Megjelenés 2000. November 27. / 20: 2021. Október 1.
Felvételek 1999-2000
Műfaj Pop - R&B
Hossz 48:20
Kiadó London Records
Producerek Don-E - Carl McIntosh - Cameron McVey - Jony Rockstar - Matt Rowe - Paul Simm - Luke Smith - Ron Tom - Paul Watson
Tagok Siobhan Donaghy - Mutya Buena - Keisha Buchanan
Kislemezek > Overload /// 2000. Szeptember 11.
> New Year /// 2000. December 12.
> Run for Cover /// 2001. Április 9.
> Soul Sound /// 2001. Július 16.
>>>>>> Angels with Dirty Faces (2002)

Sugababes brit lánycsapat debütáló stúdióalbuma. A London Records adta ki az Egyesült Királyságban 2000. november 27-én, majd a következő hónapban a legtöbb európai területen. A trió Cameron McVey producerrel dolgozott az album nagy részén, amelyből négy kislemez készült; "Overload", "New Year", "Run for Cover" és "Soul Sound".
Annak ellenére, hogy kezdetben a 26. helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, és a BPI arany minősítést kapott, és még jobban teljesített a német nyelvterületen Európában, ahol Ausztriában, Németországban és Svájcban a legjobb tíz közé jutott, a One Touch eladásai nem felelt meg a lemezcég elvárásainak, és a csoportot végül 2001 őszén feladták, így ez volt az egyetlen kiadványuk a kiadónál. Ráadásul 2022-ig ez lett az egyetlen olyan album, amelyen a csapat eredeti felállása szerepel. Siobhán Donaghy 2001-ben hagyta el a csapatot. Kezdetben azt nyilatkozta, hogy divatkarrierre vágyik, de végül klinikai depresszióval diagnosztizálták a 2022-es jelentések közepette. -harc a Sugababes tagjai között.
2009 márciusában a Ponystepnek adott interjújában a csoport tagja, Mutya Buena elárulta, hogy szerinte a One Touch a banda legjobb alkotása, és még mindig hallgatja. Donaghy egy külön interjúban is kijelentette, hogy az album „megelőzte korát”. 2011-ben az eredeti csoporttagok, akik kiadták a One Touch-t, új néven, "Mutya Keisha Siobhan" néven reformáltak, majd a Sugababes néven folytatták a fellépést, miután 2019-ben megszerezték a név törvényes jogait.
2021. május 11-én a Sugababes bejelentette, hogy a One Touch 20. jubileumi kiadását (amelyet eredetileg 2020-ra terveztek, de a COVID-19 világjárvány miatt elhalasztották) még ugyanebben az évben, október 1-jén adják ki. Ugyanezen a napon kiadták a "Run for Cover" MNEK remixét. Az album újrakiadását követően új csúcsot ért el, a 18. helyet az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján.


Az album dicséretes kritikákat kapott, a kritikusok megtapsolták az akkor még csak 15-16 éves lányokat, amiért korukhoz képest szokatlanul érettnek tartott dalokat írtak és énekeltek. A The Guardian egy "fantasztikus albumnak" nevezte a One Touch-t, amely a fiatal Amerika hangzását elég stílussal, hozzáállással és eredetiséggel foglalja magába ahhoz, hogy elbűvölje. Tim Perry, a The Independenttől azt írta, hogy "eljött az ideje, hogy megjelenjen egy félig tisztességes tiszta pop album, és több mint egy tucat dal, amelyek játékosan ugrálnak a vidám R&B, poppy soul és groove-os balladák között, ez a három londoni iskoláslány elérte ezt. Sőt, énekelni is tudnak, Spice Girls: ez a jövő.” Hasonlóképpen a Sunday Mirror-s Ian Hyland is így nyilatkozott az albumról: „Az All Saints megszülethet a funky brit jövője Az R'n'B biztonságban van." David Brinn, a Jerusalem Post munkatársa megjegyezte, hogy "a Sugababes a legújabb esélyes a lánycsoport trónjára, és a londoni tinitrió kezdőlövése, a One Touch bizonyítja, hogy ők az egyik lépj a falka elé."
Andy Strickland, a Yahoo! A One Touch nevű zene "csak csodálatos. A Sugababék angyalként énekelnek – olyan angyalok, akik a TLC-t és az SWV-t hallgatva szerezték meg szárnyaikat, nem a Spice Girls-t." Következtetése: "Fennáll a kockázata annak, hogy a sípcsontsín zenei megfelelőjét adják nekik azzal, hogy túl korán behelyezik őket az első csapatba, ez a lemez bejelenti, hogy sok év óta potenciálisan az egyik legfontosabb új csapat érkezik." Dean Carlson az AllMusic-től méltatta az albumot, és három és fél csillaggal jutalmazta az ötből, és ezt írta: "One Touch minden, aminek a Spice Girls tinipop utáni debütálásának lennie kell – diszkrét, kamaszos és olyan tanulmányozatlan, mint egy késői. éjszakai telefonhívás a fiúkról." Az Entertainment Ireland úgy találta, hogy "bár a Sugababes név miatt úgy hangzanak, mint egy újabb szelet pop-bolyhok, ezek az új gyerekek az R'n'B blokkban valójában sokkal érdekesebbek, mint [. ...] debütáló albuma olyan érettséget és zenei jártasságot mutat, amelyet sok társuk megirigyelhet. A hűvös, laza lélek keverékét érett énekhang, remek hangszerelés és ferde szövegek jellemzik.


