking trying to be my friend
When all along you're out there trying to set a trend
I've, I've only got one word for you
And every word is true, the color that suits you is blue
Blue and that is deep, I can't be asked, blue and that is you, and that's too long
Blue, don't you see your color's wrong, you've been there for too long, I see it going on
You've been faking trying to be my friend
When all along you're out there trying to set a trend
I've, I've only got one word for you
And every word is true, the color that suits you is blue
Blue and that is deep, I can't be asked, blue and that is you, and that's too long
Blue, don't you see your color's wrong, you've been there for too long, I see it going on
You've been faking trying to be my friend
When all along you're out there trying to set a trend
I've, I've only got one word for you
And every word is true, the color that suits you is blue
Round round baby, round round spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
When you stare at my face you're messing with my brain
If you try to convince me then you better think again
If you move to the music, the music's got to give
If it's too complicated that's the way I wanna live
(If you hate me I will show you, how to break me into something new
If you want me run away now
If you stop me then I'll hit the ground (Harmony)) (And we go, and we go)
Round round baby, round round spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Explanations no you don't need one, having a good time, getting down to fun
And it's your time just tonight he'll be mine then he's gone, yeah yeah
People movin', bodies groovin', never ending players are changing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, all you need is a fierce sting
All my girls are here with me, whiling out they've got their needs
Do you feel me, do you feel me, do you feel me, do you feel me
Round round baby, round round spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round spend the night on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honeys when I go
Does it hurt when you see how I've done
Without you you thought that I couldn't belong
Never thought that you could be so cruel
All you need is some friends won't be by yourself
Let's go round and round and round and round and round
Round round baby, round round spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round spend the night on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round, baby when I go when I go (when I go)
When I go (when I go) when I go when I go round baby (when I go)
When I go (when I go) when I go (when I go) when I go when I go
I'll make it through the rainy days
I'll be the one who stands here longer than the rest
When my landscape changes, rearranges
I'll be stronger than i've ever been
No more stillness, more sunlight, rverything's gonna be alright
I know that there's gonna be a change
Better find your way out of your fear
If you wanna come with me, then that's the way it's gotta be
I'm all alone and finally, I'm getting stronger
You'll come to see, just what I can be, I'm getting stronger
Sometimes I feel so down and out
Like emotion that's been captured in a maze, I had my ups and downs
Trials and tribulations, I overcome it day by day
Feeling good and almost powerful, a new me, that's what i'm looking for
I know that there's gonna be a change
Better find your way out of your fear
If you wanna come with me, then that's the way it's gotta be
I'm all alone and finally, I'm getting stronger
You'll come to see, just what I can be, I'm getting stronger
I didn't know what I had to do I just knew I was alone
People around me but they didn't care so I searched into my soul
I'm not the type of girl that will let them see her cry
It's not my style I get by see I'm gonna do this for me
I'm all alone and finally, I'm getting stronger
You'll come to see, just what I can be, I'm getting stronger
Love comes and love goes, and who knows what life holds
Love is as love does, so don't ask for too much
Don't sit back and let your heart just break
Coz what you give is what you take
Love is as love was before, so you ought to know
All the universe is looking to fall in love
But you gotta first find yourself, to love someone else
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Everybody, everybody wanna be loved
Love stays and love leaves love can get ugly
I trust you, you trust me love can be trust free
Don't sit back and let it pass you by
Coz you don't miss the water 'till the well is dry
So love me, I'll love you, before we do, you ought to know
All the universe is looking to fall in love
But you gotta first find yourself, to love someone else
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Hurts so good it hurts so bad, love is better when you feel passionate
Tastes so good just how it should be, love is better when it's bittersweet
Do you think that you control, how love should go?