A 2021-es 20 éves jubileumi kiadás két lemezből áll, az első az eredeti album és annak B-oldalainak remasterje. A második lemezen kortárs producerek új remixei és korábban kiadatlan alternatív verziók találhatók. Az "Always Be the One" streameléskor az 1. lemez 20. sávjaként jelenik meg, de a 2 CD-s verzió 2. lemezén 1. számként jelenik meg. A "Little Lady Love" (Original Mix) és a "Little Lady Love" (About 2 Remix) felcserélődött a streamelésen és a CD-n is.


01 OVERLOAD Sugababes
Felix Howard
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
02 ONE FOOT IN Sugababes
Paul Watson
Sonia Cupid
Luke Smith
Paul Watson
Luke Smith
03 SAME OLD STORY Sugababes
John Temis
Matt Rowe
Matt Rowe 3:03
04 JUST LET IT GO Sugababes
John Temis
Matt Rowe
Matt Rowe 5:01
05 LOOK AT ME Sugababes
Felix Howard
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
Charlotte Edwards
Sam Harley
Ron Tom
Ron Tom 4:30
Ron Tom
Ron Tom
08 LUSH LIFE Ron Tom
Carl McIntosh
Ron Tom
Carl McIntosh
09 REAL THING Sugababes
John Temis
Matt Rowe
Matt Rowe 4:04
10 NEW YEAR Sugababes
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
11 PROMISES Sugababes
Felix Howard
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
12 RUN FOR COVER Sugababes
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
Ron Tom
Ron Tom
Ron Tom
Don-E - Lucas 3:34
15 FOREVER Sugababes
John Temis
Matt Rowe
Matt Rowe 2:56
16 LITTLE LADY LOVE (About 2 Remix) Sugababes
Felix Howard
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
About 2
17 SOMETIMES Sugababes
John Temis
Matt Rowe
Matt Rowe 3:27
18 THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED (demo) Ron Tom Ron Tom 3:52
19 GIRLS' NITE OUT (demo) Sugababes
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jonathan Lipsey
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
20 ALWAYS BE THE ONE (demo) Ron Tom Ron Tom 5:18
01 RUN FOR COVER (MNEK Remix)     3:33
02 OVERLOAD (Majestic Remix)     4:59
03 SAME OLD STORY (Blood Orange Remix)     3:48
04 OVERLOAD (Metronomy vs Tatyana Remix)     4:21
05 JUST LET IT GO (2001 version)     4:54
06 LOOK AT ME (alternative mix)     4:51
07 REAL THING (alternative version)     3:33
08 SOUL SOUND (alternative version)     5:07
09 ONE TOUCH (C.R.E.A.M. Remix)     4:02
10 NEW YEAR (non Christmas version)     3:53
11 PROMISES (acoustic mix)     3:06
12 LITTLE LADY LOVE (original mix)     3:38
13 OVERLOAD (Ed Case Remix)     4:49
14 RUN FOR COVER (G4orce All Things Nice Dub)     4:29
15 REAL THING (2-Step Radio Mix)     3:09
01 THE OTHER SIDE (demo) Felix Howard
Aslan - Cheema
Cameron McVey
Paul Simm
Jony Rockstar
02 ALL AROUND THE WORLD (demo) Ron Tom Ron Tom 3:47
03 ONE TOUCH (alternative mix)     4:48
04 ONE FOOT IN (alternative mix)     3:30
05 SUGABABES ON THE RUN (alternative mix)     3:46
06 SOUL SOUND (Medway City Heights Edit)     4:30
> FOREVER Kislemez: New Year [2000]
> LITTLE LADY LOVE Kislemez: New Year [2000]
> SUGABABES ON THE RUN Kislemez: New Year [2000]
> DON'T WANNA WAIT Kislemez: Run for Cover [2001]


OVERLOAD Sugababes brit lánycsapat debütáló kislemeze. 2000. szeptember 11-én jelent meg a London Records gondozásában, mint a csoport debütáló stúdióalbumának, a One Touch-nak (2000) vezető kislemeze. Abban az időben a csoportot Siobhán Donaghy, Mutya Buena és Keisha Buchanan alkotta. Paul Simm, Felix Howard, Jony Rockstar és Cameron McVey brit dalszerzők és producerek társproducerei és társszerzői. A dal általános témája egy tinédzser lány szerelme egy fiú iránt, és nehezen kezelhetőnek találja a helyzetet.
A dal a 432. helyen szerepelt a Pitchfork Media 2000-es évek legjobb 500 dala között. A zenekritikusok túlnyomóan pozitív fogadtatásban részesültek. A dal a Mel Smith által rendezett 2001-es High Heels and Low Lifes, valamint a 2002-es 40 nap és 40 éjszaka című film filmzenéjén szerepel, Michael Lehmann rendezésében. A dalt jelölték a 2001-es BRIT Awards "Legjobb brit kislemez" díjára, és később a csapat legnagyobb slágerei közül az Overloaded: The Singles Collection címet is megkapta. Az angol indie pop zenekar, a Bastille a 2015-ös Kill Your Friends című film filmzenéjének dalát dolgozta fel.

SITUATION az angol drum and bass zenész, valamint a TikToker A Little Sound és az angol Sugababes lánycsapat 2024-es dala, amely a Sugababes 2000-es debütáló kislemezének, az "Overload"-nak a refrénjét interpolálja, míg a versek új szövegekből állnak. A dal producerei Billen Ted és Kove voltak.
Az A Little Sound kijelentette: „Egy ülésen voltam Billen Teddel és a hihetetlen írónővel, Katy Tizzel, amikor rájöttünk, hogy az akkordmenet emlékeztet minket valamire” – meséli. „Billen Ted elkezdte dúdolni az „Overload” dallamát, és onnantól kezdve úgy döntöttünk, hogy hülyeség lenne nem próbálkozni Katyvel, hogy kiegészítsék a horgot, és mielőtt észrevettük volna, Sugababesnek nagyon tetszett, amit szerettünk volna. kész volt, és szívesen ugrottak volna velünk [...] Még egy stúdiómunka kellett ahhoz, hogy a lányok harmóniái a szám tetejére kerüljenek, és aztán készen álltunk a hivatalos megjelenésre." 

NEW YEAR Sugababes brit lánycsapat dala, amely a One Touch (2000) debütáló stúdióalbumuk második kislemezeként jelent meg. A dalt a csoport tagjai, Siobhán Donaghy, Mutya Buena és Keisha Buchanan írták Cameron McVey-vel, Jony Lipsey-vel, Felix Howarddal és Matt Rowe-val együttműködve, a producer pedig McVey, Lipsey és Paul Simm. A „New Year” egy pop és R&B ballada soul és alternatív rock hatásával. Akusztikus hangszerelést tartalmaz, a szöveg pedig a karácsony napján történt szakítás élményét írja le.
A kritikusok dicsérték a dalt szezonális jellege és a csoport teljesítménye miatt. Megjelenése után az Egyesült Királyságban a tizenkettedik, Írországban a huszonötödik helyre került. A dal népszerűsítésére egy videoklipet rendezett Alex Hamming, amelyet Londonban forgattak. 2012. december 31-én a trió egy londoni szilveszteri bulin adta elő a "New Year"-t, új csoportnéven Mutya Keisha Siobhan.

RUN FOR COVER Sugababes brit lánycsapat dala. A csoport tagjai, Siobhan Donaghy, Keisha Buchanan és Mutya Buena Jony Lipsey-vel, Cameron McVey-vel és Paul Simmmel írták a dalt a banda One Touch (2000) debütáló albumához. Az album harmadik kislemezeként jelent meg 2001. április 9-én, és Németországban a legjobb 30-ba, az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján pedig a legjobb 20-ba került.

SOUL SOUND A brit Sugababes lánycsapat dala a One Touch (2000) debütáló stúdióalbumáról. Charlotte Gordon Cumming írta egy kenyai, afrikai utazása során, ahol az ott szerzett tapasztalatai alapján ihlette meg komponálását. A Ron Tom producere a "Soul Sound" egy popdal, gitárral és basszusgitárral. 2001. július 16-án jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban az album negyedik és egyben utolsó kislemezeként. A kritikusok dicsérték a dalt a csoport viselkedése miatt, bár egyesek gyengébbnek tartották az album többi számához képest.
A dal népszerűsítésére egy videoklipet rendeztek Max & Dania; Sugababeék egy lakásban szerepelnek, ahol a lelküket felszabadítja a zene. A trió a "Soul Sound" című dalt a Manchester Ampersandban és a londoni Notre Dame Hallban adta elő. A dal akkoriban a csoport legalacsonyabb slágerlistáján elért kislemeze lett, a harmincadik helyre tetőzött a brit kislemezlistán, és a mai napig az egyik legkevesebbet eladott kislemezük. Ez volt az utolsó kislemez, amelyet a London Records-on adtak ki. Ez volt az utolsó kislemezük is, amelyen eredeti tagok szerepeltek.

DON'T WANNA WAITpromóciós kislemként is megjelent még 2001-ben, 2001. április 9-én megjelent "Run For Cover" kislemezen található B-oldalas szám. A dal egyben bónuszszám is, és a tizenharmadik számként szerepel a Sugababes debütáló albumának, a One Touch that japán kiadásában. 2001. augusztus 21-én adták ki. A 2021-ben kiadott 20 Year Anniversary kiadásban egy újramasterált változat található




Strange fear I ain't felt for years
The boy's coming and I'm close to tears, I can't let go of you now
Imagination's playing round for free
In my world I take him out for tea, oh my God, can't say no
Skipping school, go walk for air
I just had to get out of bed, I'm on overload in my head

Train comes, I don't know its destination
It's a one-way ticket to a madman's situation
Train comes, I don't know its destination
It's a one-way ticket to a madman situation

(Life in a dream, time does come true
And in my sleep I think of you, feather bed by myself
Basically probability
Says that fate's come side with me, it's been so long on my shelf (Harmony))