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved)
Supernatural, international, unstoppable
That's just how it goes, it's practical, it's actual
(It's a fact that everybody wanna be loved, yeah)
(Keisha, Mutya, Heidi)
I'm confused, I don't know, which way do I really go
This guy is fly, but another one pass me by
Stuck in the middle in this spot, that he's too damn hot
Shall I choose the one, with the heavy car or not
'Coz nothing ain't serious, see I'm only seventeen
And I wanna be mysterious, naughty, sexy on the creep
Never sleep, won't reveal the sneaky side of me
All day and night and I creep out
I think about who I'm gonna go and link up
Don't think that I'm innocent, baby
'Coz this is driving me crazy, tell me what do you see
I'm not an innocent girl
You don't know where we go you don't know
That we're angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don't know, keep it on the down low
You don't know that we're missing to the morning
I'd say that I'm the kinda of girl you'd say is shy
But I don't think that's the answer you'd hear if you asked my guy
I'm just a girl who likes to let it go
Party with my ladies 'till dawn still don't just let it go
Move your heads to the beat
And shake it down like you never did before
Move a little closer come with me, I'll show you the place to be
That's what he said to me
You don't know where we go you don't know
That we're angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don't know we've been on the down low
You don't know that we're missing to the morning
You don't know where we go you don't know
That we're angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don't know we've been on the down low
You don't know that we're missing to the morning
We're the type of girls don't think
Just say everything we want, we know we'll get our own way
Sexy, classy, don't think you'll put it past me
Angels in the day, but at night could be nasty
(Keisha) Wanna have the fellas locked on ice
(Mutya) Wanna play around with them like dice
(Heidi) He didn't know I was a freak
Until he met me after dark, he thought this girl was chic
Move your heads to the beat
And shake it down like you never did before
Move a little closer come with me, I'll show you the place to be
That's what he said to me
You don't know where we go you don't know
That we're angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don't know we've been on the down low
You don't know that we're missing to the morning
You don't know where we go you don't know
That we're angels with dirty faces in the morning
You don't know we've been on the down low
You don't know that we're missing to the morning
(You don't know where I go) You, You don't know
(You don't know where I go) You don't know
(Come on come on baby, come on come on baby)
She wants to be beautiful, feeling kind of sexual (getting it on)
Hips moving walking down the street
Lips talking saying something sweet, she doesn't know
Strobe lights, I'm looking tight, with my snake skin boots feeling lucky tonight
Come on, hormones raging, I wanna turn the page and take a look inside its amazin'
How do I know it I'm ready to take you there
Just thinking about it really scares me like Freddie, cz I'm virgin, virgin sexy
If you want me, just text me cuz I'm having a chemical reaction, come on baby
(Sexy sexy sexy, sexy sexy sexy)
All she sees is lust in his eyes (like he wants to be the first one
She ain't ready for the surprise (he just wants to get the job done)
Heading straight for the danger zone (daddy wants to keep her ass home)
Wants to explore the unknown (roaming like a little cellphone)
Strobe lights, I'm looking tight, with my snake skin boots feeling lucky tonight (oh)
Come on, hormones raging, I wanna turn the page and take a look inside its amazin' (oh)
Strobe lights, I'm looking tight, with my snake skin boots feeling lucky tonight (oh)
Come on, hormones raging, I wanna turn the page and take a look inside its amazin' (oh)
How do I know it I'm ready to take you there
Just thinking about it really scares me like Freddie, cz I'm virgin, virgin sexy
If you want me, just text me cuz I'm having a chemical reaction, come on baby
How do I know it I'm ready to take you there
Just thinking about it really scares me like Freddie, cz I'm virgin, virgin sexy
If you want me, just text me cuz I'm having a chemical reaction, come on baby
She wants to be beautiful, feeling kind of sexual (oh-oh)
Hips moving walking down the street, lips talking saying something sweet (oh-oh)
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da (I'm getting it on)
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da (come on baby, hey)
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da (I'm getting it on)
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da (come on baby, hey) (Sexy sexy sexy)
How do I know it I'm ready to take you there
Just thinking about it really scares me like Freddie, cz I'm virgin, virgin sexy
If you want me, just text me cuz I'm having a chemical reaction, come on baby
I live my life in chains, got my hands in chains
And I can't stick with the cards, that I got with a deal, like this, I must insist
That a girl's got more to do, then be the way you think a woman should
I'm taking it into my own hands, in this man's land I can understand
Why I'm taking command, I've had enough of stuff
And now it's time to think about me, me yeah
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second and the day by day, you play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day, and a cool deal of life for me and it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
I've always played it safe nothing's ever safe
Give me the courage to back my own convictions
Every decision I make I pay it back and more
Now turn the cards and let them fall to me
I don't need to play on with the hand that they have given me
I'll give it back 'cause it's not the way it has to be
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second and the day by day, you play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day, and a cool deal of life for me and it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart, that's not the shape of my heart
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second and day by day
You play the game or you walk away, it's a new turn on a blue day
And you can easily gamble your life away
Second after second and day by day
You play the game or you walk away
It's a new turn on a blue day and a cool deal of life for me and it's all good
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
Look across the room I see some guy steaming over me
He's smirking sleazy probably be older than daddy
Since you smiled my expression has changed
Come any closer things will be constrained
I walk pass looking good, doesn't give you the right
To put that hand where you think that you should
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
I don't want any man to tell me what to do
Anyone to say to me my feelings are not true
For your information, I maintain my station
Feel so incredible, don't need no man to tell me where to go
Cos this is all you know
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
(just don't need this, just don't need this)
I'll go wherever I know that you won't go
I don't have to tango with your ego, and it's just because I said so
They way I'm feeling now is mental
The problem first starts in your dental, I can't believe they let you in 'dis place
But have they seen the look on your face
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
Not this girl, not this world just step off, had enough
You're no good, I'm no fool I just don't need this
(No man, no cry, no man, no cry)
I've had enough of all your lies and your silly games
I'm running out, can't you see what you're doing?