Train comes, I don't know its destination
It's a one-way ticket to a madman situation
Train comes, I don't know its destination
It's a one-way ticket to a madman's situation

The tension is incredible, boy I'm in charge, you know how I feel for you
Will you stop, or will you just keep going, please don't say no, no, no, no

Train comes, I don't know its destination (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
It's a one-way ticket to a madman situation (Situation)
Train comes, I don't know its destination (I know, I know)
It's a one-way ticket to a madman's situation (Situation)

Train comes, I don't know its destination (Our secret's safe in bed)
It's a one-way ticket to a madman situation (Situation)
Train comes, I don't know its destination (I know, I know)
It's a one-way ticket to a madman situation (Got me feeling sad)


No need to call me friend, I understand what you meant back then
All your times into suspend, between half-past seven to quarter-past ten
All you need in me to surpass, negative energies that had you upset
My loving kept your heart in line, standing on the borderline
I've got time and you can have it all
As long as I'm not home too late, we can even catch a movie it starts around 8
But you're playing games don't think I'll come when you call
'Cause I'll be occupied with something else

One foot in, one foot out
It ain't what I'm all about, your love has got me spinning around
 (spinning around)
You take the love outta me
Keeping your distance baby, no more I will resist baby

Not just a fling you see, I'm not your fashion accessory
It's time you started to think of me, of more than just your girl baby
Have I offended you, cos your friends can hear me talking to you
Maybe I've got some things to do, call you up when I get through
I've got time and you can have it all
As long as I'm not home too late, we can even catch a movie it starts around 8
But you're playing games don't think I'll come when you call
'Cause I'll be occupied with something else

One foot in, one foot out
It ain't what I'm all about, your love has got me spinning around
You take the love outta me
Keeping your distance baby, no more I will resist baby

One foot in, one foot out
It ain't what I'm all about, your love has got me spinning around
You take the love outta me
Keeping your distance baby, no more I will resist baby

One foot in, one foot out
It ain't what I'm all about, your love has got me spinning around
You take the love outta me
Keeping your distance baby, no more I will resist baby


Uh huh, yeah, yeah
You had love for me, you said that you'd give me everything
What's happening, how could you lie how could you be so trifflin'
What's going on, cCause I thought that you were the only one
Don't even waste my time, uh oh, uh oh
It was a shock to see, telling me lies disgusted me
You wasn't right for me, I've had enough of your lies trying to talk to me
Are you outta your mind, do you think I was blind?
Don't even waste my time, uh oh no

I don't wanna hear "I'm sorry", don't wanna hear the same old story
Whatever it ain't my problem, you ain't gonna waste my time (time)
Baby can't you see that I, don't need you in my life
Player can you see the sign, you ain't gonna waste my time (time)

You've been running games behind my back, don't you realize I won't take that
Baby this is where you get off, I'm moving on...

Telling me the same old story, everyday the same old story
Why are you talking, big for me
You ain't gonna waste my time (Player can you see the signs)

Baby can you see that I, don't need you in my life
Player can you see the sign, you ain't gonna waste my time (time)

I don't wanna hear "I'm sorry", don't wanna hear the same old story
Whatever it ain't my problem, you ain't gonna waste my time (time)
Baby can't you see that I, don't need you in my life
Player can you see the sign, you ain't gonna waste my time (time)
Same old story, same old story, ain't my problem, yeah, yeah


He was the one for me, he made me feel alright
Now everything's gone wrong, we were so tight
He ain't the one, so just move on, it's time that you let it go
How can I now forget him, he's the only one

Don't; don't waste your time (Don't you waste your time)
There's a good thing waiting for you down the line (Down the line)
Don't, don't waste your time (Don't you waste your time)
As soon as you get over him your life will truly shine (Truly shine)

Just let it go
There's a good thing waiting for you, don't you know (Don't you know yeah)
Just let it go
As soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow
"Wait, wait wait, wait I just..."

How can I let him go, when he means so much to me
You think I'm blind, you think it's time, I can't get him off my mind
He ain't the one for you, girl it's time to let him go
I think you're right, he needs to go, he is not the one for me, yeah

Don't; don't waste your time (Don't you waste your time)
There's a good thing waiting for you down the line (Down the line)
Don't; don't waste your time (Don't you waste your time)
As soon as you get over him your life will truly shine (Truly shine)

Just let it go (I can't let it go)
There's a good thing waiting for you, don't you know (Don't you know oh)
Just let it go (Hard to let it go)
As soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow (Find my rainbow, yeah)

When you've found the one that's meant for you, then you'll realize
That it's just a phase you're going through, everybody has their bad times

Just let it go
There's a good thing waiting for you, don't you know
Just let it go (Hard to let it go)
As soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow (Find my rainbow)

Just let it go (I can't let it go)
There's a good thing waiting for you, don't you know (Don't you know)
Just let it go (Hard to let it go)
As soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow (Find my rainbow)

Just let it go (I can't let it go)
There's a good thing waiting for you, don't you know (Oh yeah, yeah)
Just let it go (Hard to let it go)
As soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow

Just let it go (go)
There's a good thing waiting for you don't you know
Just let it go (go)
Soon as you get over him you'll find the sweetest rainbow (Don't you know, yeah)