I never thought that you'd treat me so cruel
But you proved me wrong and now you know I'm just a fool
Don't keep me guessing always stressing all the time
You want a play this game, true love is hard to find
And if I walk there won't be no more coming back
In fact you'll be missing this wish you should be kissing this
Baby check my rhyme
No man no cry, no man that's all right, no we won't be played
Listen all you ladies 'cos the 'babes are taking over this place
No man no cry, no man telling me lies, no we won't be played
We're here to tell you fellas that the 'babes are taking over your place
I'm feeling angry by the way that you treat me lately
Do you see me as some fool, remember what I'm worth boy
No disrespecting me or upsetting me with talk, or this lady's gonna walk
And while I'm thinking, baby, tell me what did you do
Just interrupt good times that should have been with my crew
I bring you, down when I tell your boys
I won't be sitting here now waiting for your call
I ain't some little girl, baby you know the score
Don't want to feel like I'm not the only one
Baby you did me wrong
I'm not your bitch don't trip, I'm moving on
No man no cry, no man that's all right, no we won't be played
Listen all you ladies 'cos the 'babes are taking over this place
No man no cry, no man telling me lies, no we won't be played
We're here to tell you fellas that the 'babes are taking over your place
I'm moving on, I said I'm moving on
I'm moving on and on, on, moving on, moving on, moving
On, on, on, said I'm moving on
No man no cry, no man that's all right, no we won't be played
Listen all you ladies 'cos the 'babes are taking over this place
No man no cry, no man telling me lies, no we won't be played
We're here to tell you fellas that the 'babes are taking over your place
No man, no cry no man, that's alright no we won't be played (Be played no more)
No man, no cry no man telling me lies no we won't be played
(oh yeah, oh-oh, oh yeah, no cry)
He's nothing special, don't need his dough, settling down what is that a joke
You're feeling his best friend, your ex bores you, cos he started to ignore you
He starts his speech, tell him not to preach, always talking out of his ass
What's the point of that, he's not on your level, like the new man - the fly man
The man who really understands
Remember a good way, to get out of an old thing
Is to jump into a new thing and
Switch, if he don't deliver, you just ditch, grab another lover
Scratch your itch, from dusk till dawning, until that new guy has you yawning
Switch, if he don't please you, you just ditch, find someone to tease you
Makes you itch, freaks you till the morning, until this new guy has you yawning
Same old thing the TV, the video he's got to know
Conversations growing old, you've heard those jokes - they're cold
Could he think that the kiss on the text
Means a pizza then action attraction, he's got it all wrong
Remember a good way, to get out of an old thing
Is to jump into a new thing and
Switch, if he don't deliver, you just ditch, grab another lover
Scratch your itch, from dusk till dawning, until that new guy has you yawning
Switch, if he don't please you, you just ditch, find someone to tease you
Makes you itch, freaks you till the morning, until this new guy has you yawning
Hanging around on borrowed time, one strike out you ain't mine
So just get your style in check, I move one ex to the next
Everything he does beats you, so I'm jumping another queue
Please just get your style in check, I move one ex to the next (Oh yeah)
Switch, if he don't deliver, you just ditch, grab another lover
Scratch your itch, from dusk till dawning, until that new guy has you yawning
Switch, if he don't please you, you just ditch, find someone to tease you
Makes you itch, freaks you till the morning, until this new guy has you yawning
Switch, if he don't deliver, you just ditch, grab another lover
Scratch your itch, from dusk till dawning, until that new guy has you yawning
Switch, if he don't please you, you just ditch, find someone to tease you
Makes you itch, freaks you till the morning, until this new guy has you yawning
You and I we belong, if we choose to get along
Still we always bring our bullshit home
Time is passing us by, holding onto you tight
I ain't letting go, I just want you to know
You and me together it should work
But your mind is in another universe
Your ambition is a thing I like to see, let me know
Let me know, if you can find some time for me
How can we be strong, when the road is more than a million miles long
When the song is done, will the love be gone?