I know I'm still young (yeah) with no life experience
But I gotta learn from my mistakes - not yours
Let me fly do my own thing have a little peace
Wrap me up in cotton wool, and I'll never learn

Look at me, I'm still your little girl
Look at me, the center of your world

You know you are my friend, but you got to understand
That if you stop me you'll only end up alone
Let me use what you gave me, always listening to me
And put to use what I have learnt, so I can return

Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
I'm still your little girl (I'm still your little girl)
(Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)

Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
The center of your world (I'm still your little girl)

You know just what it meant to me, the way you have protected me
But now it's time for me to leave, to find my own destiny hey
I'll always belong with you, you taught me how to find my way through
To keep my feelings straight and true, most of what I am I owe it all to you

Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
I'm still your little girl (I'm still your little girl)
Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
The center of your world (I'm still your little girl)

Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
I'm still your little girl (I'm still your little girl) (oh)
Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
The center of your world (Look at me) (oh) I'm still your little girl

Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
I'm still your little girl (I'm still your little girl) (oh)
Look at me (Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me)
The center of your world (I'm still your little girl) (oh)
Look at me, I'm still your little girl


I touch the sky, all around, your eyes
And who would believe, what's happening to me
Expectations all around, my intuition knows no bounds
I could lose my way on this merry-go-round
So I, like a bird will fly, to see, just what could it be
And patience I will learn, before this fire burns
Intuition's got a hold on me, there's magic in the air
I wanna breathe, change, change all around, go with the rhythm

The soul sound, the soul sound
The soul sound, the soul sound

So I, like a bird will fly, to see, just what could it be (What could it be, yeah)
Patience I will learn, before this fire burns
Intuition's got a hold of me, there's magic in the air
I wanna breathe, change, change all around, just go with the rhythm

The soul sound, the soul sound
The soul sound (feeling free) the soul sound

Teda-teda, teda-teda, teda-teda oh, soul sound
Teda-teda, teda-teda, teda-teda, tedada (Wait a minute, soul sound)
Ah, oh ah, oh ah, oh ah
The soul sound, the soul sound
The soul sound (mm yeah), the soul sound
The soul sound (wait a minute, soul sound)
The last sound, downtown, all around, soul sound
Wait a minute soul sound
(The last sound, downtown, all around, soul sound)
(The last sound, downtown, all around, soul sound)
(The last sound, downtown, all around, soul sound)


Mum I found a guy that I really want
I know you say I'm young, but he don't wanna hurt me
Never has to try, special kinda guy
I get these funny feelings, whenever he's around me

One touch of love, that was all it took, my dear
And I'm never gonna let you go away now

Call him what you want, call him what you like
He's always there for me, whenever I feel lonely
Don't know what I'll say, don't know what I'll do
'Cause if you change your mind, then I'll go crazy yeah

One touch of love, that was all it took, my dear
And I'm never gonna let you go away now
So much, so much, so much I wanna have you near
And I'm never gonna let you go away now

Anytime my friends mention your name
I can't wait to be with you again, no
And every time you call my telephone, it's clear to me
That I can't let you go, never let go, I can't let you go, never let you go
That I can't let you go, never let you go, I can't let you go, never let you go

One touch of love, that was all it took, my dear
And I'm never gonna let you go away now
So much, so much, so much I wanna have you near
And I'm never gonna let you go away now

One touch of love, that was all it took, my dear (you took me dear)
And I'm never gonna let you go away now
So much, so much, so much I wanna have you near (wanna have you near)
And I'm never gonna let you go away now

One touch of love
Never gonna let you go away, never gonna let you go away now
So much, so much
Never gonna let you go away, never gonna let you go away now
One touch of love
Never gonna let you go away, never gonna let you go away now


Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

A little base is what I want, need a finer place to do my thang
I want no parties holding me back, cause once I get there, there's no turning back
So don't be stepping to me
Don't need no one to choose me 
(Don't need to one abusing me)

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

Ain't no contesting what I want, supply the beat and we'll do our thing
You may say it's all in my mind, to me it's the lush life, although it may take some time
So don't be stepping to me
Don't need no one to choose me 
(Don't need to one abusing me)

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

(Gotta get yourself together, gotta get yourself together
Gotta get your act together, gotta get yourself together)
Gotta work til' I'm on it, gotta see what I get from it

Gotta climb up to the summit, look at me cause I can rock it

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life

Lush life, takes a little time, lush life, takes a little time
Take one step out of time, boy I'm still in my prime, I want the lush life
(Gotta get yourself together, gotta get yourself together
Gotta get your act together, gotta get yourself together)


Turn me over, turn me over again, turn me over, turn me over again
Turn me over, turn me over again
Hey boy, don't you know that you're the only one for me (oh baby)

We contemplating 'bout the times we shared, baby never leave, oh yeah
Even though it seems to me, your love for me is true
I don't wanna ever be, the one you make a fool

Is this the real thing?
The one to love, my whole being, the one to give me everything
Is this the real thing? (Siobhan)

Baby, why don't take this message as a sign
'Cause every time I see you boy, you're blowing my mind
Let me take you higher so we almost touch the sky