Or should we forget it, get it, don't sweat it, regret it, I ain't with it, let's quit it, quit it
Is it red, is it green, am I stuck in between
It ain't black or white, just ain't feelin right
But it ain't what it seems, can you say what you mean
Tell me why this always happens to me
You and me together it should work
But your mind is in another universe
Your ambition is a thing I like to see, let me know
Let me know, if you can find some time for me
How can we be strong, when the road is more than a million miles long
When the song is done, will the love be gone?
Or should we forget it, get it, don't sweat it, regret it, I ain't with it, let's quit it, quit it
How can we be strong, when the road is more than a million miles long
When the song is done, will the love be gone?
Or should we forget it, get it, don't sweat it, regret it, I ain't with it, let's quit it, quit it
Missing you lately, all of the time
All you seem to do is argue make up your mind
Come to my yard bring all the man dem
The broke ass niggas with all the fake gems
Communication, that's what we need, all the silence makes my heart bleed
All you wanna do sit and burn weed, no R E S P E C T
Tell me what happens to our quality time
Everytime we meet you're bringing trouble to my mind
A good man is hard to find, maybe we should dead this come back rewind
How can we be strong, when the road is more than a million miles long
When the song is done, will the love be gone?
Or should we forget it, get it, don't sweat it, regret it, I ain't with it, let's quit it, quit it
How can we be strong, when the road is more than a million miles long
When the song is done, will the love be gone?
Or should we forget it, get it, don't sweat it, regret it, I ain't with it, let's quit it, quit it
Oh-oh, oh yeah
I don't know how many times, we've walked the streets
Talkin' for ages about the people, we're gonna be
We've been waiting for a change, but I don't mind if it don't change, baby
Though it might seem crazy, but I'm happy with you this way, yeah
And don't you know that you're a part of my heart
And these emotions that I got from the start, are still with me, babe
And I'm trippin' above my words to say
No one ever told me life could be this sweet, breathin' easy, breathin' easy
It's time we should be givin' in
No one ever told me life could be this sweet, breathin' easy, breathin' easy
We talk about the places, that we intend to be
But if we were there, would you be you, and baby would I be me?
I don't wanna be somewhere, and realize this feeling's gone
I'm lost in these tenses, confusing my senses, tomorrow is taking too long
And don't you know that you're a part of my heart
And these emotions that I got from the start, are still with me, babe
And I'm trippin' above my words to say
No-one ever told me life could be this sweet (no-one ever told me)
Breathing easy, breathing easy (so sweet, so so Sweet) (it's time we shoud be giving in)
No-one ever told me life could be this Sweet (no one ever told me)
Breathing easy, breathing easy (oh)
If I was a little wiser maybe, I wouldn't leave this focus-out lens
Out of this moment too long, I gotta find my way home
No-one ever told me life could be this sweet (be so sweet)
Breathing easy, breathing easy
It's time we shoud be giving in (I know, I know this life's so sweet)
No-one ever told me life could be this sweet (so sweet)
Breathing easy, breathing easy
It's time we shoud be giving in (breathing easy, breathing breathing)
No-one ever told me life could be this sweet (be so sweet)
Breathing easy, breathing easy
It's time we shoud be giving in (breathing easy, hey breathing easy)
No-one ever told me life could be this sweet (so Sweet)
Breathing easy, breathing easy
Round round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man, got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
When you stare at my face, you're messing with my brain
If you try to resist me then you better think again
If you move to my music, the music's got to give
If I'm too complicated, that's the way I wanna live
(If you hate me, I will show you
How to break me into something new
If you want me, run away now
If you stop me, then I'll hit the ground (Harmony))
And we go, and we go, and we go, and we go
And we go, and we go, and we go, and we go
Round round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man, got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Explanations, no, you don't need one
Having a good time, getting down to fun
And it's your time, just tonight he'll be mine, then he's gone
Cause all I need is the sound of the streets
The bass, the rhythm gets me on my feet
Chillin' with my girls, got no cares in the world, now it's my time
People movin', bodies groovin', never ending players are changing
(Don't you worry 'bout a thing, all you need is a fierce sting)
All my girls are here with me, whiling out they've got their needs
(Do you feel me, do you feel me, do you feel me, do you feel me?)