Tell me I'm the only one that sparkles in your eyes

Is this the real thing?
The one to love, my whole being, the one to give me everything
Is this the real thing, is this the real thing?
(Sugababes, Sugababes, on the run, on the run, no doubt, no doubt)

Even though it seems to me, your love for me is true
I don't wanna ever be, the one you make a fool
Let me take you higher so we almost touch the sky
Tell me I'm the only one that sparkles in your eyes

Is this the real thing?
The one to love, my whole being, the one to give me everything
Is this the real thing?
Can not believe it's happening, will you be truly outstanding?
Is this the real thing?
Is this the real thing? (Sugababes, no doubt, Sugababes)
Is this the real thing? (No doubt, Sugababes, break it down)


Sitting here stressing at 2:30 am
About how fast a year can go, I wonder where it went

If we start all over again, would it really work
I know that you could be, could be coming back to me

Mesmerized by the thoughts of it traumatized I'm so scared of it
Wanna stop thinking, gotta get to sleep
Gotta wake up fresh, get on my feet

Push the thought of you away, do it today

I'm older than my years, drowning in my tears
Surrounded by the fear, since you went away, y year ago, at Christmas

You locked away your secrets, kept them away from me
I only came to say goodbye, now you finally see
You wanna start all over again, make it work this time
But I don't wanna end up feeling far away from fine
I memorized what you said to me, so surprised

It was hell to be, so frustrated with the way we were
Not a single word could make it work
Now look at us today, we blew it away

I'm older than my years, drowning in my tears
Surrounded by the fear, since you went away, a year ago, at Christmas

I'm older than my years drowning in my tears
Surrounded by the fear since you went away, a year ago at christmas

I'm older than my years drowning in my tears (last year)
Surrounded by the fear since you went away, a year ago at christmas

I'm older than my years (last year) drowing in my tears (last year)
I'm older than my years (last year) drowing in my tears (last year)
I'm older than my years (last year) drowing in my tears (last year) (at christmas)
I'm older than my years (at christmas) drowing in my tears (at christmas, at christmas)

I'm older than my years


It's okay, to go and make mistakes
It's okay, to break your promises, you're moving on anyway
I hate the way, it makes me feel inside
You promised me, you'd be all that I need, I wonder why you lied

Promises you made are comin' back to haunt you
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye
I was in the wrong, but it doesn't really matter
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye

It gave me time, to think about you and me
I hate the way, you make me feel inside, I wonder why you lied

Promises you made are comin' back to haunt you
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye
I was in the wrong, but it doesn't really matter
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye

(Duh-duh) I was breathing cos that's that the gauge was indicating
While was blaming I was soon to be so implicated
Now I'm through with all the lies and pictures are back-dated
Almost lost my friendly feet, cause boy I'm operating (Uh uh uh uh uh uh....)

Promises you made are comin' back to haunt you
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye
I was in the wrong, but it doesn't really matter
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye

Promises you made are comin' back to haunt you
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye
I was in the wrong, but it doesn't really matter
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye

Promises you made are comin' back to haunt you
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye
I was in the wrong, but it doesn't really matter
Don't whisper in my ear, you gotta learn to say goodbye


When blues got me down, then I get turned around
I tend to cut myself off, from things I shouldn't run from

It doesn't really matter
Sometimes we run for cover, I'm always on the outside

Stabbed me in the back, wanting things that I lack
Sticking to your ploy, is this something you enjoy?
Publicity and insecurity, just wanna be me, it's my need to be free

It doesn't really matter
Sometimes we run for cover, I'm always on the outside, oh
You never seem to wonder
How much you make me suffer, I speak it from the inside

Looking right at me (at me) won't receive my plea (my plea)
Tell me what you mean (you mean) I'm not what's on the screen (oh)
Faking what will be (will be) fighting the fatigue (fatigue)
That's quite enough for me (for me) makes me wanna scream
(Scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream)

Keep it to myself, it doesn't really matter
Sometimes we run for cover, I'm always on the outside, oh
Keep it to myself, you never seem to wonder
How much you make me suffer, I speak it from the inside

Keep it to myself, oh, it doesn't really matter
Sometimes we run for cover, oh, I'm always on the outside, oh
Keep it to myself, you never seem to wonder
How much you make me suffer, I speak it from the inside


(I don't wanna wait, don't wanna wait)
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate

You put your arms around me, you tell me how you feel
Tell me, "I just can't let you go", then you just wanna go
Go on your own, this ain't no good to me
To me don't wanna be completely
Tell me why do you run away, why do you hesitate?

I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (Don't make me wait too long)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (Baby don't take too long)
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (I don't wanna wait)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (Oh yeah)

I don't know (don't know) which way you want me to go
We're going round and round, don't know what's going down
Can't wait around, you just gotta let me know
So tell me, do you think we could be?
Be like the best of friends, never will friendship end, be there 'til the end, oh

I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (Don't make me wait too long)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (Don't hesitate no)
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (See I don't wanna wait)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (oh)

Don't hold it back, bring all your love, into my life (come into my life)
I'm standing here waiting for you, make up your mind (Please make up your mind)
This is your invitation, let's have some fun, dance the night away, you and I

I know you wanna get next to me, see your friends are watching me
Gonna do something, do it properly, if you want this you better, run 'em next to me
Now I hate when they hold it back, gimme those tickets yo what's with that
It's phat, do you know what I mean, give a king, that's what those guys we dream, what
Why would I wanna go hesitate, making days with you and you turn up late
It's a saying us guys can make you wait, well not I, playing eye spy is not my pie
Cross my heart and hope to die, say bye bye, make you wanna wonder why

Don't hold it back, bring all your love, into my life
I'm standing here waiting for you, make up your mind (make up your mind)
This is your invitation, let's have some fun, dance the night away, you and I

I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (Don't make me wait too long)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (Don't hesitate no)
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait (See I don't wanna wait)
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate (oh)

I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate
I don't wanna wait my honey, I don't wanna wait
Don't hesitate my honey, don't hesitate


Sometimes I feel I wanna fly away, with you my darling I just wanna stay
With you I look forward to better days, to be forever with you
I'm looking out upon a summers day, I pray to god it will remain this way

With you my heart will always be so true
I want forever with you, I want forever with you
When I look into your eyes I see, the love you feel for me
Lock me safe in your heart my baby, you have got the key, oh yeah
Each day is better than the one before, so stay forever more
Such a perfect match I can't let go, you are my angel love just can't say no
I wanna share with you my love so true
I'll be forever with you, I'll be forever with you, I'll be forever with you


(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah)
I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love
I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love

We may be young, but only for a while
I may look brave, but boy that's just my style
Taken from my teens, but feeding from the tears
Falling with the love, I've holding back the years

I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love
I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love

The miracle of love, is something I've observed
And speaking for myself, is something I'll preserve
Until I feel my way, along the sticky road
I'll save the miracle, I'm gonna take it slow

I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love

Lady love, lady love, lady love, lady love
Lady love, lady love, lady love, lady love, love
I think I've been seperate, makes it so desperate
I think I'll moderate, better to wait, it's favorite

I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love
I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love

Lady love, lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love
I'm little lady love, I've been touched from above
And you just can't get enough, of little lady love


Time to turn up the fun ya'll fun ya'll (shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it)
Sugababes on the run ya'll run ya'll (shake it, shake it, shake it shake it)
(Time to turn up the fun ya'll fun ya'll (Harmony)) (shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it)
(Sugababies on the run ya'll run ya'll (Harmony)) (shake it, shake it, shake it shake it)

They say that I'm too young to rave, and my curfew is 12
But I don't wanna stay inside, while they enjoy themselves
My friends are talking, feel like I'm missing out
On what they're doing, not much longer
Bounce up and down with my older friends (older friends)
The over 18's where the party never ends
It's not like the ladies have got the problems
So at least 19 they pushing their benz
Never too old can you work and live with that
Young and free and i want it like that, and i ain't giving it up

It's hard growing up so fast
Trying hard to make my childhood last forever
All the fellas trying to make a pass
I'm still trying to make it last forever

They say that I'm too young to have, any boyfriends
But if I was to meet someone, would you stop me
I'm ain't too young, to understand
You know the game, I'm telling you

Bounce up and down with my older friends (older friends)
The over 18's where the party never ends
It's not like the ladies have got the problems
So at least 19 they pushing their benz
Never too old can you work and live with that
Young and free and I want it like that, and i ain't giving it up

It's hard growing up so fast
Trying hard to make my childhood last forever
All the fellas trying to make a pass
I'm still trying to make it last forever

It's hard growing up so fast
Trying hard to make my childhood last forever
All the fellas trying to make a pass
I'm still trying to make it last forever

Time to turn up the fun ya'll fun ya'll (shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it)
Sugababes on the run ya'll run ya'll (shake it, shake it, shake it shake it)
(Time to turn up the fun ya'll fun ya'll (Harmony)) (shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it)
(Sugababies on the run ya'll run ya'll (Harmony)) (shake it, shake it, shake it shake it)

Bounce up and down with my older friends (older friends)
The over 18's where the party never ends
It's not like the ladies have got the problems
So at least 19 they pushing their benz
Never too old can you work and live with that
Young and free and i want it like that, and i ain't giving it up

It's hard growing up so fast
Trying hard to make my childhood last forever
All the fellas trying to make a pass
I'm still trying to make it last forever

It's hard growing up so fast
Trying hard to make my childhood last forever
All the fellas trying to make a pass
I'm still trying to make it last forever


Sometimes, sometimes
Good times (Good times) Sometimes (Sometimes)

I always felt that you were the only one
Like a fairytale that will never end, and it just begun
But then you had a sudden change of mind
Were you truly exclusively mine
ould you always be there for me (Would you always be there for me)
Boy you should know that, I didn't mean to go and break your heart
I didn't mean to break your heart (I didn't mean to break your heart)

Sometimes, I wonder if we should still be together
Sometimes, well it makes me cry, cause we had such good times (Good times)
Wherever they go they have gone forever
Sometimes, well it makes me cry (Sometimes)

It seems like yesterday, when I first saw you
You were everything I needed, you make my dreams come true
I didn't really mean to break your heart
Cause it was time for us to part, you'll always be my first sweetheart
How can you say, that there has to be a way

Don't be a fool, we can only grow apart (We can only grow apart)