Round round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man, got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Does it hurt when you see how I've done without you?
You thought that I couldn't belong
Never thought that you could be so cruel (to me, yeah (Harmony))
There's no need for all the, all the fussing and your cussing
All you need is some friends
Leave your men behind then you're gonna find (Won't be by yourself)
Let's go round and round, and round and round and round
Round round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man, got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Round baby, round round, spinning out on me
I don't need no man got my kicks for free
We'll ride still fired on the beat down low
I don't need nobody but my honey's when I go
Say S-U-G-A-B-A-B-E-S, Sugababes, come on, come on
Yeah (yeah, yeah) oh (come on, come on) say we got it goin' on
Stepping out with my girlfriends, going to a party, looking kinda fine
In the corner of my eye, I see this nice smooth cutie, with a tight booty (nice)
So I'm grooving with my girls
Just doing my thing, not particularly looking for a fling
'Nuff man's got it goin' on, while the beats just rolling, rolling
Grooving on to another place where I can be myself and dance (I can dance)
Grooving on to a different situation (Gotta be myself on my own track)
Cos the groove is going on (come on, come on)
We got it going on (come on, come on, ah, yeah, yeah)
Cos the groove is going on
We wanna have some fun oh, yeah, yeah (Ah come on, yeah)
We're still having fun feeling kinda numb, music still bumping the crowd still jumping
See the haters give me screw face (But that don't phase me) cause I'm swazy
The mood was right I'm getting high, slow down we got it groovin' on
We got it grooving on (yeah, come on)
I need some space tonight so I can do this certain move
I need a breath to hold me tight, looking right, to keep me dancing all night
Grooving on to another place where I can be myself and dance (I can dance)
Grooving on to a different situation (Gotta be myself on my own track)
We got it going on (we got it going on) (Ah, yeah, ah come on, check it)
Cos the groove is going on
We wanna have some fun oh, yeah, yeah (Come on)
The groove is going on (come on, come on)
We got it going on (oh, oh, oh) (shake it baby, ah, yeah, ah come on, check it)
Cos the groove is going on
We wanna have some fun oh, yeah, yeah (Ah, yeah, yeah, come on, sugababes)
Oh "He's really nice..."
The groove is going on (come on, come on)
We got it going on (Mutya! "Wait! No wait, wait, wait")
Cos the groove is going on, we wanna have some fun oh, yeah, yeah
So you want to be free, to live your life the way you want to be
Will you give if we cry, will we live, yeah or will we die?
Jaded hearts (hearts)
Heal with time shoot that love so we can stop the bleeding
Solitary brother (solitary brother) Is there still a part of you that wants to live?
Solitary sister (solitary sister) Is there still a part of you that wants to give?
Solitary brother (solitary brother) is there still a part of you that wants to live?
Solitary sister (solitary sister) Is there still a part of you that wants to give?
If we try and live your lives the way you wanna be, yeah, yeah, yeah
Solitary brother (solitary brother) Is there still a part of you that wants to live?
Solitary sister (solitary sister) Is there still a part of you that wants to give?
Solitary brother (solitary brother) is there still a part of you that wants to live?
Solitary sister (solitary sister) Is there still a part of you that wants to give?
Racism in among future kings can only lead to no good and besides
All our sons and daughters already know how that feels, yeah yeah yeah yeah