Sometimes, I wonder if we should still be together
Sometimes, well it makes me cry, cause we had such good times (Good times)
Wherever they go they have gone forever
Sometimes, well it makes me cry (Sometimes)

For someone like you, a good person won't be (good person won't be)
Hard to find (Hard to find)
You could always try again, but we would be spoiling (spoiling) good times

Sometimes, I wonder if we should still be together
Sometimes, well it makes me cry, cause we had such good times (Good times)
Wherever they go they have gone forever
Sometimes, well it makes me cry (Sometimes)

Sometimes, I wonder if we should still be together
Sometimes, well it makes me cry, cause we had such good times (Good times)
Wherever they go they have gone forever
Sometimes, well it makes me cry (Sometimes)

Sometimes, I wonder if we should still be together
Sometimes, well it makes me cry, cause we had such good times (Good times)
Wherever they go they have gone forever
Sometimes, well it makes me cry (Sometimes)


This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away
This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away

I got some time if that's what you want
There's a lot of things that we can do
If there's anything that comes to mind
If you wanna chill with me that's cool, later on we can
Kick back, enjoy yourself, tonight we're gonna rave awhile
Bring your friends, don't wanna wait, for you I have some things in mind

This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away

Make up your mind, what you wanna do
Said that you just can't keep me hanging on
Don't wanna play the waiting game
Just let me know as soon as possible, later on we can
Kick back, enjoy yourself, tonight we're gonna rave awhile

Bring your friends, don't wanna wait, for you I have some things in mind

This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away

You know I never ask for nothin', see I can't depend on you
But all that I am asking, is just for one last dance with you

This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away
This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away

This is what you need, get up on the dance floor, let's just dance the night way
This is what you need, you can let yourself go, let your problems float away
This is what you need


Gotta get you there by eight
No time to wait tonight's gonna be great
Everybody's gonna stop and stare
Nobody can change just what we had together
Cause our friendship will last forever

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight

Always try to bring my sisters up, try living with the stakes way up
We're so forever, oh whatever, when I'm really feeling down sometimes
And the lessons that I'm learning are confusing me, now I'm only trying to find my way
Deep inside it's just a mystery, like a light shining through me
Just one more morning, all my thoughts calling

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonigh

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight

We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out
Shout it if you feel right, no doubt we're gonna party tonight
We're going on a girls night out


So many people come and go
But there are few who stay in your life for all time
Good friends are so hard to find, so I just gotta let you know
Just what you meant to me, for most of my life, for most of my life
I was captivated right from the start, I couldn't bear us to be apart
I was waiting for the day for you to be my own
Cause you'll always be the one in my life

Gave me strength to carry on, gave me hope when I had none
Pick me up when I was down, feels so good when you're around
Call you up in the middle of the night, and you make me feel alright
And I got to let you know, you'll always be the one in my life

I was lost but then I found, someone to help me through my sadness and pain
Someone to rely on, someone to talk to over and over again

And just when I thought you let me down
You proved me wrong and you came around
There was nothing else for me to do
But let you know, that you'll always be the one in my life

Gave me strength to carry on, gave me hope when I had none
Pick me up when I was down, feels so good when you're around
Call you up in the middle of the night, and you make me feel alright
And I got to let you know, you'll always be the one in my life

Never thought that I would be, thinkin' about of you and me together
But now I've find, I've opened up my mind to you

Gave me strength to carry on, gave me hope when I had none
Pick me up when I was down, feels so good when you're around
Call you up in the middle of the night, and you make me feel alright
And I got to let you know, you'll always be the one in my life

Gave me strength to carry on, gave me hope when I had none
Pick me up when I was down, feels so good when you're around
Call you up in the middle of the night, and you make me feel alright
And I got to let you know, you'll always be the one in my life
Always be the one, always be the one in my life


I've seen the thing I want
I’m looking through the gap, I only see you
Gravitate towards the ladder
Tell yourself I'm feeling better, it's what you always do, yeah

It’s never too late, for a reality break, see you on the other side

That distant look in your eyes
It's spinnin' around my head, like cruel deception
Is it all too far away
Screw your eyes up to the sun, and watch me walking

It's never too late, for a reality break
You suffer in silence, and I'll see you on the other side
Time to make a change

Suffocate under your spell
Say goodbye and wish me well (Wish me well)
Watch me falling

It's never too late, for a reality break
You suffer in silence, and I'll see you on the other side
It's never too late, for a reality break
You suffer in silence, and I’ll see you on the other side
Time to make a change, time to make a change


All around the world, people feel the fire
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher
All around the world, people feel the fire
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher

Gonna take some time
To think about tomorrow, the futures' always on my mind
Can you imagine, the way it could be

Doing my own thing, the way it should be

All around the world, people feel the fire
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher

Feeling too inspire
Feel your hearts desire, you know the bеst is yet to come
Can you imagine, thе way it could be

Doing my own thing, the way it should be

All around the world, people feel the fire
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher

C'mon everyone (All around the world)
A new day has begun (Take it higher)
Movin' on up, we're movin' on up, movin' on up, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up, we're movin' on up
Come on now let's move on up, gonna take it higher

All around the world, people feel the fire
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher
Movin' on up, we're gonna take it higher


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